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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I want you to prove me wrong. Because I want to read a Badass Remus story.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

    I just had this idea I wanted to share.
    Of course, I wouldn't be posting it here if I didn't want you people to give advice and criticism.

    With that said, here's an idea for a fusion-fic of Dracula (1931) and Harry Potter.

    What do we really know about Vampires?
    Eternal youth. Using their fangs, they drink human and only human blood to survive.
    They sleep in coffins or other body-sized containers durring the day, as the sun kills them instantly.
    Heavily allergic to garlic, which causes sneezing, coughing and other symptoms.
    Can transform into bats and mist, however they rarely do so, as they can fly unaided.
    Their strength, senses and reflexes are slightly more better than normal, but not as much as people think.
    They can however, see in complete darkness. Fortunately for us, they cannot enter our homes uninvited.
    One could also kill them with a wooden stake to the heart kills them.
    Humans of opposite gender are magically attracted to them, as Vampires have a natural form of hypnosis.
    Strongest of them can command animals.
    The have no reflection in mirrors.
    Wizards which were turned into Vampires, still can use magic.
    Muggle Vampires, of course, have no such luck.
    In order for someone to become one of them, a Vampire must suck out one's entire blood.

    Widely recognized as the King of the Vampires is His Highness Vlad Dracula the 1st.
    He currently resides in the United Kingdom, having moved to London in 1897.
    He has a daughter named Princess Marya Dracula.
    Vlad supported Voldemort in the First Wizarding War.
    He was the one to convince the Purebloods that muggles should be enslaved, not killed.
    He believes that muggles could be used by Wizards to produce food and used by Vampires to BE food.
    King Dracula even convinced the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters,
    that muggleborns could be used to raise the wizarding population, while still being second-class citizens.
    Plus of course, the Purebloods would be banned from marrying them.
    The mudbloods would be taken from their muggle parents at the age of one and obliviated of any undesirable memories.
    The muggle parents would of course be devoured by vampires.
    While the Death Eaters were extremely against this idea, not wanting to mix their blood with mud,
    Voldemort saw the genius of this.
    The Death Eaters therefore switched from killing, to kidnapping children.
    After Harry Potter vanquished the Dark Lord in 1981, the Vampires remained a powerfull force in the wizarding world,
    having many magical and non-magical Vampires in their ranks, which by that time counted hundreds.
    The Ministry of Magic was powerless to do anything to them, so certain peace treaties were signed.
    Vampire wizards and witches would be able to attend schools such as Hogwarts under the condition that
    they wouldn't be a threat to anyone there.
    In the present (1991), King Dracula is recognized as the most powerful Vampire in the world and
    there are even some Vampires on the Wizengamot.
  2. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Once again, what's the conflict? Because all this adds is another group that supports Voldemort and I can see, an vampire!OC love interest (Dracula's dauhter) for Harry in this.

    Also, the only good vampires are burning vampires :fire
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Um, no? I based her on the movie "Dracula's Daughter" which is a sequel to the original Dracula movie.
    She is WAY older than Harry and I wouldn't even entertain the thought of her being a love interest.
    If anything, she's a Bellatrix analogue.

    As for conflict, there is none at the moment. This is mainly a setting to be used for making a story.
    I always saw the "proper" Vampires as the ones shown in Dracula, therefore I felt that I could change and/or expand the ones in the Potterverse.
  4. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    My mind's been polluted by media -> all I can mentally see is an older woman seducing, fucking, and feeding off a teenager.
  5. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    ^As long as they don't sparkle that is okay.
  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Inspired by the 'What if Hagrid was given the Dementor's Kiss' thread.

    What if instead of Fudge turning up with Dementors once Barty Crouch Jr revealed himself, he did the sensible thing and called the Aurors, who are trained to deal with this kind of thing. So instead of Fudge fucking things up with incompetence, we have Rufus Scrimogeour using the situation to his advantage, running a cover up in order to stop the public from panicking.

    That way we'd have Harry torn between Dumbledore, who advocated announcing Voldemort's return to everyone, and Scrimogeour, who wants to keep it secret so that the Aurors can prepare/root out the traitors without everyone panicking or going over to the Death Eaters.
  7. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Yes, because I can totally see Harry having to mull that over long and hard. "Hmm, I can go with the Headmaster whom I've known and trusted for four years, or this secretive stranger associated with the Ministry. Whose opinion happens to be exactly opposite that old Dumbledore. Ye gods, whatever shall I do!"
  8. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Not like that. He'd play it as an alternative to Dumbledore's plan, not as his polar opposite. Scrimogeour would put his points across logically and Harry would see the value in them. Dumbledore would do the same and Harry would be faced with two different, but equally doable paths.

    And besides, at this point Harry will be TEEN ANGRY, Dumbledore will be happily avoiding Harry for fear of Voldemort possessing him, and also just as happily not explaining anything. That'll push him towards Scrimogeour.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2012
  9. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Using the Dracula vampires and having Vlad Tepes be the oldest and strongest is kinda lame. It means you miss out of the possibility of older vampires.

