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Make DLP Great Again

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sauce Bauss, May 27, 2018.

  1. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Regarding the C2

    There were two objectives of the C2 when I originally created it:

    1) Create a C2 that only show-cased the very best (by DLP's standards)
    2) Promote authors who belonged to this community.

    All of the feedback I've received since would imply that it succeeded at those two goals. If there is a consensus that we need new strategic objectives for the C2, then it's worth devising a new strategy. If not, then I don't see what good diluting our exceptionally high standards will achieve— change for change's sake, and all that.

    It was always 'feel' rather than 'rule' by which people are were considered 'Featured Authors' by the C2's standards. Both Zombie and Anarchy would certainly qualify, if they want to. I don't know who Plothole is (certainly by my lack of attention rather than anything else) but if there are authors who have become prominent, or missed, and someone is willing to vouch for them, I'll do the honours.

    Likewise, if the Mods want to nominate people to the mod team for the C2 (my attention is elsewhere), I'm more than happy to add them.

    DLP at large

    You're all clever people and I'm late to the party, so I assume this has been said already in this thread, but I'm opinionated, so here's my $0.02:

    DLP will never be saved by a culture change, or inviting new people, or gamification. DLP was successful in the past because it made big authors. People like Joe, Jbern, Pers, Nonjon, Santi and dozens of others found their feet here. But more importantly the community cared about developing new writers— somewhere along the road people stopped doing this.

    I don't think it's possible to overstate how important this was for DLP's success. Good writers teaching other writers to become better increases the amount of quality fiction being produced here and a direct result of this is increasing the number of people who visit DLP regularly. There was a point that you would post something to DLP and within 24 hours you'd have 8-10 insightful posts analyzing your writing and your story structure, asking questions and encouraging discussion. When I stopped posting to WbA, the quantity and quality of responses had almost entirely fallen off. I genuinely felt as though I got better (and more) constructive criticism from FFNet for everything I wrote post Skitterleap.

    That said, a quick glance through WbA makes it seem like this has changed somewhat in recent months and so props to those of you working at it. Making it more visible immediately upon arriving at the site is a nice touch too.
  2. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Step up fuccboi. Where's CS at?
  3. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Out of the park, bitch. <3
  4. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Simply having a bunch of stories shouldn't qualify me. It's not me being humble or anything, but I'm really not that good of an author. I don't know why it is, but the WBA doesn't really help me. I've got a ton of stories in there, but far more that aren't even in there. Like, the only story I've completed in the last 8 years is "Euphoria" and none of that was posted to the WBA at all. But, if I were to have any stories added to the C2, that's probably the one I would want in. The one I have in there currently is only in on a technicality, and that's because I won one of the writing competitions in 2011. I can't even say it was the best story, more like just the least worst and the most ambitious.

    I don't want to hate on the WBA, but it just doesn't work for me. And when I feel like the WBA isn't working for me, I simply stop posting there. This has been the case for several years now, and it's improved slightly since it's been brought up several times in the past year, but it's still nowhere near what it used to be. This isn't a complaint, not really, more just an observation. Like, I'm currently on chapter 6 of my current project (Faithless by Default) but I've only got the first chapter in the WBA. Maybe it's just because I need different type of help, or maybe I'm just being a choosing beggar. Or maybe it's just that bad stories bring bad reviews. But aside from the one or two people who left line-by-line edits, the rest of it was just no help at all. It was just people saying that parts felt redundant, or specific passages that the reader personally didn't like. I'm not going to rewrite a story to fit a specific reader's personal taste. Like, I had 4 people read this story in IRC, and I edited it myself a half-dozen times. Just saying these mistakes exists isn't helpful to me - I would have fixed them to begin with. What I really need is examples. Like, if I got Sirius's voice "wrong", how does it look when it's correct? Because obviously I thought it was fine because that's how I posted it. And then there's the mixed signals, where I have people telling me there's too much in the first chapter, while simultaneously saying there's not enough. If I took all that advice and just started lopping sections of my story, I would be left with only 1000 words and it still wouldn't satisfy anyone. What am I supposed to do with that? Well, the answer to all this, I've found, is to just keep writing, and to hope inspiration comes to me later in the story once I've taken more time to develop everything.
  5. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I think getting a good handle on frustrations in the wba is probably super important.

    In a way wba’s always been the site to me, more than any other part of it.
  6. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    So, general statement in regards to WbA.
    Shits not going to happen over night unless you do something about it yourself. You have to actively be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Complaining about it is only going to do so much.

    It used to be that if you one line shit posted in WbA you got a day ban/week ban depending on severity. WbA isn't just for grammar, its for flow, style, how you felt about it, what worked and what didn't and what you think could be better. You could also use it as a platform to speculate on the future of the story -- or write a really long winded post to fellate the author I suppose.

