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Hearthstone thread.

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Oz, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    Well, after 2 straight 7+ win arenas, I decided I wanted to be cute and make a sub-optimal play just to get a 9/9 blood knight out, and lost at 6 wins. Oops.

    Counterspell is an awful card btw. What did you pick it over? Ravenholdt is a pretty bad rare too, mostly because there are so many good ones. Then again, there is also chicken, so it could be the best in a set of 3 sometimes.
  2. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Stealth creeps are pretty good I think, though Ravenholdt is definitely the worst of the three neutral ones.
  3. Saot

    Saot Groundskeeper

    May 9, 2011
    There's a lot of neutral rares I'd take Ravenholdt over. The murlocs, alarm-o-bot, chicken, watcher, arcane golem, bloodsail corsair, lightwarden for non-priests, scretkeeper for non-secret users, mana wraith for everyone but paladin and mage.
  4. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Generally it's just a shite draft where the cards offered are all terrible. I had 4 Murloc raiders come up in that draft and something like 3 Secret Keepers long before I got offered any secrets; and even then, it's unlikely I'd take a card based on a 1 in 30 chance of me pulling it.

    In Hindsight the Murlocs would've been great as I only faced one 'free' removal class in the Druid, but I went 2nd in 4 of the 5 games that draft so, kinda pointless too. The Ravenholdt was the last choice offered to me, vs an Angry Chicken and ANOTHER Secret Keeper. Maybe I should've taken the Keeper as I had Counterspell, Mirror Entity and Ice Block but eh, doesn't matter.

    Been passing my drafts via a friend of a friend who got in on the 2nd Beta wave so basically has everything now, and he says they're fine bar a pick here or there. Still, it's just bad drafting I think - yesterday I played a Shaman who had 4 Hexes and a Sylvanas, the draft before that I found a Ysera Warrior and another Ysera on a Mage - 2 Legendaries in one Arena run? I just have crap luck but thankfully so did they as I won both games the turn after they played her.

    Maybe my 5th Arena run will go better when I save up the gold.
  5. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    Just got a 12 win arena! 2x dwarf, argus, yeti, 2x harvest golem, 2x injured blademaster among other things. That was easily the best set of neutral minions I've ever drafted, and it just steamrolled everything.
  6. Mister Ferro

    Mister Ferro High Inquisitor

    Jul 2, 2008
    I have finally got into the beta only to find out that Blizzard sent out faulty emails. :cry:
  7. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    damn just went 12-0. Amazing pair of arena drafts. Deathwing is a ridiculously strong card in arena.
  8. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Finally got in. On my third arena run I managed to go 7-3, but I was lucky enough to get mage as an option. Hilariously enough I didn't manage to draft a single AoE, but 2 Kirin Tor, 2 Mirror Entity, 3 Fireball, 1 Polymorph, along with decent neutrals pulled me through.

    What's the reward for 12W?
  9. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    3-400 gold + a card or two on top of the pack.
  10. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    8-3 first time hunter. Went beast/buff.deck with a ton of removal. Felt pretty good, though my last loss was really annoying, he had 2 of the 6 damage to hero spells in hand so I went from 14 hp to 0 and the opponent never played a creature. Meanwhile in my hand: 2/7 turtle, 2x Beastbuffers, Hand of Argus + etc.
  11. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Oz, is your key still available?
  12. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  13. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Ah shoot, thanks anyway.
  14. Daedros

    Daedros Seventh Year

    May 7, 2012
    I just started playing Hearthstone. I haven't even unlocked all of the basic cards yet (I've played like 20 games in total) but I've been using a really funny Rogue deck lately. Essentially I get fucked for three quarters of the game, then play a bunch of spell damage amplification in a single turn and burn someone's face off. Not practical, but funny when it works.
  15. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Hey guys, I just thought I'd share the cheap-ish deck I'm running in ranked atm. It's 71% winrate over 55 games so far, with games from rank 19 through to rank 10 (my current rank), with the worst matchups being vs Mage and Warlock (which are also the most commonly played heroes in my sample, go figure)

    Here is the decklist

    2 epics, 8 rares, 8 commons, 12 basics for a total of 1920 dust. The lay on hands can be subbed out for a guardian of kings or divine favor, if a class-epic is too much of an investment, but everything else should be usable in many decks (Big Game Hunter, Kodo, Argent Commander, etc). Note that Lay on Hands plays a big part in the late game plan of this deck - It gives you a bunch of draws that allow you to deliver the final blow to the opponent.

    For mulligan, if you're first, probably dump everything that isn't two or three cost (+ dump Big Game Hunter). As second, you can afford to keep one of Concseration, Kings or Truesilver Champ depending on the matchup.

    Vs Mage, Druid, Priest - Truesilver > Kings > Cons

    Vs Rogue, Warlock, Paladin, Warrior, Shaman - Consecration > Truesilver > Kings

    vs Hunter - IDK, only vsed a single hunter.

