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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Nerdman3000

    Nerdman3000 Seventh Year

    Apr 23, 2013
    Love your Demonic War idea Xandrel!

    Here my own plot-bunny: After the prophecy is spoken in 1979, the being known as Death decides it could use the opportunity presented by the prophecy to finally go after Voldemort for attempting to escape death, and so decides to reincarnate a piece of itself in the body of Harry Potter(could be male or female in this case, since I've always pictured Death as female although regular canon male Harry works too). History goes mostly as it did in canon up until the encounter with Voldemort at the end of Book One(with the exception that every time Harry is in physical danger, the part of him that is death temporarily takes over to quickly deal with the problem and the fact that at one point Death takes control and destroys the Diadem). During the encounter with Voldemort, Death completely takes over Harry's body and attacks Voldemort, weakening him even more. The story would go through the years with Death taking over Harry more and more as Harry grows more powerful with Death's abilities at his disposal. He basically for all intents and purposes begins to hunt Voldemort. The whole Death taking over thing would climax at the end of year five when Death and Harry essentially merge into one being. It also be able Death trying to regain all the Deathly Hallows.
  2. TacosRule

    TacosRule Squib

    Nov 27, 2013
    So I registered just for the Anime crossovers thread, but since it seems to have run its course I figured this one would be a better fit. It got me thinking about the various HP/anime crossovers I've considered but never done anything with.

    HP/Nanoha: It was kind of funny seeing people mention Nanoha crossovers because one of my ideas was a 'fic where Harry is raised or mentored by Gil Graham (who is, after all, a British wizard). I just never figured out how I wanted the timelines to fit - I wanted it to be set after Graham is 'retired', with Harry being his shot at redemption, but that doesn't really work, so. Eh.

    HP/Ah! My Goddess: Inspired by an offhand comment somebody made here a long time ago (I've lurked a while). Harry tries to call Hermione during summer break (fifth year seemed good - he was getting pretty desperate for news), accidentally rings the Goddess Help Line instead, and it so happens that Urd is manning the phones at the time. Hilarity ensues. I kind of had a beginning and an end in mind for this, but couldn't settle on anything in between. So this one also got dropped.

    HP/Fate/Stay Night: Inspired by another comment where somebody said almost all current HP/Fate crossovers on FFnet are shit. It's true, they kind of are. I got to thinking 'why?', though. I think it's because most of the ones I've read end up reading as Fate/Stay Night retreads with Harry tacked on. Or Harry Potter retreads with F/SN characters tacked on. I got to thinking it might be better to try blending the two.

    So my idea was that Harry is a student at Clock Tower, a magus of reasonably respectable lineage who was raised by non-magical relatives after his parents were killed by a rogue magus who had a Sealing Designation (I wonder who that guy could be...?). In addition to dealing with his coursework and all the backstabbing magi are known for, his life gets really interesting when the Goblet of Fire (a.k.a. the Holy Grail) selects him as a Master. So now he's bound to duel to the death with friends/classmates, some of his professors, and the odd foreigner or two.

    In case you can't tell that last one came the closest to getting written. I'm not sure my knowledge of Nasuverse is encyclopedic enough to give it justice, though.
  3. SmileOfTheKill

    SmileOfTheKill Magical Amber

    Mar 24, 2007
    Florida, Sigh...

    The solution was obviously to make the Fate/Stay Night crew tacked onto the Harry Potter world instead.

  4. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Why not just forget the timeline. I mean sure, one of the advantagees of Nanoha is that its timeline lends itself to a crossover with a post-Hogwarts Harry, but most people don't get up in arms about screwing the timelines for the sake of crossovers.

    I actually really wanted to do a Harry with the Tome of the Night Sky story. (There is technically one on FF, but it is god-awful) I had some amusing ideas about how Wizards relate to Mages and how to keep Harry and the Wolkenritter from stomping all over Voldemort, but I don't know if I'll ever get around to fleshing it out more fully.

    Ryuugi's ideas over on SpaceBattles were the best though.
  5. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
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  6. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
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  7. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Right, rucks. >_> <_< :3
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    So this thing has been sitting quietly in the APW list, but I thought it might work as its own scenario separately, what do you think?

    Harry Potter and the Dead Hallows

    Wizards do not know if afterlife exists. How could they, if nobody ever went there? This is because every witch and wizard after death becomes a ghost, no exceptions. They have no choice in the matter either.

    Some wizarding scholars theorize that eternal stay on Earth is the price for having magic, while others claim that ghosts are not truly the people they were before, but simply imitations.

