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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Joschneide

    Joschneide Groundskeeper

    Jan 11, 2008
    I personally hope she's somehow creating Harry into a villain himself as I think that would be pure win. Possibly one of those villains that protects its own and that's it. But considering the factions here, villain is a bit subjective. I also didn't appreciate the fight much though, I thought it was kinda poorly handled and rushed to get out of the way.

    Though Merlin and Namach disagreeing about the existence of prophecies when the protagonist, soon to be an apprentice to Namach, has many of his actions, including joining said school, controlled by the idea of a prophecy was pure win.
  2. HSRTG

    HSRTG First Year

    Sep 30, 2007
    Southwest U.S.
    The best chapter of a pile of mediocrity doesn't say much, but this is it as it stands. To be honest, I was expecting something much shorter given the way Voldemort was down played. Inconsistent portrayal of, frankly everyone, meant that I never felt any tension at all; and that is what sums this story up. A complete lack of tension.

    Ordinarily given an action scene of decent quality (like this one) would make me upgrade my rating of 2/5. The massive |words/plot movement| ratio leaves me with my initial score, though. Frankly, she needs a beta that will cut her massive fucking chapters down and that will prune the stupid amounts of fluff.

    It was used in a way that I felt was right. A one-shot weapon that will wound an unwary foe. A nice surprise move to pull, but that's it. Do it once or twice, then discard the tactic for a different one-shot move.
  3. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    This fic has moved out of Harry Potter territory. Now that Voldemorts dead it's just a story that ripped some elements and characters out of the book.

    That's not to say it isn't the best piece of fanfiction I've ever read but even calling it AU at this point is stretching it.

    As for this update, I of course liked it but I thought Voldemorts end was pretty anti-climactic.

    The whole Namach being scared thing is awesome, makes you wait for something and wonder what it could be and makes Namach more reasonable as a character.

    5/5 for the chapter.

    5/5 for the story.
  4. uriel

    uriel Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    Mmm about the Namach thing.
    I can't tell who he's scared of. Apparently Rahkesh is going to evolve... and it's happened before? But the last guy was killed off? But now they have high hopes for Rahkesh? Or something. I have to say I'm confused.

    Ahh.. ASCAL .. my guilty pleasure.
  5. Cosmo4

    Cosmo4 Third Year

    Sep 29, 2007
    Very intriguing to say the least.

    I think Voldemorts end was very fitting. He is smart enough not to monologue against an unknown enemy who was powerful enough to bypass his wards. He wouldn't have been able to go into his animagus form since it was still damaged from the conclave. Rahkesh came in with absolute advantage. He had the element of suprise and a workable plan of attack. It is not like Voldemort went down easy. It took 4 killing curses, including one which was superpowered, despite his soul being so damaged that his body was already falling apart.

    I have mixed feelings about the chapter. It seemed to read very long without having that much going on. It almost felt rushed or incomplete.
  6. Perfection

    Perfection Fourth Year

    Apr 8, 2008
    Exciting chapter.

    This chapter ended the canon story and is completely on the author for new plot and developments, the coming chapter(s) will make or break the story, it will show if the author can keep everything still flowing without the threat of Voldemort/Horcruxes looming overhead.

    The amount of superpowered OCs though are a little excessive. You have Namach of course who seems to kill anything with just his mind, you have the Ateres family with Cyala and those insane elves. Thats less than half of the superpowered OCs that exist here. The way Sharahak rated the demons it seems as if they will be no match for people like Namach and Cyala.

    The author seems to face the same challenge JKR did with canon, Dumbledore had to die so that Harry had to do it alone. For Harry (Rahkesh) to really face the danger for the entire world at the very least Namach has to die.
  7. Veri

    Veri Denarii Host

    Sep 8, 2007
    The only state that doesn't suck.
    True, but the question is: What the fuck can kill Namach? The only thing that I can even think of is whatever Rahkesh is going to turn into, which will probably be epic.
  8. Palver

    Palver High Inquisitor

    Aug 4, 2006
    Hmm..I don't think so: all demons we saw were so far only juveniles. There was only one adult demon in the story (in the Mexico), and he was probably below average to go through the portal. And you must remember that elves constantly battling with demons with no clear result in the end. And they have death dragon warriors. So therefore I am pretty sure demons have equivalent of Namach in their population.

    P.S. Sharahak admits he knows very little about demon's battle magics, only about everyday magic they used, because he lived as a recluse and hadn't practised their agressive magics.
  9. Perfection

    Perfection Fourth Year

    Apr 8, 2008

    JKR faced the same problem with Dumbledore, Voldemort couldn't kill him so she created the ring killing him along with the poison he drank from getting the locket.

    I think Namach (hopefully) when he dies will be in a weakened state.
  10. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Enh, gimping characters is just plain annoying.

    There is till the unknown record keeper. He could be as or more powerful then Namach.

    And you have to thing, the Arch demons were described as being as powerful as the old insanely powerful dragons.

    There is only 1 namach and 1 cyala. There are who knows how many demons.