    I mean, would it not be interesting to get into how a millenia old being would see the world?
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Well I didn't say he was the oldest. Just that he was king at the moment.
  11. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Age generally connects to power in vampire lore. Even if they don't grow stronger as they age, it makes perfect sense for beings with more experience and time to make contacts to have more accumulated power.
  12. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    Well I suppose you could go with them being in hibernation or something or maybe just uninterested in straight up rule or gathering power away from the public eye so they have no problem with Vlad/ Dracula being the public leader.
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    How about Dracula is the official king, but he takes orders from the elder vampries, as they have no intention of revealing themselves.
    That way, they have more freedom to act and are harder to take down.
    Why, one of them could pretend to be Dracula's adviser to amuse himself.

    Vampire version of Illuminati comes to mind.
  14. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    It all depends on how much you want to involve the vampires directly. If you want to give depth to their characters, I'd avoid Dracula. He's just too famous and too cliché to use in vampire fiction.

    Just make some OC instead and amuse yourself with thousands of years of history and culture.
  15. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I would argue that in recent years everyone seem to be avoiding including Dracula in their vampire fiction to the point where they introduce characters just like him, but not really him.

    And by the way, I think having Dracula as the king despite the fact that there are much older and seemingly more powerful vampires around would say a lot about just how dangerous he really is. While experience helps, it's not really necessary to achieve greatness.
  16. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    It also says something about Voldemort that he can maintain a mutually beneficial alliance with such creatures.

    I would change their magic though if there are going to be a lot of them. HP magic + vampire skills = crazy enemies. Especially since there's nothing stopping such a vamp from using darkness powder and then killing everything in site. And that's just in a short term fight. A darker type of magic but more limited in some ways would make things more interesting.
  17. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I was writing something which had promise as a crossover. I had this opening with inspiration drawn from Jorge Borge's The Circular Ruins. Abstract beginning which have the Seven of Baelor making and remaking Harry from HP canon in their light, but the light runs out and leaves him imperfect in the North.

    That's pretty much the most viable location to start it, unless you're having Harry in Westeros from birth. Harry pitted against the White Walkers is believable in that his magic may be of varying effectiveness against them (like, they're dead, can't be imperiused, their dead, ensorcelled hide might be resistant to curses, etc.) It keeps him from being able to running amok in civilized Westeros as Taure mentioned as a conflict-killer.

    Then when Harry goes south of the Wall, he could start doing the Imperius thing just to fix things... but I honestly believe it wouldn't work out that way. He'd Imperius Cersei or Joffrey or something, engineer things to his satisfaction... then the subservient characters will leap in on the act, sensing the unnaturalness of it, exploiting the inability of the Imperiused to defy their command, to impose their own schemes.

    All it takes is for someone to get a war started and spiral beyond Harry's control. If he Imperiuses Twyin Lannister to sue for peace, what's to say all fifty of his commanders will accept that? And on the other side?

    And do you mean to say Twyin, or Tyrion, or Cersei, or Ned, or Robb, or Varys... they are all weak-willed, and susceptible to the Imperius at all?

    What if Tyrion for example resists? Harry's going to kill him just because?

    So the story could be based on the theme of control not being so clear-cut, with consequences spilling out of the safety net. Figureheads might be controlled, but the lesser pieces on the chessboard have minds and wills of their own. That's a major theme of the series, and I don't think Harry having a wand will subdue all of that.

    The sheer coolness of the ASoIaF series should be enough for a smart author to make it work. Embrace the moral and political complexity. Think outside the fucking box.
  18. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Leaning on WoD history, Dracula was a mortal with balls of steel. He laid a trap for a fourth generation Tzimicze, made the vampire embrace him, and then diableriesed it, becoming a fourth generation Tzimicze himsef.

    On somewhat related note, whenever I manage to fit it into the timetable, I'm continiuing to write Bleeding the Magic :D
  19. Rapscallion

    Rapscallion Groundskeeper

    Dec 30, 2011
    Vaes Dothrak
    Imagine Harry on his broom, being chased by 'Drogon – The Winged Shadow' or 'Balerion – The Black Dread', in GOF tourney. DAMN! :awesome

    But I would agree, that the canon tones of both the universe is not quite suited to mix. While in GoT we see more latent sort of magic; in HP it is too blatant or obvious. Though, if one of the them is manipulated a bit; say we make magic in HP verse a bit latent citing some plausible reason(similar to a fic I read, ‘Ambient’ was it?:confused:), then we can have a possibility for good xover fic.

    But truth be told, as much as I would want to read such thing, I am not certain about it being realistic enough. Perhaps, a good writer with nice imagination can twist it into epic (/me looks around at the famed names around with high hopes:D)
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  20. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I think a localized HP/GoT fic could work really well - if Harry has his place in Westeros/Essos and stays there. Possibly not literally a single location either, but, say, Harry joining the Night's Watch, or following Daenerys as a kind of court magician. Baby Gandalf for a baby dragon queen. Trying to write a crossover into a GRRM style world spanning epic is a recipe for disaster.
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