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TinyHunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Vaimes already got is free game, it was Princess. This would be his second :V

    Waco being anti-aligned with asmo feels...wrong. Like, you're calling it for Waco pushing on asmo but literally nobody is townreading him. So if that's enough, then asmo is either the last scum or Just Town, which...ehh. Like. Who ISN'T anti-aligned with asmo for what you say Waco is?

    I guess there's still "why did asmo not yolosoup" but, like. If they really have no idea about other roles it might just be that they think taking the wine on that is more likely to work than a yolosoup is.
  2. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Honestly you would probably have better luck ignoring all my direct interactions with anyone and just trying to read me based on my exposition type posts.
    It's a much higher percentage of AI posts and you really overthink things that are literally just shooting the shit while I wait for something that strikes me as important
  3. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Humm. Some compelling points.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Wait isn’t Jarizok just Gambler if that’s what Shadow claimed?

    That makes the most sense.
    --- Post automerged ---
    So if Jarizok is town then there’s 2 left, so after Waco/Asmo I’m stuck with Vaimes and Gemma.


    He pointed out a lot of really good stuff but like... Newcomb if you ignore Vaimes’ great D1 what else does he have going for him? Weren’t all of those posts from D1?
  4. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Scum didn't get Jari's role.
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I wasn't in that game, doesn't count.
  6. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I assume shadow wanted a gambler CC.

    I stayed quiet though. It's fucked up he knew I picked even.
  7. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    It's not just "pushing on Asmo," it's the way he did it.

    Like... explain what was going on in Waco's head as he makes the first post he makes after the red on his partner is outed.
    --- Post automerged ---
    If I did that, I'd have probably scumread you this game without the check :v
    --- Post automerged ---

    Like, claiming a "safe" role doesn't help him, even if they somehow roleguessed Jari there.

    He's still redchecked, he's still dying.

    You want to claim a /living/ role, so you have the potential to get the cc and soup someone with the Priest. Not that anyone would be dumb enough to do that, really, which is usually why you'd just cc the redcheck. Not that shadow could really have done that here either, since he dipped at EoD without claiming while being a mainwagon, soooo.
    --- Post automerged ---
    "If you ignore all the things that makes Vaimes town, Vaimes could totally be mafia".
    --- Post automerged ---
    Cobalt, if I ignore the meta reads on you and the way you pushed on me, what else do you have going for you?
  8. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    "shadow's down and asmo is so absent as to be useless, time to carry"
  9. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Cobalt, if you ignore the way dC claimed Judge, what does he have going for him?
  10. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Yeah this.

    He would have already decided he was going deep after the shadow distancing why not throw out a w/w read especially when he then made a shit omgus push on me and ignored asmo today?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Like yes waco's words said lynch shadow d1. But he ensured jari got lynched instead.

    He said asmo/shadow w/w but wanted to lynch me today instead.
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    If you pretend DC read didn't happen I think my exposition posts were (probably) way too accurate for powerwolfing scumtom
  11. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Sure, possible.

    It's the manner in which he went about it, though. Like... you TMI about a TMI read? Reeeeeally?

    Just strikes me as extremely sloppy.
  12. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    He's talking about scum TMI-ing on town while he is scum TMI-ing on scum? I think that's less sloppy than you think, the frames of mind for those two things are different (he's talking about buddying while he himself is bussing, is another way to put it)

    tom's point about Waco not expressing any interest in poking asmodeus today is also worth considering.

    Blatant garcia:


    (I lied, it's not a real answer so it doesn't count :v)
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Maybe it's the fact that it's past my bedtime, but I read this a couple times and I still don't really get what you're saying.
  14. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    I literally don't understand why Gemma is so clear you people, the most AI thing I found in the ISO was a long ass letter to Newcomb that looks like a freewrite from hell.

    It seems like we're all in agreement about the PoE, though.

    If dC is town, which will be confirmed at EoD one or another, then I think Waco/Gemma is it.

