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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Yeah, these are pretty much exactly my reads.

    I'd kind of like to just slot you in as town for the sheer reason that like... Zack had that sort of spewed town flavor / your reads are close mine plus the super terrible reason that if you subbed into a wolf slot and came out with this much WIM I'd rate town's odds here at like...10% or less, probably.

    So going along with you being town by default...

    Agreed on Vaimes/Wei, obviously.

    I don't see Stanari as that strongly town. I get the reasons for it, and tbh the volume clear thing fits with what I know of her meta, and Jan signing off on her scumgame looking a lot different is like... at least a good foundation. I don't want to lynch her. I just haven't seen that one post that makes me go "town." I have some issues with her play regarding me that I went into earlier but I think in retrospect my play in this game is dissimilar enough with my play in our Season 3 qualifying game together that I can kinda see it making sense from her PoV. So more "I'll take your word for it" than I'm comfortable with, but not something I want to spend a ton of time on, in other words.

    Agreed on Miner and also agreed he's worthy of tinfoil; I feel like he's kind of concerningly stagnant in my perception of the game but that may be more of a me thing than a him thing. Am going to be a little tilted if he's red here and I could have slam jammed on him with his reaction to my copypasta and I just like... let it go, but c'est la vie. Not somewhere I want to go toDay.

    Agreed on the general placement you've got on Yeti/113.

    Agreed on Tsiah I guess. I liked her big reads post after she caught up. It felt like a breath of fresh air. That's about all I've got though, that and whatever Vaimes/Stanari are on about.

    I'll have to take your word on Jarizok. I'm pretty sure I've never strongly townread him in any game ever.

    One thing I will say about ScottSlot is that if Vira does flip red, and I do die, you should go back and look at the case she made on Scott on D1. I remember thinking at the time that it did slightly ping me as being similar to a case she made as a wolf in Hannibal Mafia on a "weaker" partner D1.

    I... don't think I ever ruled out Scott/fonti. If I did I'm completely blanking on the reason, but I wouldn't rule that out at this point because I'm pretty sure I'm literally forgetting things about this game. I had to think for at least 10 seconds to remember who we lynched D1. (Sorry GH).

    Scottslot/Vira/Miner/fonti doesn't feel quite right to me, though. That is an awful lot of wolfing in plain sight, considering some of the townreads they've thrown around on each other.
  2. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Can someone point out/quote for me what you see to genuinely/strongly TOWNread Miner?

    I don't really think his posts are townie and I can understand others not finding him SCUMMY but I also don't get the town reads on him. Like to me he should be in most peoples' yellows or nulls, maybe town lean. But if I'm wrong then point out what I'm missing.

    I think he has a few fake reads. Some of his posts are ok/I agree with but I expect that from town or scum.
  3. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
  4. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Flat out don't have time to go into reads on people I feel good about to the level I'd normally like here, you're just going to have to take my stances for now. If I'm alive tomorrow I should have a lot more time to actually look into this deeper but for now priority is actually looking for scum and make sure I'm not completely ruling out someone incorrectly. Already spent more time than I should on this game at work but I'm trying to make sure my reads our down since I'll be out on a date tonight and there's no guarantee I'll be back before deadline.
  5. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Your image game is on point.
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Everyone has their talents.

    Seriously though, is there something specific you'd like me to address, or is this like, "he said he wanted to look at Yeti's case on him and he hasn't done that" type stuff? If it's the latter, the answer is "things happened in the game that I'm more interested in." Namely Reg subbed in and I'm finding it kind of grounding to bounce reads off him. He speaks my language.
  7. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'll have you know that I spent 4 weeks Down Under 15 years ago too, so...
  8. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    It's probably this?
  9. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Yeah, my thing with Miner is that I felt his reaction towards my Vira case, the way he unvoted her afterwards and what's he done with it just feels...super lackluster? I don't really see 113/Miner being a thing though so if either are scum the others probably town?

    I'd remembered you saying Owner/Fonti weren't a thing but I never found where it came from, if it's something you've not got any real conviction in that's fine, was just wondering if I was missing something there.

    I think your point re; Vira & the Scott push resembling her scum meta if that slots scum is actually a rather solid one and one I'll keep in mind.
  10. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Strongly agree with this; I'd hard clear the other slot if one flipped red here.
  11. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    One townthing about Tsaiah that's relatively easy to explain is the posts where she talks about thinking SR was doing townthings during the run up to EOD; white knighting mislynches is definitely a thing she does as scum but I don't think she chases that line of thought that hard or tries to use it the way she does as scum.
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Oh, that.

    I mean, I could go down that post point by point and go "I disagree" and "you're wrong" and stuff, that doesn't seem particularly helpful to either of us / anyone else.

    The Zack thing is the only part of that post that has an actual like, thing I can respond to that isn't just pointing out the way it's wrong.