    Whatever the case, the number of ghosts today is higher than the number of living wizards and witches. Ghosts from all ages of mankind, from prehistory, through antiquity and middle ages to the modern era. One can ask Merlin about the nature of magic, have a heated political discussion with Salazar Slytherin or hear a tale or two about the adventures of Godric Gryffindor.

    Ghosts can interact with physical matter, but obviously that isn't enough to be a threat to wizards. Additionally, only magical people can see ghosts, muggles and Squibs cannot (Filch doesn't see ghosts here). Ghosts can learn, can acquire new memories (and in fact seem to have an unlimited 'memory space'). And as such, ghosts can teach well, here Binns isn't boring, but actually quite interesting (an occasional, emotional retelling of bloody wars may feature).

    The Peverell Brothers took another route in creating the Hallows in this world. Instead of creating a stone that would bring back the dead they invented the End Stone which banishes ghosts into nothingness. The Dead Wand can be wielded by ghosts, allowing them the use of magic just like when they were alive. The Ghostly Cloak can be worn by a living person and gives one the abilities of a ghost, flying unaided and passing through solid matter.

    Albus Dumbledore never spoke of any 'next great adventures'. He had proof right before his eyes that there was no next adventure, there was only the Earth. Here's the thing though: ghosts are indestructible (unless erased by the End Stone) and they can fly. Albus sometimes whispers about flying outside the solar system after death.

    Lord Voldemort was not obsessed with immortality, as he already knew he was going to stay on Earth after death. He was however determined to get his hands on the Deathly Hallows. The Dead Wand would allow him to use magic so his power would remain, while the End Stone in his possession would allow him to rule over ghosts as well. He did not make any Horcruxes, Herpo the Foul did not invent them.

    Voldemort got the End Stone, but failed to acquire the wand, which was safely hidden by Dumbledore (the whole Grindelwald Thing). However, the End Stone was enough for the Dark Lord to begin a wave of true terror. For the first time in history, there was a war with both wizarding and ghostly victims. Ghosts were forced to obey Voldemort in fear of being erased by his strange powers.

    Then, in 1981, the Dark Lord was killed by young Harry Potter. Voldemort's ghost fled the area with the End Stone.

    Harry's parents, having already returned as ghosts, prevented Dumbledore from taking Harry to the Dursleys, as even though dead, they could still be with the boy. A house elf was acquired to perform tasks which ghosts of Lily and James could not do. And so Harry was raised by ghosts and a house elf.

    Meanwhile Voldemort hid on the moon, where nobody would find him, and already planned his return to power.

    Harry doesn't have Voldemort's Horcrux in his head, he can't talk with snakes and doesn't share a mental connection with the Dark Lord. However, the prophecy is still active.

    Years have passed and Harry got his Hogwarts letter. There is no Philosopher's Stone at the school, as Voldemort would not give a shit about a stone which gives eternal youth if he's already dead.

    We see Harry interacting with the wizard/ghost society, see him get to Hogwarts and meet the Founders and Merlin himself (one scene, the guy is busy).

    The Plot of the first year would be Voldemort trying to steal the Dead Wand from Dumbledore.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  9. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    I am confused how Voldemort was defeated - turned into a ghost of ghost?

    Because as described here he is still a ghost (unchanged) and with the End Stone (unchanged).
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    He was himself with a body, the rebound Killing Curse killed him, so he returned immediately as a ghost. Since ghosts can interact with physical matter, he took the End Stone and ran away.
  11. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    He was alive, then killed by Harry and turned into a ghost. While he still had the end stone and he was able to kill ghosts with it, he didn't hace the dead wand so he couldn't perform magic and affect the living other than ordering his death eaters to do stuff.

    There are some problems though. If he had the dead stone with him then he could have banished the ghosts of James and Lily. If he still has the stone then he can still control the ghosts by fear. He could have searched for his most loyal servants to help without needing to vanish. Since Salazar's ghost is still around then the reason people gathered around Voldemort was because he could kill both ghosts and wizards so he was a force to consider but as a ghost he still has half of that power. Therefore, while he is not a threat for wizards he still can cause fear to most of the population. Though since he can't use magic any wizard could steal the stone so that might be why he is in hiding.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Exactly bakkasama, the lack of magic is the problem here. While ghosts can interact with physical matter (swords, etc) your basic magic is going to defeat them in combat (but not kill them).

    Voldemort got much support because he was able to do what nobody could before: destroy ghosts. To wizards this is like destroying a soul, something worse than what a dementor does.

