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A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin [Spoilers]

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Philly Homer, May 3, 2009.

  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Rumours have it that Bethesda is working on GoT game.

    Personally, I would prefer CD Projekt Red. I enjoy The Witcher's gameplay more than Skyrim's and they're a lot better with characters.

    That said, I won't complain if the rumours are true because it still is going to be a solid RPG from this franchise that we're long overdue. Only questions I have is what time period they plan to use and if they will allow us to make big changes in the canon events.

    I would like to have a chance to win the Blackfyre rebellion or put Rhaenyra on the throne.
  2. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    I slept through most of the episode but managed to catch the Boat Sex Meme. I've known the cringefest was coming for fucking months now and the scene was everything I wanted it to be. THE CRINGE WAS GLORIOUS! Interspersing it between between narration made it so fucking bad. And the flashback! Oh gods the fucking FLASHBACK!


    So, so fucking bad.

    I loved it.

    Still, the direction they went for R+L is annoying because it panders to the Twu Wuv Sycophants who are probably going to ignore how shit this makes both of the two. Also, Aegon as Jon's Targ name is just fucking wut, lulz. I was loling at it weeks ago, with all the other leaks. Spot on. It's just weird, since as far as Lyanna would have known, Aegon was still alive? And Rhaegar died before Aegon iirc, so if he had any say in the name it's even more wut.

    Aemon would have been so much more thematic.

    Also, kind of annoyed with D&D. They took out the Cersei Miscarriage Scene. Moved to next season, I guess?

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Of all the bad in that episode, Jon's name was the least unfortunate. I was hoping it would be a derivation of Jon, like Aejon or Jonaerys or something, but yeah... not really an important thing to harp on.
  4. Hush

    Hush Seventh Year

    Jun 7, 2016
    High Score:
    You didn't like Jaehaerys? I preferred it as it had a few thematic parallels. Aejon and Jonaerys sound more like people dabbling with how to make Targaryen names... but failing... badly

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    That's literally how GRRM made all his Targaryen names. Took a few base names then added or changed letters around.
  6. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    I loved every bit of the episode and now I'm really pumped for season 8. Also every time I see that dragon all I can think is that it's the "Blue Eyes White Dragon".
  7. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    I'm not gonna jizz all over the episode and say all of it was fantastic. Littlefinger's exit was just a mercy killing to spare the character further deterioration into mehness and Sophie Turner's performance didn't particularly capture me. The best moment of that sequence was the throat slice. Done and done. Cersei's scene with Jamie at the end was okay, I'm glad to see these two splitting up. Jamie's more interesting away from the bitch. The Theon subplot I didn't care for at all. Ramsay completely overshadowed him and forgive me, but looking at Theon and Euron, I know which Greyjoy I want more of. Theon's a waste of screen time.

    Mixed on the Jon=Targ reveal scene. I think Kit Harrington is brilliant as Jon and even coaxes a better performance out of Emilia Clarke. The looks they exchange at the Dragonpit and later on the ship say a lot with just an expression. Bran's voiceover took away from what I thought was a nice moment for Jon and Dany, though I'd believe it if D&D said that was done on purpose to make the scene a bit cringey, though I can't see why they'd care about achieving that. Not like GoT fans have a problem with incest. All in all, I think it was just poor editing, per Occam's razor.

    The.rest of the episode however, was great. Sure, one might complain about the dearth of major character deaths in the season (characters we care about, that is) and the turn from scheming to more straightforward fantasy plots, but goddamn it, the dead have been marching towards the Wall for seven fucking seasons, at some point you have to let them reach it, and once that happens, the Red Weddings have to take a backseat.

    The summit lacked fireworks and drums and appropriately cut closeups scored with the Jaws theme, yes, but that wasn't the point. I personally thought it was well executed and most of all, in a season of narrative timeskips, they let this play out in as many minutes as the sequence required. Complaints about the lack of the X factor in the reunions have little weight in my eyes. What'd you expect, Bronn and Tyrion brohugging? The Hound and Brienne breathing heavily as they glare at each other? I actually liked the little callbacks. "Whatever they're paying you, I'll double it," and Hound's smile when Brienne said other people need protection from Arya.