    Thing about it is people have forgotten what WbA was like when it was here before, and what its turned into isn't that far apart from how it used to be. The biggest issue now is that instead of people commenting or leaving feedback, they give a thumb because its the most minimum effort thing they can do.

    People think that WbA is for reading chapters before they hit FFN, and its really not.

    Its about being a test bed audience to see what works and what doesn't. You're gonna have to utilize your critical thinking skills a bit more because if you read something and its like I don't see anything wrong with this, or I shouldn't comment because someone else said what I was going to say, but better, then thats' the exact fucking issue right there.

    Thing is, they might have said what you were going to say but their insight isn't your own. There becomes a certain point in time when there is diminishing returns in regards to what people say v. what is said repeatedly, but that has its own impact in my mind.

    If five people say X scene doesn't work, then it doesn't work. Its up to the author then to either fix it, or keep it as is. They got their advice.
    That's because you're using WbA wrong. I don't quite know what you expect when you post 20k segments of your fic with not other commentary from yourself. For right now, you're probably going to have to spoon feed people questions so that they can answer what it is you seek.

    People on here have gotten away from being critical of things because they're afraid to hurt feelings, or whatever. The biggest issue with DLP has always been that things haven't been done by half. Someone can't comment on something without being over acerbic, or they can't not comment on something and just be positive about it.

    I think for you to utilize WbA better, you're going to have to direct people a bit and be like, so did this scene work? If it didn't, why didn't it? Not go bitch in IRC about how what everyone said didn't help you at all.

    Its a two part agreement. The author puts things up for review, usually that means that you're looking for grammar and mistakes, but then you're looking to see if people like what you're writing.

    This boils back down to minimum effort posters. They're going to do what little they can to encourage you because they don't know any better. They're here just to read fics in WbA because that's what they've learned over time with people like Santi, etc.

    The other issue with WbA is that if you're not part of someone's group, then you get zero feedback. Its sad, but its true.

    You can see clearly each persons group when its the same four to five people posting on their threads each time, and there is no reason for that. I shouldn't have to whore myself out to you, or anyone to get feedback for something I submitted there.

    And if you're not interested in reading something then you have no fucking grasp for what WbA is then.

    I don't' care that you're not interested. I care why you're not interested. What about my fic lacked the hook to draw you in. Comment and tell me why. Otherwise I'm going to think you're just a stupid pussy that doesn't care despite saying you care.

    I've made a concentrated effort of every fic in WbA I've read recently to actively commentate on either it be advice or what I thought could be done better, or what I liked about it.

    Its all boils down to actually doing it though. People need to stop talking about these things and fucking do it. You've all already shown that if given a choice of things to choose from, you're going to bitch about something else instead -- or about the outcome of something that has spawned from this thread. Literally the worst in that regard.

    Changes that can be made to WbA to improve things, of which I know are in the works already?

    GDOC and FFN import of story documents. We have a plagerist and a lot of people are wary of posting openly to WbA because of it. This out of everything is the most valid reason I've ever been given in regards to the decline of WbA. The others is just mouth noise that people make because the rest of the rabble is riled up as well.
    Inside the park homerun at best. Gimme something new and we'll talk :)

    Exactly. No one cares anymore and we've not actively sought out the new Jberns, Santis' etc to take their place once the old people have left and started their own thing by themselves. People live in the past of what DLP used to be and not what the DLP of the future can be. There are still enough older members here left that we can be a positive influence for any kind of new talent, but we've gotta stop making excuses for why X and X doesn't work.

    I see no one, even myself, actively trying like we used to to seek out new talent. You can attribute that to the decline of the fandom but there are still thousands of fics every month that are coming up new. And there are still people writing that have talent, but they probably don't outright fit our niche. There are a bunch of new members here that don't ever post, or they'd rather post to the mega threads, which thanks they're fucking locked now I'm so happy, because making a new thread to review something "takes too much effort."

    Its not that it takes too much effort. You're just scared to be judged.

    Its been so long that I think a lot of us legit forgot the entry requirements to get into the C2, short of being a 5 starred author. The thing is, I'm not about to bitch so much that you throw my name in there out of pity, I wanna earn it, and I'm fairly certain none of my stories are five stars yet.

    I think that @Sauce Bauss was attributed more to future direction than past choices. The C2 is something that we used to laud with pride because its was ( I think still is) the number one C2 on the site of FFN for HP. When that shit actually mattered.

    I think what he said about Other Fandom C2 has some merit because we've got a fuck ton of stories in our libraries that could be curated for the reading pleasure of others.