    When he killed James and Lily, they returned as ghosts, but not immediately, it takes some time. Even though Voldemort died later, his ghost appeared faster, due to his very strong attachment to life and his frequent usage of the End Stone. The difference was basically minimal, he appeared just fast enough to grab the stone and leave before the Potters appeared.

    After that, while he still has the stone and could theoretically be a threat to other ghosts, he is not a threat to wizards, which is unacceptable to him. So acquiring the Dead Wand became his top priority. Of course, Dumbledore has this wand, so it is not going to be easy.

    In this AU, a good GoF analogue would be the Dark Lord finally getting the wand.
  13. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    Am I to assume that magic such as jelly legs jinx or stupefy would affect them? otherwise it might not be that trivial. Unless they have a way to contain them or stopping them from entering some places and considering that you can't kill them then if they can interact with matter then what is to stop them from hurting those who anger them?
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I'd think that some magic affects them, while other does not. For example, a Killing Curse would be harmless to a ghost, but the Imperius might be another thing. It is also worth considering if ghosts feel pain, I say they don't, so the Cruciatus doesn't work.

    Ghosts also might be hurt by Dementors, though again not killed. Fiendfyre might cover a ghost on fire, but he will not burn, though his armour and sword will be melted. Obliviation also may work on ghosts, they are also affected by the Fidelius and other secrecy charms.

    A stunner will not work, since ghosts don't sleep, but full body bind will work as they have a shape than can be frozen (see Chamber of Secrets and Nick). Entrails-expelling curse will not work, since there are no entrails to be expelled, but a Boggart will transform to scare a ghost since it has a mind that can experience fear.
  15. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    Dresden Files/ Harry Potter Fusion

    Massive AU

    BG: Albus Dumbledore used to be one of the most powerful wizards of the White Council. Despite his relatively young age, Dumbledore was widely rumored to join the Senior Council. Talented at all forms of magic, Dumbledore possessed power at thirty that wizards could only hope at one hundred. Meets Grindelwald, equally talented wizard and disciple of Kemmler himself. Albus falls in love, enamored with the idea of completing the Darkhallow to ascend to godhood to create a benevolent dictatorship of the world. Save humans from the vampires, monsters, etc. Massive genocide. Same thing as canon, until he kills his sister and his brother.
    This is where things get different. Dumbledore gets obsessed with the idea of bringing Ariana back.

    Enter Tom Riddle, brilliant young wizard and able researcher and magical adept. Tom has already achieved a level of notoriety as one of the foremost magical researchers into soul magic, etc. Tom, as per canon, wants to be immortal. This he hides from Dumbledore with his guise of purely academic curiosity.

    He and Dumbledore follow Kemmler's notes visiting various death zones in the world, passing into uncharted territory in the Never Never. Dumbledore holds such skill at death magic that he creates his own version of the Black Staff, the elder wand. Subsequently forms more artifacts, called the Hallows. When he finishes his work he comes to the conclusion that the only way to bring back Ariana, soul and all, instead of inferi or a ghost, to achieve true reincarnation was to fulfill the ultimate act of necromancy, the Darkhallow that he and Grindelwald had dreamed of achieving. With his newfound power, Dumbledore seeks to confront Grindelwald who had since been raising massive terror in Europe, the likes of which haven’t been seen since Kemmler.

    Dumbledore and his trusty apprentice demand The Word of Kemmler from Grindelwald. Epic duel occurs. Dumbledore wins and Grindelwald confesses at wandpoint that he doesn’t know where it is.

    Tom Riddle thinks that Dumbledore has the Word now that Grindelwald is defeated and tries to destroy Dumbledore. Second epic duel occurs. Dumbeldore wins again! Tom’s soul is shattered into fragments, one of which latches onto his own skull. Very first horcrux is formed!

    White Council arrives and the Merlin realizes that Dumbledore, whom he hasn’t seen in many years, is so steeped in dark magic. Announces execution of Dumbledore.

    Massive War occurs. Dumbledore kills Grindelwald and assumes control of the rest of Kemmler’s disciples and a third necromancy war occurs.

    The war has been going on for some time and Harry’s parents become casualties. Harry’s parents were Wardens caught in one of the zombie raids of London. When Harry gets his parents stuff he finds an old skull that says his name is Tom Riddle. Tom asks Harry if he wants to save the world. Harry says yes.

    From here on out, the story is a treasure hunt. Harry grows in magical skill, possessing a prodigious amount of talent and power that flourishes under Tom’s tutelage. Adventures ensue as Harry travels around the world, visiting death zones, traversing the Never Never, going to the Underworld to talk to the shade of Kemmler himself, all in search of the Word.

