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The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Joe, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Makes sense. Didn't Elodin say something about the name of the wind changing from place to place, but that he knew how to listen for it?
  2. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    So I just finished this. Has anyone mentioned the possibility that Master Lorren is either an Amyr or a Chandrian? (Or at the very least connected to them somehow.)


    1. The first thing Kvothe does in the Archives is request information on the Chandrian. Lorren goes to him personally and attempts to put him off it.
    2. When Kvothe continues the search, Lorren bans him from the Archives (under a pretense) and (seemingly irrationally) refuses to let him back in until Elodin forces him to.
    3. When he hears Kvothe telling Sim that the Amyr still exist, he bans him again, on a flimsy pretense.
    4. He seems to know Kvothe's father, as anyone who'd been keeping tabs on the Chandrian would.
    5. He's in a perfect position to cull information about the Amyr (as well as the Chandrian) from the Archives.
  3. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Yeah, I think that was brought up on page... six? seven? I think the general consensus was that he's more likely to be Amyr, affiliated with the Amyr, or at least that someone high up in the library is. Personally, I think that Puppet is the Amyr, based on him knowing the exact location of everything in the library as well as him having far to little a role thus far for all the suspense building.
  4. Nae

    Nae The Violent

    Dec 16, 2010
    East India Company HQ
    Yeah, Lorren being Amyr(or their bitch) was the first thing that popped in my mind while reading, but I thing it's a little too obvious. Also, Cthaeh mentioned some connection of the Maer with the Amyr, and he can't lie, so that is the one angle that can lead to the Amyr.
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Thanks Styx, looks like it was 8 and 9.

    That doesn't really follow - the fact that the Cthaeh mentioned the Maer doesn't mean there aren't other angles that it didn't mention.

    There's also this:

    Similar to the door in the Archives, no?
  6. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    A bit, yeah. Though Elodin seems to know what's behind the four plate door. As for the Lackless door, what's behind it is probably in the books somewhere already. With all the riddles, I'm getting the feeling that this is going to be one of those 'haha, fuck you readers that didn't figure this out, don't you feel retarded now?' kind of things.
  7. Katamsu

    Katamsu Muggle

    Jun 7, 2011
    I just signed up to this forum so I could discuss this book.

    I bought it two days ago and finished it now, my head is aking and I am left with many questions.

    The thing is I am almost certain that the story can't be finished with the next book, Kvothe might be finished telling is past by then but what about the Chandrian?
    They obviously still exist and he must be confronted with them at some point leading to Kvothe killing them or the other way round.
    So I am almost certain that there is quite a lot that has to happen in the presence and if I think of how much still has to happen in the past I honestly doubt that this can all be compremised in one book.

    And as to someone from the beginning of this thread mentioning that Kvothe renamed himself to Kote and that this was what Elodin thought as bad, i think ur wrong with this as Kvothes real name was something wit M (can't remember) and Kvothe is only his 'calling name' as Elodin likes to put it.
    And am I right to asume that Auri is the real name of the Princess and not just the calling name?

    And I have to admit I don't really seem to get the ending, I think it looks like Kvothe somehow lost most of his powers as suggested from bast before, but what was bast doing with those soldiers?
    Did I miss a hint?
    My reading seemed to get less attentive during the end due to lack of concentration.
  8. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.

    Learn to spell. Learn to format your posts. Learn reading comprehension.

    Now, to answer your question in order:

    1. The point about the next book likely being unable to tie up all loose ends has been brought up before. If anyone can do it, it's Rothfuss, but I agree. This is why I suspect that the next trilogy will have present!Kvothe as the main character. That said, the Chandrian don't necessarily have to be killed. Both them and the amyr are nearly unknowns at this point.

    2. Kvothe's 'true name' doesn't start with an M. His real name is Kvothe. His true name, if it's like anything else's true name, is a complicated string of speech that won't be written in the book. If Elodin is to be believed, it would require it's own chapter.

    3. It's possible that Auri is her true name. We don't know yet. In fact, it's pure speculation that has some think that she's the princess. Their isn't a lot of supporting evidence for that.

    4. He's out of practice, and yes, he has lost most of his powers somehow. Likely by forgetting who he was. Bast was trying to make him remember who he was and be Kvothe again. At the end, it was pretty clear that he was going to kill the soldiers for harming Kvothe.