    I've seen the same arguments over and over and I'm about tired of seeing them. "Its not worth the effort." "Our taste have become more discerning."

    All I can say is stop fucking doing that because you're giving yourself a reason not to participate. Just fucking do it.
  7. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2018
  8. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Alright, if we have no takers, I'm happy to take this on as well. Be part of the solution and not the problem yeah?

    Maintaining the DLP 5 star part of the C2 seems simple enough, like a half hour commitment every other week to look at the newest stories in the library and adding accordingly?

    What I'd like more guidance on would be what constitutes a "DLP Author". I realize this is always going to be a question with a somewhat ambiguous answer, and I don't need or want hard guidelines (i.e. must have been a member for x years, or have x words in the WBA etc. etc.). My day job is in Compliance and Risk Management, and if it's taught me anything, reducing questions like this to box-ticking exercises is just asking to fail (hard requirements are either too hard a standard to reach, or too easy to cheat).

    But at the same time we need to have something if we want this to last long term. Sort of leading questions that would help determine what is or isn't a DLP featured author (off the top of my head, something like "Is this person a contributor to the writing community of DLP?" or if you guys think that definition is too narrow / broad, feel free to jump in and discuss).
  9. Villanelle

    Villanelle Groundskeeper

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    @Halt - is it not as simple as the author being one who posts in the WBA and their story is generally liked by the community? Maybe that’s too simple.
  10. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Honestly, it was mostly a question of whether X author was a credit to DLP's image. "If I were to be judged by standing next to this person, would I feel good about that?"

    I would like to add, however, that the list is by no means comprehensive. There are definitely authors who were missed and thereby unfairly slighted.

    That said, I'm open to suggestions.
  11. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Sorry to bump this thread, but can I make a suggestion that we move some Review Board fics into the Library or Almost Recommended section? There's some stories there from 2017.
  12. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    I think the rule was that it needed to have 5 comments +votes so it might be the reason. IF not get attention of a mod.
  13. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Exactly. Go make some reviews on fics to get them sorted properly. They're sitting there because they don't have a lot of activity on them.
  14. TheLazyReader

    TheLazyReader Groundskeeper

    Feb 9, 2018
    I don't how discussed to death this has been already, but a suggestion I have is to make the 'rating stars' available only to people who have posted on the thread. The way it is now seems to perpetuate something of a minimum effort culture. Of course, I can see people simply deciding neither to post nor rate. What are you guys position on this?
  15. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I feel if people don't post in the thread when rating currently, then they wouldn't bother writing a review so they could leave a rating.

    I mean, I like the idea, because it means you'd actually see people's reasons for rating, and I aim to leave a review if I rate, but if there's already a load of posts, then I wouldn't have anything to add, so it might be low effort if I bother.
  16. Selethe

    Selethe normalphobe

    Feb 13, 2012
    I'm in favor of limiting the ability to rate stories to those who've left reviews in-thread. It's less so to encourage writing more reviews than it is to discourage people from leaving 1-star/5-star ratings on stories that don't deserve them. There are a number of fics which users have given mainly 4-star/5-star reviews but their thread average reads far below that.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2018
  17. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Makes sense, but our already low level of ratings will decrease even more. I should say, I am in favour of this, but perhaps we need to just prune fics in for review that don't have enough attention paid to them?
  18. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    I'm very much in favour of having to make a post in the review thread before you can give it a star rating. My previous idea was actually to make it an integrated thing, so 'submit new post' in a review thread has an alternate button called 'submit review'. It would be largely the same, but perhaps visually review posts could stand out a bit more, or have the reviewer's star rating next to their post. The potential downside would be people could just shitpost a few words like 'this is great' or 'lol im not reading this', but as long as the guidelines on reviewing are followed that shouldn't be an issue.

    Hopefully combined with some of the recent discussion on critical reading it'll create a platform that encourages authors to want their stories in 'For Review', because they know they'll get useful and hopefully objective input on the quality, in more general terms than they could expect from WbA.
  19. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    I'm gonna revive this thread with an idea we discussed on Discord just now: the Inquisitorial Squad.

    Basically, the idea is to establish a concrit group. Not like Zenzao's 500 Club, because the central conceit would be reviewing. Two approaches were suggested:

    A) A group of people who want to contribute come together, they decide on a work in any of the WBAs, and everyone tries to review it in a week.

    B) A more general approach, where users are given "points", a badge, or maybe a trophy in return for reviewing. Users could also place a request to this group to review their work en masse.

    Both ideas could also be coupled to a Discord role, which could function much like the Wordsmiths role does now.
  20. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    I like option A) @BTT.

    Would this be limited to WBA, given the emphasis on "review" in your post, or would this be expanded elsewhere, like perhaps Library threads with few reviews?