    For basic strategy, you'll want to focus on getting maximum VALUE from each card you play: You have lots of ways to do this, with Argent Protector letting you trade for free, SSC and Dwarf letting you trade up, Harvest Golem commonly 2 for 1's. If you have other options try to save your Youthful Brewmasters for reusing battlecries or saving an important minion (or both!). In a game earlier, I was against a GIANTS Mage, who wiped my board and then dropped 2 molten giants. I used Big Game Hunter + Brewmaster to kill both giants, which broke his back & I went on to win the game.

    Argent Protectors are usually the best to Brewmaster, since Divine Shield lets you trade so well. If you suspect the other player might be going for big creatures (ie: It's a druid or priest) then saving one for Big Game Hunter is good too.

    Some other combos are Aldor Peacekeeper into Stampeding Kodo and Dark Iron Dwarf (an enemy) into Big Game Hunter.

    I've been considering some other cards, like Defender of Argus (current list completely lacks taunt, though I'm not sure Argus would necessarily help me against the Warlock decks I have trouble with) or Divine Favor (more draw @@).
  16. Legacy

    Legacy Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Dec 19, 2010
    I like it. The only things I may have done differently would be to swap a stampeding kodo for a single humility and replace one of your hammers of wrath for a sword of justice. The single stampeding kodo is good for dealing with low damage, high health taunts and lower cost minions. But when you get to 4 and 5 mana it becomes less useful considering the high damage minions start coming out around then. The humility on the other hand combos with consecration to be the single best board clear in the game and is useful even when you don't also have a consecration in your hand. Then again, that's all on the assumption that you want things to go to the late game which I could be completely wrong about.

    The sword of justice on the other hand is just pure value. For those who don't know, its basically a 1/5 weapon for 3 that gives every minion you play a 1/1 buff and lowers its durability. Insanely good value if you are at a neutral level of board control or if it is in your favor. Not quite as useful if you are being dominated unless you happen to have multiple charge creatures in your hand as well. Replacing the hammer of wrath with it though is more of a personal preference thing than anything else. I'm biased against mixed removal/card draw cards, it works in a few cases such as starfire and slam but at 4 mana for 3 damage I don't really find much value in it when your deck already has quite a bit of card draw built in.

    I'm not the biggest fan of the lay on hands at the end though, just seems like its a bit too dependent on you being in control when it happens to take advantage of the extra cards. It could work as a life saver play but I really don't like paying that much for card draw though once again that's my own bias.
  17. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    I like the idea of this deck, but as Legacy suggested there are a couple of refinements that might help. I don't know that what I am about to suggest is actually better, but these are the things I would try to see if they work better worse.

    I would try to squeeze a SoJ in there somewhere for sure (maybe replace a Blessing of Kings?) and possibly consider Defender of Argus over Kodo and/or Dwarf.
    I agree with Legacy about the Lay on Hands. Is there any particular reason to play this over Divine Favor? I guess the heal is nice especially vs Mage, but if you hit the point where you need that to survive a mage with this deck you probably lost anyways.
    Definitely would seriously consider equality, as I don't see any good way to deal with fatties in your deck and you are mostly low HP anyways with your minions.
    Sylvanas would be amazing in this deck if you have her, but she is good in pretty much every deck imaginable.
    Have you tried the Wild Pyromancer + Equality gimmick? It wipes the entire board for 4 mana, which is situational of course, but amazing when it works.

    The Pally deck I've played with is a variation on this: http://imgur.com/QkvmMC8
    Although I am missing some cards, so it doesn't work quite right. I'll have to give yours a shot.

    How does this do against Druid btw? I am running a standard lategame druid deck with Ragnaros and Ysera and I don't know how this would match up since I've never encountered something quite like this.
  18. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    I actually don't have any swords of justice, so I couldn't try them even if I wanted to :(

    LoH is a real hero in this deck, the combination of DRAW and HEAL is just amazing. LoH is a gamewinner vs burn-IB mages, since they'd need to draw perfect to burn 38hp, which I've been running into about 1 in 3 games.

    I actually haven't had much of a problem with lategame control decks, the speed of this deck + BGH (+panda) + Aldor PK (+kodo) means they can't really keep things on the board for that long. It's the rush decks that are faster than me giving me strife.

    Kodo is actually great vs the non-mages I lose most to (Rogue & Warlock), and with Aldor it's also quite usable vs other classes.

    I don't have Sylvanas, but yeah it would be great.

    I'm considering pyromancer (+equality) as a way to better deal with warlocks and rogues, but not sure what to remove. Games where I can't play cons on turn 4 / 5 are pretty much always losses vs these guys.

    I'm 5-1 vs druids.

    If you're on US add me on kaidash#1390 and we can play sometime.
  19. theronin

    theronin Order Member

    Jan 17, 2013
    Just sent you a friend request. Ronin#1366
  20. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Hearthstone has been down for 2 days now in Europe. :|