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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Main area with the first few stories mentioning the idea. In particular The Doctor and the Spy(summary; Just a lark expounding upon the James Bond is a Time Lord theory, featuring the Eleventh Doctor and the Craig Bond.) Seems to be the best of a bad lot, unless I sit down and actually try to write that plot bunny as mentioned... hrgh.
  2. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    Did you make those picture sequences linked in your sig mate? Because when Pikachu died I almost cried lol. If you did, I gotta say great job.


    Moving on. I'm trying to build a new plot at the moment. Been working on it for a few hours but not got very far with it. So any input you guys have are welcome.

    Derails from Naruto-Shippuden canon during the meeting between Naruto and Itachi during the hunt for Sasuke after he kills Orochimaru. Instead of making the crow with Shusui's Sharingan like force itself down Naruto's throat. Itachi subdues Naruto and replaces one of his eyes with the Sharingan. A fail-safe for both Sasuke and Madara.

    Because of this, when Naruto wakes up he's been separated from his team. He freaks out over the eye and figures he needs to get in contact with Jiraiya like now - because Itachi just basically done something to make him stronger when he captured him.

    So he summons Gamakichi and then tells him to send a Toad to Jiraiya to get his help. This ends up forcing Jiraiya to abandon his mission to infiltrate Amegakure and return to Konoha or head to Naruto's location - not decided which would be better yet.

    Thus canon at this point is avoided.

    Naruto is kind of lost. But manages to find his way to a village when the ground beneath him begins rumbling like an earthquake and he hears screams of panic.

    He arrives in the village to find it under attack by mud-monster things and a giant ass brown dragon thing. - If you've played the Naruto DragonBlade chronicles game you'll recognize this.

    I like the idea of the sword. The Dragon Blade basically has the ability to use all five basic elements and can absorb chakra - just not to the same degree as Samehada. Only a person with immense chakra reserves can wield the blade without being killed by it.

    The basic idea is that Naruto helps the girl trying to stop her evil brother who unleashed the Genryu - the five elemental dragons. But because he's alone, he can't both fight all these monsters and the dragons - aswell as at the same time protecting the girl who gives him the Dragon Blade.

    My idea behind that is the girl dies because Naruto can't protect her. But Naruto continues on to slay the 5 dragons and kill her brother aswell.

    And in the end he keeps the blade - which has all 5 basic elemental properties due to him slaying the 5 dragons with it.

    The Dragon Blade seems to have a few programmed Jutsu inside it. One called Fire-shot which is basically just the fireball Jutsu, The Water Pistol one that Gamatatsu can use and the Earth Wall. there's supposedly a wind jutsu and a Lightning one aswell and the blade is sort of sentient and it teaches its wielder these jutsu or something similar. Well as best as I can put it using game-logic.

    The problem here is it seems I'm kinda just handing Naruto powers ups first the Sharingan and then a beast weapon. And so close together aswell. But I'm hoping to balance that out with the death of the girl he fails to protect and then killing her brother both for her and in revenge for her needless death.

    Again this has another purpose aswell. To make Naruto a bit jaded -because as far as I'm aware this would be the first time he'd failed to save someone he promised to protect.

    After this 'arc' Naruto begins to head home to Konoha. Only to run smack dab into another fight - Ukataka vs Pein. Naruto jumps in with Ukataka realizing he's a Jinchuuriki but even then they both get absolutely destroyed. Ukataka gets captured but just before Pein gets Naruto - Jiraiya finally catches up to him and ambushes Pein. Manages to take one of the bodies by Surprise and destroys it and then he escapes with Naruto in the confusion.

    ..This is where I'm drawing a bit of a blank. I'm not too sure where I want to go from here. By this time, it's been a few days since Itachi's death and Sasuke has joined Akatsuki for revenge on Konoha and is currently hunting Bee.

    I'm trying to think just what Nagato would do in retaliation to Jiraiya escaping with Naruto. Attacking Konoha would be stupid even for him - Between Naruto with the Dragon Blade and Sharingan, Kakashi, Jiraiya and Tsunade even he couldn't win. And he'd have to be wary of Naruto even more because of the Sharingan with it he could potentially put Kurama under hypnosis and use his powers as he sees fit.

    Ofcourse he won't be doing that because that is a high level skill with the Sharingan and a Genjutsu based one at that. It would take years even for an actual Uchiha with Genjutsu prowess to learn. Naruto even with the eye completely sucks at Genjutsu other than Shisui's Hypnosis ability - but Naruto has no idea his new eye can even do that - nevermind working out how to use it.

    Any input is welcome.
  3. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Game of Thrones meets Groundhog Day.

    Joffrey wakes up from a very bad dream that someone poisoned him at his wedding. Only it wasn't a dream and he is stuck repeating this day again and again, every time dying for one reason or another.

