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New Computer Build

Discussion in 'PC Discussion' started by Ched, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Finally putting together a new rig. I purchased the following already:

    CPU: Ryzen 1600X
    MoBo: MSI X370 Krait Gaming
    GPU: ASUS 1070 Ti

    Thing is, the Ryzen 1600X doesn't come with a CPU cooler. But I've been reading a ton of reviews about coolers trying to pick one and a LOT of the time people are complaining about them not fitting well, or needing to be manually fixed to fit, or having to order a separate part (like for the Hyper 212 Evo) to get things in place.

    Anyone have a suggestion on a cooler that they know will fit easily without any extra effort on my part?

    Other parts I'm planning to buy:
    Case: Corsair Obsidian 450D
    RAM: I'm waiting for a sale if one magically appears around Christmas, b/c WTF RAM, seriously?
    Monitor: Getting a new one, probably a 25-27" 2k or 4k IPS monitor. Haven't picked one yet but I'll get that sorted soon. I'm picky about them given my eyesight and want anti-glare, preferably black bezel, etc.
    PSU: Easy enough, I'm going to get at least Gold this time.

    Hard drives... I have two that aren't that old. I'll probably leave the SSD in the current computer in case I decide to re-use the computer instead of sell the parts/machine. The storage drive I'll probably put in the new computer along with a new SSD.

    So thoughts? Mostly it's the cooler that's driving me bonkers because of the reviews not being reliable on which ones will reliably fit (even some of the ones with the right bracket are getting flak for blocking RAM slots, etc).

  2. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    What do you guys do with your old computer cases by the way? Planning to sell most of my old parts but (1) no one wants to buy a used case and (2) shipping something that size and weight would be prohibitive on ebay.

    I'm not really into doing something 'cute' with it. Googling this crap suggests that I plant flowers in it or some shit, which I guess I could technically do but not super interested. I guess I could try Craigslist, but the worth of a mediocre used computer case that cost $60 new 7 years ago is... uh, not high.
  3. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Oh, parts I've purchased so far:
    • Ryzen 1600X
    • MSI Krait Gaming Mobo x370
    • TridentZ 3200 DDR4 RAM
    • Asus ROG 1070 Ti
    • Corsair Obsidian 450D case
    • Hyper T2 cooler (it's cheap and I don't like it, but apparently it will fit)
    Planning to buy:
    • M.2 SSD (probably the 850 Evo), but I'm debating if it's worth getting a newer version. My old SSD is a Samsung 850 Pro, but it's not an M.2 version. Going to re-use my old hard drives as well.
    • New monitor (freaking the fuck out about a monitor - I want IPS and I'd prefer 4k if I can see it with scaling, b/c of my eye issues I want something to give less strain, trying to figure out 24" vs 27" or how much space I have, I only like certain brands, sorting out a matte display instead of something sneaking glossy in on me, reading up on flicker-free shit, trying to keep it under a certain cost, etc).
    • Mouse (SS Rival 110 probably - I want a SIMPLE mouse, that is not strangely shaped at all, but high quality for all that. This is the only one I can find, recs appreciated).
    • PSU (easy enough to pick out, probably a Gold/Platinum 750W from what calculators are telling me, definitely going fully modular this time)
    But seriously. See above post - WTF do you all do with your cases? It makes me cringe to consider throwing it away.
  4. Krieger

    Krieger Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Oct 12, 2009
    I usually end up giving old cases away/throwing them out, if I don't sell the comp. If you don't already have a personal server for your home network consider keeping your old comp and using it for that, depending on how much you'll get for your old parts and how much you need that money. tbh Ive never kept a old comp as a server but I know a few who do. I should really because the amount of time I have spent downloading stuff I have downloaded previously and deleted is ridiculous.
    --- Post automerged ---
    As for your monitor, what are you using it for? Because if it is gaming, then no, don't go 4k, especially with only a 1070ti. Outside of gaming, 4k IPS is the beast, I had a 32in predator 4k IPS, it was the bomb... except for gaming. 4k monitors on average are only 60mhz, there might be some up to 100mhz now? I currently use a 27in AOC AGON 1440p and I love it. If you are only going 24in-27in, then I would go 1440 instead of 4k, especially if you are trying to save money. No real point going 4k at that screen size, 1440p is more than enough and then some at 24-27.
    --- Post automerged ---
    SSD: TBH while there is a massive increase if you are transferring very large files... beyond that no, just use a normal SSD. Boot time and everyday general use there is not that much of a difference. If you are happy with your SSD speed now then just keep it, otherwise you would just be upgrading to say you got a m.2. and thats about it.
  5. The Great Pandemonium

    The Great Pandemonium Fourth Year

    Sep 7, 2010
    If you're near a best buy you could just drop your old case off there. They recycle a ton of old electronics and thats what I did when I built a new computer. I also second Fardeki suggesting a 1440p monitor. You get a nice bump in resolution and can still get really high refresh rate. I'd suggest getting one with g-sync but that depends on how much screen tearing annoys you.