    I've read Vaimes ISO, and unless he's a damn good wolf who's really capable of faking ideal tone and reactions, then I think he's town.

    I liked Cobalt even before he started townreading me, but man he had no reason to do that if scum. The only reason I could think of would be that he wanted the towncred of being openminded, but even that is ??.

    The biggest thing going for Waco is that he got in a big spat with Shadow D1. I don't want to underestimate that, but at the same time the PoE leaves me little option.

    The only thing going for Gemma is a "would Gemma use Fonti in the sort of manipulative manner that Gemma has?" Gemma's asked Font to answer for Gemma, deferred to Font, and generally been totally ok with using Font to gain townreads. I don't know what sort of relationship they have, but it strikes me as a tad manipulative and heartless, and Gemma doesn't seem heartless from what I've read.

    I know I'm in the PoE, and I'm fine with that. I'm only asking to be lynched second, because I owe it to the game to let mechanics carry me. I know I've been lazy. I know I've partially avoided this game. I don't quite understand why I've been having a mental block with this game. This is probably my poorest game ever. I perform pretty well as town, and I'm a really solid wolf. Here, I've spent *hours* on trying to read and just get frustrated and tired and stressed out, which has never happened before. I stare at my screen forever and hardly get anywhere. This may be my last game in awhile. I get that this is really poor play, but all I'm asking is for you to give me *one* phase. Nobody can link me with anyone because I'm town. Shoot Waco tonight, I'll be clear tomorrow and then you can lynch Gemma. I know I I'll be mechanically cleared by one of Cobalt or Vaimes tomorrow (if I survive past soup and you don't judge me). Either way, I'll finally be done with the stress of playing with my schedule. I truly seriously apologize to all of you for even agreeing to join. I missed mafia since I haven't played in a few months. I probably should've satisfied myself with a bullshit game on my homesite, but I thought a game with as interesting mechanics as this would be a cool way to spend my couple of hours off each day. Instead, this game feels like work after I come home tired, and I end up procrastinating from what is supposed to be my method of procrastination. I've never made a post like this, and I hope I never have to again. I'll be blunt and directly ask, dC, PLEASE just shoot someone else. Preferably Waco or Gemma, but anyone else. Just give me *one phase* and town has my clear and I can sit on my laurels and make gutreads all day tomorrow. lol. I don't think anyone can rightfully claim that scum can soup us all tonight. If I was scum, I'd be gone tomorrow and you know it. I can't think of a single reason scum!me makes this appeal at the risk of getting my partner shot. And if I didn't have a partner, then this is certain death for me no matter what, so I'd be prolonging my own suffering for no reason.

    Sorry for that, but hopefully the literal throwing away of any pride I had left in game will say something about my alignment.
  15. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    TMI can be subdivided into two sets:
    "TMI on town", or scum accidentally giving away that they know player X is town. This is usually seen with buddying or correct reading, or is just slipped by not pushing someone.
    "TMI on scum", or scum accidentally giving away that they know player X is scum. This is generally seen with bussing, where the bus is too sudden/sharp/vitriolic to becoming from someone who is supposed to be unsure

    The point I'm making is that Waco was talking about asmo committing the first version of TMI while himself committing the second version. There's a degree of separation there.

    @Asmodeus --- ...uh, magic circle, dude. Nothing done in the game reflects out. If you're scum and someone you're close with is town, the best way to respect that bond is to manipulate the shit out of them. It is, after all, the aim of the game :V

    That aside...I mean, I can see your point in terms of "you're going to get run over tomorrow unless you're somehow clear" I guess? And it's not like Waco is any less mislynchable if current town sentiment is anything to go by. And unless Waco and you are BOTH misses I don't think doing in Waco instead really makes a whole lot of difference.

    So, provisionally, sure I guess. I think the overall thread preference is for Waco instead and I wouldn't mind the ability to check combinations like Waco/Vaimes.

    OTOH I have vague concerns that, like, you know your partner isn't Waco so you're not really risking your partner getting shot and by not shooting you tonight we give you a yolosoup. Although I'm not even that sure how much damage you could do with one so I guess I'd probably just mostly feel stupid about it if it happened.