    Dany and Cersei meeting: they've never met before, only heard secondhand accounts of each other's homicidal exploits. They've never interacted in any way and have no real reason to, like, hate each other beyond the usual power hunger. It's Tyrion and Jon who have a beef with Cersei and Jon's is quite remote, seeing as he hasn't shared a scene with Ned Stark or Robb since 2011 and has been primarily preoccupied with the undead army since season 2. I'd say folks who were disappointed by the summit advocate there for more fantasy and less GoT all while complaining that GoT is more fantasy now.

    The final scene was boss and dissenters are just wrong. Everything about the zombie dragon was epic.

    And finally perhaps my two favorite little moments of the episode: "What's in there?" "Fuck off." No one tells people to fuck off quite like the Hound. And Qyburn picking up the zombie hand, the look on his face like, fascinating stuff, I'm sure Zombie-Mountain would appreciate an upgrade.

    Overall, a season of many developments that delivered some awesome moments. Definite change of pace from what I'd come to expect of GoT, but I don't see that as a detriment. The show is in the final phase, I appreciate that the season kept getting to the point episode by episode, even if some of the points were underwhelming.
  8. Eilyfe

    Eilyfe Supreme Mugwump

    May 27, 2014
    Well, there we go. Can't claim credit since my roommate saw this happening the second the dragon got hit by that javelin, maybe even before that. In any case, the dragon scene was awesome but I expect some form of explanation how the Night King could have smashed the wall without it. Otherwise it would mean he simply winged it for seven seasons and hoped something would come up. Not exactly what I envision the final enemy to do.

    For most of the time Sansa bored me; Arya too has become a cunt. Except the first scene with Arya this season I disliked most every bit where she and Sansa appeared.

    The Hound and Brienne looked like proud parents when they talked about Arya. Loved that.

    Little Finger dying pleading for mercy on his knees was weird. I know that it's rather realistic, but I would have wished for a different ending for the man who orchestrated all this shit.
  9. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Daenerys mentioned the "a dragon is not a slave" line from season 3. I wonder if this reminder is foreshadowing - perhaps the undead dragon is not going to be so easily kept bound as the Night King thinks. There's even precedent in the form of Benjen.
  10. Zvohunter

    Zvohunter Third Year

    Mar 26, 2008
    Aegon the Conqueror of that ass. Well, most of us probably saw that coming, but I still liked this episode, even if it felt a bit underwhelming. That's what I get for watching World of Warcraft cinematics before enjoying a show with other undead dragons.
  11. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
    In before the NK rips off his face and is actually Matthew McConaughey. Alwight alwight alwight. Roll credits.
  12. Dekazon

    Dekazon Squib

    Aug 7, 2017
    High Score:
    Some parts were good, I'll admit it, but others were absolutely terrible.

    'Aegon' Targaryen is just really bad. Plenty of people have explained why it is so I won't go into it any further. I seriously hope this isn't the way it goes in the books and I'll extend that to the whole braindead annulment plotline as well.

    Ice dragon being the catalyst to bring down the wall is really cliche. Self-fulfilling prophecy is a dead horse fantasy trope. It's frustrating that they went this way and this means basically the WW had little chance of getting past the wall if it weren't for the protagonists. The idea of an ice dragon itself is also equally idiotic.

    I highly doubt the wall will go down that way in the books. More than likely, the Horn of Winter will still be the way the Others bring down the wall.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    The first half of the episode was miles better than the second half.

    Flashback was shit, boat sex is a meme, Dany and Jon giving the NK the means to destroy the wall is just bad writing, but.


    Holy shit the Lannister siblings this episode. Dinklage absolutely nailing that shit, but Jaime and Cersei too. Cersei especially. I have never before seen such depth from Cersei, and the rift between her and Jaime is now making me actually care. I never though I'd say that.

    This episode was amazing simply because of the Lannisters. Hooooly fucking shit.

    Rest was meh to bad.