    5. I think you missed a lot. Reread and do so slower next time.
  9. Katamsu

    Katamsu Muggle

    Jun 7, 2011
    At first I might point out that I am not a native english and I apologize for my poor spelling this is due to english not beeing my mother tongue and me beeing dislexic.....
    It is quite likely that I did not get every tiny bit given these circumstances..
    (I just couldn't wait for the translation)

    to 1. I know they don't have to be killed but it should come to some confrontation and as I said I feel it is very unlikley to get this and the missing bits of the past into one book if the story keeps on beeing written with such great detail (which I absolutley love). Although I don't mind beeing suprised

    to 2. I thought when Kvothe was with the Adem the old women gave him a name, and from the sounding of it I thought it was his true name as it is very dangerous to let anyone know this name

    to 3. I thought that was rather clear as this knowledge lead Edolin to put Kvothe in his class

    to 4. I was aware of Bast's intentions towards Kvothe but wasn't too sure about him killing the soldiers

    And thanks for the nice welcoming..
  10. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    I've heard this mentioned a couple times in this thread already, and still have no idea who you guys are talking about. What princess? And why do you guys think Auri is this princess chick?

    *should probably go reread the books again soon*
  11. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I'm probably missing something obvious here, but if "true" names are long and complicated / impossible for the conscious mind to understand, how can "Auri" be a true name?
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Perhaps he is not really saying Auri. Remember, when he hears the name of the wind, he hears it as "wind". His mind translated it. It's the understanding which is horribly complex and impossible to grasp consciously. So to say that "Auri" is Auri's name is not really assigning those particular syllables to her, but rather whatever understanding of her resides in Kvothe's mind when he says "Auri".
  13. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Exactly. Think less Dresden, where Names are Links, and more... Names are the entirety of who you are, summed up in a Word.
  14. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Alright, fair enough. I take back my comments on learning reading comprehension and learning to spell, and apologize for being slightly dickish. That said, I recommend that you make an effort. We have a language subforum that might be helpful.

    I'm not sure how Rothfuss will pull it off, but I'm sure it'll be good. That said, this IS the story of Kvothe's life up until the present, not the story of how Kvothe killed the Chandrian.

    I think that's true of names in general, and it's more of that name being a private thing among the Adem. Kvothe knows his namelore, so I doubt he would have told Chronicaler so easily if it were truly dangerous.

    Elodin was certainly surprised at it, so it may have been her true name.
  15. Ceebee

    Ceebee High Inquisitor

    May 5, 2009
    At the start of Name of the Wind, when Kvothe is extolling all of the things he did, he mentions something along the lines of 'discovered the secret of Princess Ariel'.

    People think Auri may be part of that because of:

    1) Her name starts with A
    2) Auri apparently displayed some semblance of high class mannerisms (something to do when she had tea with Kvothe)
    3) She is a mysterious young female with a relationship with the main character in a high fantasy book. How could she not be a princess and/or goddess???

    Something I noticed, about Kvothe's Adem 'deep name' (also what Katamsu was talking about earlier), Maedre.

    It means
    interestingly, "Flame, Thunder, Broken Tree" is the name of chapter 91; when Kvothe attacks the camp and blasts the fuck out of Cinder.

    Also, Vashet is troubled by this name, but refuses to speak about why. Given how the Adem seem pretty well informed on otherwordly stuff, such as the Chandrian I figure that they might know other stuff. Fae stuff perhaps.

    I think that Maedre = Broken Tree = Cthaeh, or at least the name (Maedre) is connected to that asshole tree in some way.
  16. Winny

    Winny Guest

    Well, this is really the only place I've noticed that has consistent discussion about the book, so here's my thirty-bob's worth (or would "jot's worth" be more apt?).

    As some have suggested, the box contains Kvothe's real name. But as some others have suggested, the box must also contain his lute. It makes sense, then, that he inscribed his name on the one item he values more than anything. After that, he changed his name to Kote (disaster) and lived the last two years as the innkeeper. As some have pointed out, the change in name has gravely affected him - he clearly has no skill with names any more and he couldn't perform sympathy.

    The fight he had with the two guys at the end of Wise Man's Fear was less about him missing skill and more to do with him remembering the skills Kote doesn't have. He isn't Kvothe any more, after all. Kote couldn't fight two men and win. Kote doesn't know sympathy, or the name of the wind, or how to fight like an Adem. So as people have noticed, there's little chance Kvothe doesn't know Bast is trying to get him back. But Kvothe knows he can't return to who he was...