    Thing I don't like is the way she describes things with a number.

    'millions of lightning bolts' That's just bad writing 'countless' or another word like that would provide better imagery with out being so absolute imo.
  11. uriel

    uriel Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    I don't think Namach will die.

    Rahkesh is going to evolve into .. something.. some super species no doubt, Someone/thing/species will come out and try to kill him because he's this new super magic being.

    The Vashora and Namach who both seem to have hard on's over what Rahkesh is about to become, will go ape shit and attack it/them/whoever it is that will come out to kill Rahkesh, to no doubt great loss, with Namach ultimately surviving.. because Rahkesh has to learn some mad leet skills when he becomes Namach's apprentice.

    Whatever Rahkesh becomes.. it will of course be some kind of immortal super being.. please god don't let it be an elf.
  12. Ancalion

    Ancalion First Year

    Sep 2, 2007
    East Coast, USA.
    Also, at the point about the demons being apparently underpowered when it comes to Namach/Cyala etc, remember that there are apparently millions of demons, meaning a good number of arch-demons, in comparison to a small amount of magical beings.

    I thought this chapter wasn't bad, wasn't great. The 6 parseltongues all young was strange, as was the fae letting Rahkesh go in and do his shit instead of going ape shit (especially the akren fae). Considering the fae elders took over attacked Rahkesh's mind on merely an interest, such fury they would have had surely would have made them attack without much thought, it would seem.
  13. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I doubt we'll have to suffer through Rahkesh of Mirkwood but I wouldn't rule it out. She did kind of name-drop Merlin as a former Namach apprentice in an especially lame manner this chapter.

    Even though it seems too obvious and simple, I'm inclined to assume Miranda won't be pulling some 'out of left field' brand new crap that no one could predict but she'll actually reference a form mentioned earlier. Considering he's moving along in his understanding of death and the electricity carrying magic both ways and the mysterious transformation has something to do with his consumption of dragon's blood, I'm inclined to think it's going to be "death dragon" related. As in the big bad elves animagus type form thing. I reckon the elves wouldn't be too pleased to hear of a human mortal 'death dragon' but Namach has dealt with them before.
  14. Palver

    Palver High Inquisitor

    Aug 4, 2006
    The problem with Death Dragon!Rahkesh is that he wouldn't be unique - there are a lot of elves with that. All through the story we could see that Rahkesh becoming unique, separate. And Namach isn't afraid of elves - his lover is their Champion who has equal power. Together they could silence all protests from the elves. No, I think Namach afraid from some shit from the dead realm.
  15. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    No their aren't. She said their were only a dozen or so at most. Only the best of the best are.

    I think it is a death dragon.

    But Namach said it was someone who hadnt shown intrest in him and the elves have meet and shown intrest in him.
  16. Ancalion

    Ancalion First Year

    Sep 2, 2007
    East Coast, USA.
    If it's a death dragon that'd suck major ass.
  17. blackghost

    blackghost Third Year

    Jan 17, 2008
    I like the first story for it's inventive nature but the second story is sorta iffy. The main thing is I do not like how the fact that harry went to the school came out among other things. That and how friggen long must the chapter's be?! @_@

    I know whole stories that don't have the size of some chapter's.
  18. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    How is that a bad thing?

    It was mentioned as said a few posts above mine that it was from someone(s) that hadn't shown an interest in him before.

    What I really hope this story doesn't fall into is super!Harry. Yes at the moment he's powerful but he's by know means overpowered compared to what he's up against / with. If he unlocks some uber form and is all of the sudden as powerful as Namach I'll quit reading.

    Harry has talents and abilities and he uses them. I like how he uses what he has and his power isn't just. dark spell dodge dodge dark spell dark spell lololololol kind of shit we see a lot of the time.
  19. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    I love a powerful!Harry, but only when he's up against really challenging foes. That isn't going to be a problem with this book.

    From what I have absorbed, the Demons have been trying to open Earth up as their public hunting grounds since well before the Jurassic. (In fact, there might well be dinosaurs and other lost species in the demon realm, kept as curiosities or pets.) The point is that their entire society has had a goal - take Earth - for millenia.

    We're traditionally fragmented between species and race, just took a body blow with the Plague, and simply aren't prepared. It would have taken at least a generation to produce the kind of mindset we need globally. Then there would have been the problem of implementation and expense. As it is, all the citizens of earth are frantically trying to build levees when the cat5 is only two hours away.

    There are hints that the elves think we have some sort of defense that we don't know about, but I sure hope it isn't a deux ex machina "with one wave of the Scepter of Infinite Demon Death" solution. I'm not really worried about it: Flairgold likes edge-of-the-seat combat.

    Ding Dong, Voldie's dead!
  20. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Thats why I think this is one of the best powerful Harry stories out there.

    He is not naturally powerful. He has a natural talent at a form of magic that he works hard at to help him gain more control over his magic.

    He works and studies hard, thats why he is powerful.

    Even the things like drinking the Dragons blood didnt power him up. It just made it slightly easier for him to train to get better.

    He's had to work at everything he's got.