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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Several quickies which may or may not be interesting.

    - When Harry is viewing Snape's memory of Hogwarts and James Potter being a dick, a [PLOT DEVICE] causes him to be actually sent to that point in time, he interrupts the bullying and prevents Snape from calling Lily a mudblood. As Harry still has his Horcrux, Voldemort senses that something has changed.

    - Early in his childhood Ron develops a magical ability to control rodents. When it fails to work on Scabbers, six year old Ron realizes something is wrong.

    - As magical creatures and plants die out due to muggle pollution (and other factors), wizards are forced to use different ingredients for potions. Who knew that coca-cola has the same properties as boomslang skin? Horace Slughorn discovers this in the late 50s and uses it to his advantage. Combining Potions and Muggle Chemistry causes him to revolutionize things and he creates Magochemistry.

    - Instead of Sirius falling through the veil, Remus does. Tonks is furious, attacks Bellatrix and manages to stun her.

    - When the Killing Curse rebounds and defeats Voldemort in 1981, he is reborn as Ariana Dumbledore.

    - When Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Hogwarts, the castle grounds and lake, parts of Forbidden Forest and the village of Hogsmeade are all transported to Westeros during the Red Wedding. (All the people and animals are transported as well, of course).
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  2. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Wait what?

    That's nice, but what will they do with all the scenery and architecture? Kind of useless without the people that inhabit it, albeit it would be amusing for all of them just to find themselves on the ground. Yes, I'm being deliberately obtuse, because even just the regular stuff of magic from HP being placed into the ASoIaF setting would mean one giant, short-lived, clusterfuck.

    All that said, I support the idea.
  3. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Reverse reincarnation?
  4. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Oh so... traveling back in time to be reborn as the sister of Dumbledore? With all of his memories? That must be quite the bother. I wonder how he'd fare with all the girly bits.
  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Time travel hijinks for the criminally insane?

    The people come as well, duh.
  6. meev

    meev Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2012
    I don't see Tom Riddle as someone who particularly cares about sex to be honest. Both in terms of physiology and the act.

    He'd probably care more about literally everything else involved in the situation than he would the sex change.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I agree. I always viewed Voldemort as completely asexual, though willing to use his good looks and charm to manipulate others.
  8. Platypus

    Platypus Groundskeeper

    Aug 26, 2010
    Xandrel, those last two plots were so, "Wat," that I felt that they were just a test to see who had kept reading.

    I've got a dumb plot of my own brought on by all of the Reading the Books fics floating around.

    On the Weasley's annual Diagon Alley school trip before Ron's first year at Hogwarts, Ginny tags along and feels neglected and left out by her mother fussing over Ron's new uniform, Ron's new (used) books, Ron going off and leaving Ginny all alone at home while he's having adventures at Hogwarts... and so she pointedly wanders off during the proceedings and finds herself in by a cart of cheap, old books, including a set of seven Harry Potter adventures stories that Ginny had never heard of before. The wizard who owned the cart was selling the books for a knut each, so Ginny went and blackmailed the twins for the change and bought the books for herself.

    Ginny saved the books for when her brothers had left for Hogwarts, and then spent the next two weeks reading about the adventures of Harry Potter, Donald Stoat, and Cressida Martin, and the extended and hilariously familiar Stoat family. In the meantime, Mrs. Weasley received two letters from Ron, three letters from Percy, and a ballad from Fred and George that she read over dinner to Ginny and Mr. Weasley about the Sorting Ceremony and the first few days back at Hogwarts, and Ron's new friend Harry Potter.

    Ginny enjoyed the books very much, but also started to get more and more embarrassed reading them in front of her parents when almost all of Ron's letters mentioned the real Harry Potter. When her brothers were due back from Hogwarts, she made up her mind to hide the books before Ron saw them, or worse, before Fred and George found them and read them and started teasing her for being just like Guinevere Stoat, Donald Stoat's younger sister and Harry Potter's girlfriend.

    Then her parent's get a letter from Dumbledore, and Ginny was witness to a long, involved, and completely nonsensical ramble by her flustered mother over the trouble Ron had gotten himself into with a giant chess set and Harry Potter and one of the Professors trying to steal from the school. And Ginny thought to herself, "That's just like my book!" But Mrs. Weasley's fussing was just different enough from the book that Ginny didn't think much else of it at the time.

    They went and picked her brothers up from the train a few days later, and Ginny caught a glimpse of Harry Potter again before they left the station. When they got home, Ron regaled them all with a definitely exaggerated version of events concerning the theft of the only Philospher's Stone in existence. Percy didn't really believe most of the story, and neither did Fred or George, but Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were suspiciously accepting of the story and willing to overlook Ron's repeated telling of it.