    This culminates into a final three way battle, where Tom who has regained a body after slowly leeching of bits of Harry’s soul, Harry, and Dumbledore, in the nexus of the Darkhallow ritual.

    Harry gets thrown out of the circle. Tom and Dumbledore die. Harry finds the Word in the debris and burns it.

    Edit: I was thinking about other endings.

    First, that they all die and go to the place Cowl went.

    Second, that they all complete the Darkhallow sending the world into further chaos as mortals freely wield the power of gods without any boundaries. This is where things get cool.Dumbledore resurrects Ariana.

    There's no more need for conflict between the three as they're all gods now. Although once again, Tom does not want to share power. Collectively, they decide to carry on with Dumbledore's original plan.

    Dumbledore has resurrected Ariana and feels justified now in doing whatever he wants. Harry Potter is convinced by the two that he has the power to change reality. Tom says that he can still save the world. Tom agrees that wizards and other humans should definitely be safer.

    With that they make war on the Red Court. They start killing off the bad guys. Next stop is the Winter Court. There Harry finds out that they actually fight Outsiders. This is where things get confusing for him because he doesn't know if the people he's been killing have similar roles.

    By then it's too late as the imbalances in the world's magic is too great. The Outsiders enter the world with the help of the Black Council. Tom Riddle is actually part of the Black Council, surprise surprise. He just wanted to kill of competition.

    Nemesis possesses Ariana and Dumbledore is once again forced to kill her. He realizes the only way to be reunited with her is to die.

    The apocalypse has come and Harry believes he has the power to stop it. Hero! Harry. Dumbledore and Harry, call upon what allies they can, the Winter Court, the White Council, the Grey Council, etc, to fight for the survival of the world.

    At the end, Harry creates the veil which traps the Outsiders in their universe forever. The Winter Court no longer has to fight them. Thus, the power levels of every being in the world is shifted. Massive forests grow again as the Faelands bleed into the real world. The Sidhe get to live for themselves again. This makes them infinitely weaker, more human.

    Magic is free and wild again. From here on out, even the gods do not know what will happen.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  16. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Not.. 100% sure about the ending... but some of that is really good.
  17. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    This was mostly driven by my desire for a happy ending. I'm probably not going to write this anyway.
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Dragons, or Draco Sapiens, are reptilian, fire-breathing, intelligent beings which have lived alongside wizards and muggles since the dawn of mandkind.

    Dragons are highly secretive and isolationist, howevery they have a common tendency to become incredibly bloodthirsty and violent if agitated or if they detect someone in their lair. They are known for their strong greed and love of gold and precious stones like diamons or sapphires.

    The fire-breathers are the only known race to consistently refuse to stay at peace with any other race. They steal from Goblins, they do not bow down to Wizards and they refuse to hear the wisdom of Centaurs.

    Dragonkind is also responsible for the fall of the Statute of Secrecy in 1744, when a very large tribe of reptilians decided to carve out a nation for themselves on Sicily. Wizards were forced to help their muggle cousins and the Statute was abandoned.

    Perhaps this was for the better, as a common enemy served to bind closer the other groups. The Goblin nation was finally allowed wands, Centaurs were re-classified from beasts to beings and muggles (mostly) no longer held wizards as satan worshippers. Of course, things are far from peaceful and there is still bad blood between all of them, but there have been no race wars.

    No wars, not counting the ones with the Dragons, of course. And of those there have been many, the Sicilian Incident was just a beginning, many of the most brutal and bloodiest wars in history have been between Dragons and any of the other races.

    In 1951, several dragons have attacked the home of one Nicolas Flamel, hoping to steal his most valued achievement, the Philosopher's Stone. The Stone, being able to transform any metal into gold, has even more worth to a dragon than to a human. While the attack failed, Flamel's wife Perenelle was killed. This incident has led the government of Human Britain to declare a war on Dragon Wales, with Flamel himself calling for revenge.

    Among the first ones to answer the call to arms, was a highly respected researcher, duelist and politician, Tom Marvolo Riddle.


    The story would be Voldemort-centric as he quickly rises in the ranks of the wizards in British military during the most recent war against the Dragon Menace.
  19. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    You just watched the Hobbit didn't you?
  20. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I actually like that ending quite a bit, though I'd like to see Harry lose a fair amount of his power, too. Take a step down from 'Godly' to merely 'semi-divine'.

    Sort of like Odin. Used to be a God, now much more limited.
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