    ...His name is locked inside the box and the box will not open for anyone other than Kvothe. The "bad news" that was confirmed to him when he tried to open the box was just that - he really is not Kvothe any more.

    But anyway, that's not why I'm posting here. I don't know about other folks, but I'm really curious about the current events. Doubly so about the Penitent King and the rebels. I've narrowed it down, ultimately, two two possibilities - the Penitent King is either Ambrose or the Maer. I'm leaning more towards the latter, since he was a King in all but name. It was even mentioned that he could raise an army if he wished.

    Caudius is definitely going to go in league with Ambrose later on. The guy can't be a throwaway character, so he must be important later on - what better way to make him important than to ally him with Ambrose and ultimately cause the "death" of Kvothe? It's entirely possible Ambrose is arranging the unfortunate deaths of the people between him and the throne, but I'm not entirely sure it's actually him.

    I think it's the Maer.

    Now, the reason is clear. Assuming the Maer wants the throne, what's the best way to do it? The cleanest way would be to marry someone in line for the throne and then kill everyone in front of her in the queue. This is where, purposefully or inadvertently, Kvothe screws things up and begins this civil war. As many have posed, Kvothe actually makes up with his aunt and successfully opens the box.

    But why would Kvothe go all the way back to Severen just to make up with someone he's happier to take advantage of? The answer is obvious - he finds out that the chest holds something of incredible value regarding the Chandrian. Perhaps Kvothe seeks this knowledge, or perhaps Kvothe believes himself ready to fight them. Either way, he goes to Severen and manipulates his way to opening the box.

    Which he does. Which then causes the rather impressive set piece where the Maer's guards try and fail to fight off the Chandrian. Everyone except the Maer and Kvothe dies in the battle, where Kvothe actually fights and kills Cinder. Perhaps Cinder crumbles into a hundred spider-like creatures that crawl away into the night.

    So... Kvothe opens the box to draw the Chandrian to him or to find the final definitive proof of their existence, this causing the death of everyone the Maer knows and cares for. In a fit of rage, the Maer raises an army and tells them to kill Kvothe and let nobody stand in their way. This causes considerable trouble in the Commonwealth, but obviously the King of Vintas steps in with his own army. He perhaps draws the line at this sort of reckless behaviour. This splits the Four Corners of Civilisation in two, the Maer and his forces fighting the King and his. In the middle of it all is the University. In a stupid attempt to try to stop the fighting, Kvothe arranges a meeting between himself, the Maer and the King at the square in Imre. The Maer does something, which then causes Kvothe to accidentally kill the King.

    With the true King dead, the Maer takes the name of the Penitent King as both a political ploy and because he truly wishes to repent for what his anger caused. Realising that the civil war will not just end, however, the Maer pushes forward to defeat the rebel movement that directly accuses the Maer of causing the death of their King (the rebels could be lead by soldiers who served the King and saw how he really died). Thus Kvothe goes into hiding, starts up his inn and changes his name so that it would be impossible for anyone to find him. After all, if Kvothe has become Kote then Kvothe no longer exists. Nobody would be able to dowse his location since he isn't Kvothe any more.

    As for the rings, while it's possible Kvothe is well-known for wearing the rings he received in Severen, I think it would actually be quite a lot more awesome if it meant he knew the name of blood and bone as well as wood, ice, stone, wind and whatever the others were. It would certainly paint him in a more... Interesting light. Plus we know there's a lot of emphasis in Wise Man's Fear over how dangerous having any kind of magical contact with blood and bone can be - it might fit that Kvothe, being the rather curious sort, would go to great lengths to learn the names of things that he aught not know. Perhaps he thinks they'll help him fight the Chandrian, who knows?

    So that's that. My ever so frightfully long wall o' text. Now that you know how much I over think stuff, I look forward to discussing this further. :awesome
  17. Nae

    Nae The Violent

    Dec 16, 2010
    East India Company HQ
    Instead of going for these complex theories, write fics about them, post them here and be awesome. :awesome

    There'll be plenty discussion then. Win-win
  18. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    On that note, are there any good Kingskiller fanfics out there?
  19. Nae

    Nae The Violent

    Dec 16, 2010
    East India Company HQ
    Haven't tried my hardest to find any decent fic TBH, and the ones I did found were Bast/Kvothe slash. :fire

    If I recall, Seratin was working on one.
  20. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Last I checked their was one decent one-shot on fanffiction.net, but that's about it.