    Ginny knew then and there that he had to have read her books and embellished the real story about the thieving Professor to make himself look better, so she told him that she knew he had to be making some of it up because things like that didn't happen outside of books. Months later she was still fuming about it and periodically calling Ron on obviously made up details to his stories, even while he was becoming more and more legitimately concerned by Harry not writing him or Hermione back.

    Ginny receives her Hogwarts letter, and gets caught up in the joy of finally, FINALLY, getting her letter, and getting to pack things, and getting to go to Hogwarts and be Sorted and maybe getting on the Quidditch team and finally being allowed to do magic with her own wand... and then Fred and George and Ron did something completely unexpected and took the car to go and find Harry.

    When Harry comes to stay at the Burrow, Ginny's conviction that Ron had read her books and was lying about Harry and the things they'd done started to take a beating when Harry gets involved in dinner conversation and he and Ron talk about things that Ginny remembers from her books - like the Quidditch match where Harry swallowed the Snitch, that even Percy says really happened.

    The Weasley's annual Diagon Alley trip rolls around, and all of eleven year old Ginny's illusions about her books are shattered after having reread the first two books in her series and then going to Diagon Alley and experiencing the joys of promptly losing Harry to Knockturn Alley, getting her wand, basking in the glory that is Gilderoy Lockhart (book alias Killian Golding) and Lucius Malfoy (quick, somebody invent a name), and the diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle (David Mormeo Toll) left in her new books.

    Ginny, slightly wiser than the Ginny Weasley who had not read the books, attempted to tell her parents that something wasn't right by showing them the books. Except as soon as she handed them her copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, it immediately transformed into an exact copy of her diary. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Weasley could tell that there was anything wrong with the book to begin with, and after a few moments Ginny was literally tongue tied and could not tell them anything about the books without choking on her own tongue.

    Humiliated and furious, Ginny snatched the book away and stomped back upstairs, where it transformed back into a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone again. Then she decided to do one simple test to confirm whether the books were somehow coming true or not, and she went and wrote in the diary.


    After a few moments, Ginny felt silly and awkward. There was probably just some sort of spell on her other books - a spell that would put her fantasies on the page, or something like that.

    Then the ink was absorbed into the page of the diary like it was a sponge, and then thin, spidery letters started to arrange themselves on the page.

    Who is this?

    Ginny panicked and shut the diary, wrapping it in an old sweater and leaving it on her bookshelf. Then she went downstairs and tried to tell her parents that she had an evil diary that used to belong to You-Know-Who in her room that she only knew about because she had a series of books that were predicting the future.

    This didn't work out well because she choked on her tongue mid-syllable, just as Harry came into the room. She turned a deep, angry red, and stomped upstairs again to begin her first, second, and third attempts at destroying the diary on her own.

    Thus beginning Ginny's descent into madness as she spends the entirety of her first year failing to destroy the Horcrux in the diary, followed by more madcap adventures as she tries to figure out a way that the enchanted books will let her get Peter Pettigrew caught, Barty Crouch Jr thwarted, and so on and so forth while being completely unable to communicate what and or why she is trying to do these things.
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    The one with Westeros was.

    The one with Voldemort reincarnated as Ariana was totally serious.

    We have hundreds of fics in which Harry travels to the past and is put into his younger body. This of course gives him an insane amount of help and he rolfstomps over obstacles.

    Just for once, I want to see a version in which Voldemort is the one travelling to the past. However, in order to make it a bit amusing AND horrifying, have him be reborn as not only a girl (he would't care about that), but Dumbledore's sister to boot.

    IIRC, Ariana was born 1885. That's 41 years before Tom Marvolo Riddle would be born originally. It gives him plenty of time to take over the world, of course.
  10. Vandy222

    Vandy222 Fourth Year

    Jan 15, 2013
    So it's been a while since I posted... I've been working on a book, but I'm taking an extended break to work on fanfic. In the last fanfic I wrote, many of you gave me some great ideas (harry as the black heir)....here it is if interested....


    Anyway...I've been wanting to write one fic in particular for quite some time, and some of you (Perspicacity, in particular) gave me some creative ideas. However, I don't wish to use Harry as a vessel for Voldy...

    The idea is to write a unique and realistic fic where Bellatrix takes Harry at Grodric's Hollow and raises him as her own in a story that is somewhat compliant to canon (though Bellatrix doesn't go to Azkaban...obviously).

    I really do believe that Bellatrix could have been explored as a character much more than she was in canon. I wish to humanize her to some degree. However, her most defining quality traits were her loyalty to Voldemort, her craving for power, and her unstable personality. I understand she was kind of a lunatic, but does anyone here have an idea how she could realistically take in Harry at Grodric's Hollow?

    He could either remind her of the Dark Lord (perhaps the next one to train) or a son to care for and make her proud (since it is implies that she couldn't carry a child of her own). I'd like to post the first chapter tomorrow and see where it goes.... but I don't see many realistic avenues here.