    Basically it's a black comedy with Joffrey repeatedly getting punished for his deeds until he learns his lessons which will probably take a very long time. The reactions of people around him to his sudden (for them) change can be a comedy gold too.

    Can't decide how it should end. I suppose it would depend on if the fic managed to convince readers that he earned a chance to not only be free from repeating his wedding day, but to live past it or not.
  4. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Yeah I compiled and narrated them, thank you. I'm slowing working on the Hoenn album the same in my spare time.

    I've never played any of the Naruto games, only read the manga and I've been catching Naruto/Shippuden on Toonami once a week so my memory is probably a bit fuzzy on the specifics of the timeframe you're talking about, so take whatever I say with a grain of salt.

    That said, I find it a bit weird to imagine Naruto with a Sharingan. Why would he specifically ask Jiraiya - who, while an expert on seals, should not know much about Sharingan that Kakashi could not answer more efficiently? I know the purpose is to prevent Jiraiya from throwing his life away in Amegakure, and perhaps Naruto freaking out would indeed try to contact his new mentor straight off, given how much time they've spent together. But he should also try to get in touch with his original sensei almost as soon.

    And as a non-Uchiha, the Sharingan should be more immediately debilitating than helpful, since Naruto shouldn't be able to turn off its capabilities - which could actually prove a decent plot point if, say, he starts hypnotizing everyone he makes eye contact with without meaning to, among the other aspects such an evolved eye would have. Regardless Naruto should have to work to tame Shisui's eye.

    I also don't think that introducing the Dragon Blade - at least giving it to Naruto - after already implanting Shisui's Sharingan really balances out by Naruto failing to save one girl's life. Sure, he'd take the loss hard, but that doesn't make up for the boosts he has received. For every powerup he has to have a meaningful hamper to even things out.

    It's a decent idea for a few hours thought but it definitely needs more refining. I'd be happy to go into the rest of what you posted once I have more time and try to build this plot up more solidly, as it does have some interesting ideas.
  5. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    I wasn't completely sold on the Dragon Blade. I just like the idea of it, because it's a versatile weapon and isn't that much bigger than a kunai to be honest. The plan to contact Jiraiya isn't made out of entirely logic. He basically gets his ass kicked, wakes up to find he hasn't been captured like he assumed he should have on losing and for some crazy idea he has a Sharingan of all things. Jiraiya, is to Naruto's knowledge the only person Itachi has ever ran from and that was with Kisame as back up.

    I'm still revising alot of it. The plot for it is saved in the folder I have for plot bunnies that I work on when I feel in the mood for them. Because my muse is sporadic at the best of times.

    Right now I'm toying with a few of my older ideas. One of those being during the 3-tails arc of Shippuden, what kind of divergences could occur from Jiraiya actually teaching him some real jutsu instead of how to push his wind chakra into the toads to power up their techniques. Because that's a pretty useless technique if they get separated. I mean, why didn't he just teach him something like the Grand Fireball? That combo will work with like all the Toads because they all seem to be able to shoot oil.

    Another thing from that arc that bugged me was that Naruto is a jutsu crazy guy. He loves to learn new Jutsu, so when Gamatatsu was learning how to use the Suiton: Mizudeppo why didn't Naruto learn it alongside him?

    And ofcourse during his training for Rasenshuriken he mastered Wind Nature manipulation along with shape manipulation. Shouldn't he be able to generate wind chakra and mold it into shapes he willed after some training? Like a wind version of Kakashi's Raikiri.

    Yeah, so I'm toying with ideas like that and what a few new jutsu could cause as far as divergences are concerned.

    Edit: Also, I'm quite looking forward to reading this Hoenn version.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014
  6. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    I'm late to the party but this is awesome. The problem is that Littlefinger is already Francis Underwood though
  7. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    Let me start out by saying that in the books, Littlefinger is my favorite character bar none. But he's quite dumb compared to Frank Underwood when it comes to his ladder of chaos, mainly due to certain fixations he's based around.
  8. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    I agree. I envisioned Frank as being more direct than Littlefinger. When he pledges service to someone it's because he has a plan to stab them in the back and take the spot that they were at. I saw the bunny starting right after the rebellion with Frank taking his loyal band, based off the singers from the military academy, and going to see his new hold. Of course Frank doesn't quite like the disrepair that his castle is in and starts working to change that. To do that though he needs money, and to get that he needs followers, and since he can't make people appear from nowhere he'll have to pick them up from someone else. Luckily there is a rather powerful house with a great many followers that he could be usurping right now.