    Oh well. I suppose I can then throw this game in the face of the next person to try a post like this >_>
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    seriously though for future reference that sort of post comes off as scum attempting AtE because town would just buckle in and do things instead. Like, I can understand your position that you're having trouble doing anything but that's not trivial to distinguish from scum who are not doing anything on purpose to avoid being caught and just SAYING they're having trouble doing anything. I doubt I'd be leaning towards Waco if it wasn't for the multiple other things going down in that space, including:

    - Waco would probably soup better
    - Waco mysteriously stopped paying attention to you (although this one doesn't exactly look good for you either!)
    - Most other players seem to prefer Waco being killed over you
    - You're more likely to be mislynch bait, although I'm really reluctant to trot this one out after the D1 debacle :v
  16. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015

    If Asmo is just faking an AtE here that’d be seriously fucked up and nobody would ever trust him again so I’m inclined to just believe him.

    Judge Waco today, examine other worlds tomorrow. If there’s 1 witch left I’ll reconsider Gemma. I’ll try not to go so hard on Vaimes given Newcomb’s wallpost.
  17. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Yeah that's what I thought you meant, but like... no?

    Waco's thing was about shadow TMI'ing, not Asmo TMI'ing. Read it again. Waco was speculating that shadow spewed Asmo mafia, by posting his thing about being "cleared" before Asmo checked in, the implication being "because he knew Asmo wasn't the Priest, because Asmo is is partner."

    Which is exactly what Waco would hypotheticlaly be doing /to both his partners/ in the world where that's the team. He'd be TMI'ing that that was in fact exactly what happened.

    I think if you go back and read it again you'll see that it would be Waco talking about shadow committing the second version while also committing the second version. Not sure if that changes your read, since you seem to have kind of different ideas about how TMI works, but. Yeah.
    --- Post automerged ---
    No? Like, if you'd be okay with him making that post as town, you have to be okay with him faking it as mafia.

    If you think that post should never be made, that's one thing, but there can't be a certain type of post that's okay for town but universally too gross for mafia; that puts an unreasonable burden on wolves.
  18. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    But that’s exactly how I feel though?

    Yeah it puts an unreasonable burden on wolves and if I were Waco I’d be pissed that consensus lynch turned from Asmo to me because he did an AtE that’d be too gross to fake as scum and everyone believed it

    But that’s like exactly my POV on it.

    I think it shouldn’t be made regardless of alignment, but given gamestate and my read on Asmo this phase being based on a lot of genuine feels, all it does is solidify him as genuine to me.
  19. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Okay so for some reason I initially thought he was saying shadow had spewed Stanari town or something.

    Rereading the post you quoted...It kinda doesn't make any sense to me any way I read it, but fortunately #1493 clears up his intentions. Okay yeah I see what you're saying, he'd be saying shadow spewed asmo scum while himself spewing shadow scum.

    Still, shrug. I'm fairly sold on not judging Asmodeus given Cobalt/Vaimes/tom all seem to prefer Waco, and this isn't exactly a slam dunk anti-align (it's sloppy maybe, but we've established that lolwitches are potentially a thing here)
  20. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    And if Asmo is town I’m feeling a lot of what he’s been saying about Gemma.

    I haven’t looked through with the lens of Shadow/Waco/Gemma but I think a lot of what he said makes sense and I think my read on why Vaimes would kill Jan and Fonti actually makes more sense when you apply it to Gemma’s play this game.

    I mean she DID have Fonti speak for her and sheeped Fonti and had that fight with Jan which I thought was towny but in retrospect sounds a lot more like a scum AtE than what Asmo just posted to get Jan off her back early

    And then before Jan had a chance to change his mind about her being town he bit the dust, and Font died while still hard townreading Gemma, even moreso than both were on Vaimes

    Its just a lot of food for thought is all I’m saying. But I’m inclined to believe Asmo for now and go with the Waco judge.
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