    Re: dredging up Zack's posts. I made that EoD2 post in about an hour, working against the clock needing to be at rehearsal at 6, an hour before deadline. I did the list in alphabetical order and Zack was the last one I did, and I was really really pressing to finish. The strongest thing I had in my head that I wanted to talk about was the general feeling I got from a few of his posts talking about GH that he was doing a kind of "only an idiot wouldn't vote GH here" thing kind of... posturing / bullying that mislynch through, in a wolfy way. I was skimming his ISO and just grabbed the posts that fit that feeling. So like, -

    "This just comes across like Newcomb skimmed his ISO and crammed in two posts because another caught his eye without actually checking to see when it was made or the context around it. He didn't address Zack, either, and the whole thing was... kind of ignored."

    Is actually pretty correct. Just like... so what? And yeah, not addressing Zack... have you met me? Again... I don't interact with people unless I'm asking them a question about that read. I wouldn't want to muddy up a read about a person by actually talking to them. (is joke, but not really).

    I haven't bothered to follow up on that particular point because a) it was pointed out to me that one of the posts I had a problem with was in fact not from that day, b) the feeling of Zack being spewed town started to outweigh the misgivings I had with his slot, c), Regfan subbed in and kind of changed the calculus of that slot's whole deal. And secret reason d) I was tinfoiling Zack/fonti for a long time and I felt like I had to dumpster that read for sanity reasons.
  13. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    I can drink to this.
    --- Post automerged ---
    She brought up the SR thing on D3, after he had been (assume) vigged.

    Is it really white knighting if she only got around to reading that SR progression after the lynch ended? Like is bringing up the pattern on D3 something she would do as scum in your view? Or is her bringing it up D3 what you think doesn't fit the scumgame?
  14. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I know it was during D3, sorry, that wasn't clear. It's not bringing it up in and of itself that's town (it might be but I don't think so); I'm townreading how she sort of ran with that read.
  15. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    What I liked about that from Tshiah is that it felt like a real read she'd thought to herself during the night phase, like she'd read through EOD and thought "SR might be town here, I'll try and stop him from getting lynched tomorrow" and then he gets vigged and she just brings it up anyway because she'd spent that much time thinking about it and wanted to get her thoughts down and see if anyone else noticed the same thing.
    --- Post automerged ---
    And with that I'm done, will really really try and get on before EOD.

    plz lynch vira.
  16. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Yes. The Zack thing, that Zack, myself, and Stanari have all specifically asked about. You quoted two of his posts to illustrate your point; they were from different phases and not what you said they were in contextual post bit?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Oh sorry didn't see this; skipped ahead.

    My issue is that it is correct, hurriedly jamming some iso quotes that fit your reasoning into a case is... a vastly different thing from actually trying to figure people out/worm your way into their mind however much time you have. It's not something town never does, but something that I particularly have an issue with you because it was at the end of a large post and one of your... spicier/more controversial reads, and this literally says you didn't actually care much about that read or have it based much on fact. Given everything you've said about your play and what I've gathered from others, this seems starkly at odds with what I'd ever expect, and something that's way >rand wolf for you. I wouldn't bat an eye if ReddBoiler did it, but it's another one of those things that really doesn't mesh with what you've said about yourself or what you were planning to/in the course of doing. Similarly, saying that you get great reads off of people from their cases on you and... just straight up ignoring them because they're not easily responded to? Your reads on Fable/myself today, to what very extremely small extent such exist, are entirely uninformed by this. Again. Say one thing, would expect that from everything, it doesn't happen. This isn't an activity or a time issue, you're actively replying to specific people about smaller things and commentarying as you go, just


    anything that you said is a hallmark of your play or makes you obvious town in any way.

    Re:not talking to people, maybe it's a playstyle thing, but imo that doesn't really have anything to do with the problem at hand. Which is an inconsistency with perspective. Your selectivity of what you actually do respond to is... noted, though.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I don't expect you to address every single post or push on you or meaty readswall, my issue is with you not being villagery.
    --- Post automerged ---
    And by extension with everyone else just ignoring you, for good or bad. I'd love for someone to argue me out of this read, but apparently nobody gives a hippopotamus' hindquarter either way.
  17. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I feel like you're applying too rigid a brush in your expectations / analysis of my play.

    The Zack thing was at the very end of a very long post; it wasn't a read so much as something I wanted to bring up as a thought that I hadn't seen in the thread and wanted to put in the air supply.

    I'm pretty sure I never said I got "great reads" off people making cases on me, I said that I was using the way people approached me / made cases on me as a kind of grounding tool in a game that felt like it was getting away from me.

    If I'm not directly using your push against me to read you, it's because I haven't made up my mind on you, tbh. Take it as a compliment, I guess, but I actually can't tell if you know I'm town or not, even with all the stuff you've written about me.

    If there's a selectivity to my process / who I interact with, that's... maybe true, maybe not? I literally just read the thread and say something when I think I have something to say. The beauty of being a villager is that you can pretty much just do whatever you want.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Have you talked about Yeti at length outside of your last reads post?

    If you get a chance, would like you to run me through some bullet points on this progression.
  18. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    ...Why on earth would that be a compliment?
  19. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'ma do some actual thread work now. I'll try and sort through Yeti/.113/Cuth first because they could all be PoE'd and we don't have too many spare lynches.
  20. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017