    Anyone have any ideas? Or would this require a completely OOC Bellatrix?
  11. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Hmm, I'd recommend you take a peek at "The Taste of Your Magic". Might help you put into form what kind of Bellatrix you want.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Bellatrix raises Harry? Here's my take on the idea.

    On the night Voldemort goes to Godric's Hallow, he decides to take Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Jr. (his two most loyal) with him, just in case something goes wrong.

    He kills James with ease, Lily runs upstairs to protect Harry. Voldemort follows after her, Bella and Barty follow after him.

    They see him making an offer to spare the life of the mudblood and are a little surprised, why not just kill her? Finally, he kills Lily and points his wand at Harry.

    Naturally, the Killing Curse rebounds and destroys Voldemort immediately. Harry becomes a Horcrux, while Voldemort's main soul piece attaches itself to a willing Barty (everything for his master).

    Bella is shocked and furious that this filthy half-blood child was able to survive the Dark Lord's attack. She is about to kill the boy with her own hands, but Bartymort stops her. It is clear to him that there is something wrong about this child.

    Bella at first wants to ignore Barty, but when Voldemort speaks through him she stops.

    He tells her that killing the boy will not be that easy. Instead, they will fake his death. Voldemort orders Bella to take the child to a secure location, she is forbidden from harming Harry unless the Dark Lord tells her to. Bella obeys, takes Harry and leaves.

    Meanwhile, Bartymort takes his original wand and unleashes Fiendfyre inside the building before Apparating away.

    By the time Hagird or Dumbledore would arrive, they would see a pile of burning rocks and ashes.

    Meanwhile, Bella and Barty/Voldemort are in Malfoy Manor. The Dark Lord claims that he must first regain his physical form before anything is done. However, that will take time, perhaps years. Because the source of Harry's survival is not yet known, they should avoid killing or seriously injuring him. Voldemort decides that the boy will have to be raised by someone. Bella, ever the most faithful, volunteers for this task.

    Voldemort grants her the privilege, but warns her against harming the boy. She agrees and Harry's fate is sealed.

    I'm assuming that Harry grows up under a different name, with his appearance forcibly changed with either powerful transfiguration or dark magic (nothing pleasant I assure you). He grows up to be a terrible, bigoted brat, just like Draco Malfoy but even worse due to Bella's insanity.

    The First War does not end. There is no Boy-Who-Lived myth to inspire the masses. The Dark Lord still manages to guide and control his Death Eaters, just using Barty as a willing vessel.

    By 1991, everything is different.
  13. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    No. Just fucking no. This shit is a staple in Severitus, poorly-written metamorphmagus!Harry, or any kind of "Harry-has-different-parents" stories.
  14. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Henceforth, he shall be known as Altair Cestus Totally-not-Black, his eye color shall change depending on the mood (perhaps even his penis size) while every witch he comes across shall be a 10/10 knockout, even at eleven years old, whom shall be be intoxicated with his very presence, his impossibly green eyes, his just-shagged-hair and will immediately submit to becoming a part of his ever-growing harem.

    As my (senile) grandfather has a tendency to say, go forth and inseminate!
  15. Radmar

    Radmar Disappeared

    Feb 3, 2014
    Czech Republic
    All we know about Bellatrix is that she was already out of her mind when she was going to azkaban and she was incredibly loyal to Voldemort. We don't know what caused her craziness and loyalty. We know from seventh book that mentally unstable children will not go to Hogwarts, but to St Mungo's. Headmaster of Hogwarts would not accept her if she was crazy. Something else must have caused that. Maybe influence of her family (which is doubtful, considering that her sisters and Sirius are fine), or her peers in Hogwarts (also doubtful). We don't know what she was like when she was sane. My guess is as good as any of yours.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  16. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Reading Necronomicon ain't good for your mental health, isn't it?
  17. Vandy222

    Vandy222 Fourth Year

    Jan 15, 2013
    Thanks everyone.

    Xandrel I found your idea to be very interesting and I think I might give it a shot. I understand that Harry would have to grow up under a different name (although some don't seem to like that idea) but who? Lestrange? Black?
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Not Lestrange and not Black. Just some bastard name, like Snow, or Stone, or something like that.

    I meant physical disfiguration, not fancy metamorph magic. Give me some credit, I dislike fanon cliches as much as anyone.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  19. Vandy222

    Vandy222 Fourth Year

    Jan 15, 2013
    I think that would cause reason for suspicion more than anything. Not a single pureblood follower of Voldemort would be caught dead raising anyone but a pureblood and pretty much everyone in the wizarding world knows that.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Then claim he's a pureblood from Eastern Europe, but his parents are dead.

    In fact, knowing Voldemort, he'd kill two pureblood from Eastern Europe just to make his claims sound more truthful.
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