    Edit: I expected Rhaegar to be ... a lot more impressive. Buffer, taller. Less like a 17yo kid. Wasn't he supposed to be good at killing things? Or at least tourneys?
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
  14. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I suppose it makes sense for him to look fucking identical to Viserys but it's not what I wanted.
  15. DR

    DR Secret Squirrel –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Mar 13, 2006
    Inside the Beltway
    High Score:
    I thought the same thing at the time, but it apparently was bad costuming or a bad angle, because the two actors look nothing alike.
  16. Inert

    Inert Headmaster

    Feb 11, 2010
    This bothered me more than it should've. I don't have the background of reading the books like a lot of folks on the forums, but from what the show has let on, Rhaegar was supposed to be pretty damn impressive right? Him looking like a Viserys clone took me out of the scene for a moment. Dude didn't look like someone who had the loyalty of a lot of houses and had Cersei all hot and bothered back in the day. Looked like Robert could've killed him with one arm, but what do I know?

    I liked (didn't love) the episode, probably because I haven't read the books as I mentioned. Jon and Dany were predictable but I actually enjoyed the slight cringe Bran narrating their moment brought. Didn't think the writers would go through with it like that since it is very clearly hinted at being wrong in the way that Cersei and Jaime were early on. Made it less romantic for me, and therefore better in the context of the show. Even the good shit that happens to people is fucked up. Tyrion lurking in the shadows has me tripping.

    Cersei's treachery and Jaime's subsequent peace-ing out made me smile. Predictable again, but predictable in a way I wanted it to go.

    Littlefinger was probably the most conflicting for me. I didn't like the grovelling, however in character it may be, but loved the ignoble way Arya killed him. Felt right.

    I came into the season hoping for Jon and Dany to bone and Jaime to either kill Cersei or leave, so it's a resounding success for me.

    For next season, need Jon to get over his honor and continue boning his aunt, and for him to ride Rhaegal all poetic-like since he was named after his father. I don't ask for much.
  17. asphyxia

    asphyxia First Year

    May 27, 2015
    Or, perhaps more simply, Viserys looks like Rhaegar, rather than the other way around. Makes sense for him to look up to his older brother the fallen prince, and try to copy his image. Or, failing that, Varys and Illyrio could have dressed Viserys up like the Last Dragon that half the country loved and admired to have an easier time rallying support in Westeros. God knows he'd have needed the PR boost (what with the hypothetical Dothraki horde at his back), cheap as it may have been.

    As for him appearing more tall and thin, rather than impressive and powerful... I dunno. He was always described as more beautiful than handsome, I think. And you don't have to be broad and burly to be a good warrior; Jon and Barristan, for example, I think are both described as lean and lithe swordsmen, rather than hulking muscled rage-machines like Robert and Gregor.

    We'll get a glimpse at the Trident through one way or another before all's said and done with, I reckon.

    I agree with how much I both like and dislike this scene. I think he rolled over belly up way too quickly, and it really did feel like this execution was more to get Littlefinger out of the picture. All the previous "intrigue" scenes of Arya and Littlefinger sneaking around each other and the Arya/Sansa tension didn't sit right with me. The actual execution I approved of, though. No ceremonial bullshit. Either way, given what he was to work with, Aiden Gillen nailed it. Caught myself feeling bad for him for a few moments, there.
  18. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    Did the undead dragon have blue fire, or ice breath so powerful it overwhelmed the power of the wall?

    Those with dragon blood are said to be immune to fire, Jon is a child of ice and fire, and brought back by the red God, so could he be immune to the blue dragon breath of the night king steed?
    Bran saw the creation of the first white Walker, did he ever see how they were banished to the lands of always winter? They might ask him to see what the children did on dragon stone. That too could be educational. Say bran searches for how benjen was given his independence, they could use that to turn the ice dragon to their side. I wonder what would happen if bran ensured if he is killed, he remains indepenant, could he turn his skills against the night king?

    So the undead have crossed the wall, while the good guys are going to fight. But with cercei staying in the capital with her men, where is the conflict for her. What if some how theon saves his sister, defeats his uncle, but then hires the golden company using the iron bank funds, to storm the capital. It would be a way to regain redemption. I suppose it possible the queen will change her mind and want to keep he brother safe, but I just don't see it.

    There is a theory that the valyrian dagger once belonged to rhaegar, due to the fact it's pommel could be a ruby. But I just don't see how it would be any help.
  19. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Something that I didn't quite take in because I was admiring the zombie dragon at the time, but Tormund and Berric (and possibly Gendry too, if he stayed at Eastwatch) are fucking dead, right? No way they survived that.
  20. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    He was good at jousting and writing poetry and singing songs. Then Robert beat him the shit out with a giant hammer.