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Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (New mobile RPG)

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Dario, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    Well, all done.

    It was... okay, story wise? There are some actual entertaining characters, like Barnaby. Can't help but like the dude, he's so laid back and oblivious. Usually I'd be annoyed by that, but it worked out with him for some reason.

    Giving Bill Weasley love advice was strange, but that little side-quest didn't turn out to be completely horrific. Ended in a realistic way, as far as romance goes. Disappointment.

    I liked the medi-witch stuff in the beginning, but it didn't really go anywhere.

    Gameplay? Horrible and useless. Dumbledore is the biggest cockblock of a time-sink in the game. "Wait 8 hours to meet with him." into "5 stars to complete his dialogue" into "Oh, yeah, the game's over."

    And the weird way your character is treated bugs the hell out of me. "You broke the rules and the next time you step out of line there will be serious consequences... here, have 100 points." Maybe it's just incredibly accurate to canon, thinking about it.
  2. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Yeah, I'm at the end of year 1 and seeing "wait 8 hours to see Dumbledore" is the biggest fucking MTX cockblock I've ever seen. I'm deleting this bs and watching the story parts on YT.
  3. MrBucket

    MrBucket Fifth Year

    Jan 22, 2018
    Terrible. Just terrible. I downloaded an APK version that let me have infinite energy and the game was still garbage. 95% of it is just clicking in the same spot multiple times, your house doesn't affect anything, limited choices, story decisions and character actions that just don't make sense.

    Your character's a Slytherin? Well, the other Slytherin chick is still going to try and screw you over to get points taken away from you.

    Why does JK Rowling keep signing off on horrible shit like this?
  4. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Because they offer her lots and lots of money.
  5. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I doubt she was even aware of the plot. My bet is she signed off on the concept ages ago: a mobile Harry Potter game. The storyline and implementation was decided later.

    Edit: Is the fourth year the end? Or are they planning up to seven years?
  6. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    4th year hasn't been released yet AFAIK.

    Devs are shooting themselves in the foot. There are legions of Potterheads starved for a HP RPG game, or anything approaching that. They could have had an easy cash cow here. There's clear effort invested into the graphics (for a mobile game), the environment, and some kind of a plot, which, from what I've watched on YT, has a decent hook buried under all the energy/gem crap.

    How many fans wouldn't spend a few bucks on this? But I guess the standard MTX business model of targeting whales for short term profit is still enticing enough that no one at Jam City gave a thought to amending the energy/waiting/gem mechanics to something that would draw a larger number of occasional spenders. With a decent plot, some content updates, and reasonable mechanics this could've been the HP game everyone would love. As is, people will continue to be nostalgic about Quidditch World Cup and this will go into the heap with the movie license games.

    Jam City got their hands on one of the most beloved IPs of the 2000s generation (who are now old enough to have jobs and some disposible income to toss towards a mobile game) but they were like "nah, let's do the same stupid shit everyone else does".

    I don't understand these people.
  7. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    I didn't get the exact quotes, sadly, but -

    You: Every time you call me to your office you're busy and I have to wait.

    Dumbledore: Yes, you're right. That said, I'm busy and I'll be with you in a moment.

    - Eight Hour Action to Wait for Dumbledore -

    This motherfucker.

    Dumbledore: This was your final test on your way to becoming a prefect.

    You: Standing in your office until you finished doodling?

    Dumbledore: Never underestimate the power of a doodle.

    But yes, I needed to test your patience. I also needed to test your tolerance by seeing if you could endure one of Mr. Filch's notorious tirades. Both are critical if you're to be the new Ravenclaw prefect.

    You: Did I pass the tests?

    Dumblerdore: You did.

    You: I get to be the new Ravenclaw prefect?!

    Dumbledore: That decision is not mine alone. You will need to meet with your Head of House.


    Dumbledore: Congratulations on being one step away from becoming the next Ravenclaw prefect.
    I haven't always been the best at keeping secrets...
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2018