    Frank would target the Frey's, trying to intertwine himself with them by marrying one of the older daughters, and then slowly killing, discrediting, and just straight disappearing everyone ahead of him. In typical Underwood fashion he also has a fall guy or air tight alibi for this long string of misfortune to house Frey. Basically though after about 6 years of him plotting, planning, and killing he has become heir to Walder and his most trusted advisor. Everything is smooth sailing, at least until a little rebellion starts that forces Frank to leave the Twins and go and fight for Robert. Frank would go off and fight, doing rather well and making a further name for the future Lord of the Twins. Except he comes back and his wife and young son are dead, both killed in the night.

    Frank would be forced to go back to Harrenhall, now doing much better than before thanks to Frey money and people forming a base for the town. (Undertown or something haven't thought of a good name.) This is the first major set back for Frank and he decides that borrowing a saying from the Lannisters is needed at this point, because he always pays his debt. With interest.

    This leads to him picking an even bigger target, one that will let him strike back at the Freys who killed his wife and son. He goes to the Tullys with some rather grievous news, the Freys have planned to overthrow them, and they are nearly ready to complete this action. The plan, of course, was Franks, but the Tullys don't need to know that. And with the help of House Underwood they call their loyal retainers and smash the Frey and allies army, most of whom were gathered by Frank. House Frey is destroyed and all of their allies bend the knee again to Holster Tully. In a big ceremony Holster Tully gives a great speech thanking House Underwood and just as he puts his cup down starts to choke.

    Holster's death brings some changes around the Riverlands. Edmure, who at this point is still young. (I'm making him 14 because I don't know his actual age and because I want to) Frank is his chief advisor, and in the month's after Holsters death has been leading the Riverlands in all but name. He has several Houses secretly loyal to him and has been working on gaining more. Of course he has other difficulties during this time, running Harrenhal and the Twins, getting the powerful retainers loyal to him, and figuring out a way to get the Riverlands under his direct control. This would also be the time that he marries Claire, or her GoT version. The second most powerful house the Riverlands, no idea who that is so I'll make something up, is ready to support him, but only with a marriage that Holster, and in his Father's memory Edmure, wouldn't agree to. Claire Needsaname of house Needsaname and Frank marry, giving him the needed numbers to finally try and take the Riverlands for his.

    He does this in the only way he knows how, lying and getting someone more powerful to do the hard work. With his influence over Edmure, who has been spending all this time being made fun of and ridiculed for his age and general uselessness, to start making some riskier moves. Moves that attract the attention of the Crown. He has Edmure do something, I haven't decided what exactly yet, that gets Jon Arryn's attention. This causes some conflict between the Crown and Riverlands. Really it's something minor, and had Frank and several other plays not been playing the game to their advantage. Edmure and Robert's parlay goes horribly wrong when one of Edmure's guards draws his sword and attempts to kill Robert when the meeting ends. This starts what would have been an epic battle, had Frank not immediately then disarmed Edmure and attacked Riverrun's troops with the help of his allies. Jon Arryn went to Frank, as a loyal friend of Roberts, to try and end the situation before it began. Frank plays both sides and got it to be what it was at its current level. In the end Jon and Frank come to an agreement, if Edmure does not see reason then he will be given the choice of taking the Black or Execution, and Frank and House Underwood of Harrenhal will take over as Lord Protector of the Riverlands. After this will be a small timeskip to the beginning of Book One.

    Frank has led the Riverlands for several years, and he has hit a wall as to how to advance further than he has. He can't find a spot on the Small Council, and after his meteoric rise he is being watched too closely to really try his normal methods of advancement. The death of Jon Arryn solves that. Robert chooses Ned as his hand, and Frank tags along with Robert to the North, to get the Band back together as it were. Normal events and all, I want to underplay what happens in the North because several events there will lead to what happens during the War of Five Kings. Eventually this leads to Frank going back to Harrenhal and waiting out the canon events as Robert and Ned die and the various rebellions start. Robb Stark comes to Frank to ask for both an alliance and to ask to cross the Twins. He tries to play on his father's previous friendship and Cersai and Jamie going behind Roberts back as a way to turn Frank against the crown. His mother of course is heavily against this as she sees Frank as the man who destroyed her family and got her brother sent to the wall. Frank surprises everyone by allowing Robb to cross the Twins, but not supporting him or anyone else. He intends to stay neutral for now.

    This is a lie of course and Frank calls his banners in secret. But they don't attack Robb or the Lannister army. Who they do attack is Stannis, wiping out his army forcing Stannis' retreat in support of Renley. Something no one saw ( I plan to leave some hints that Frank and Renley are a little closer than it seems) and thus saving Renley's life, though no one knows that. This changes the war as Renley now has the Stormlands, High Garden, and Harrenhal behind him as he charges a path straight towards Kings Landing. Everything is going swell, at least until Stannis has a wraith kill Renley and Loras in a rather compromising position. This spoils several things, as the Storm Lords retreat back to their lands to either join Stannis or declare themselves neutral, High Garden goes to the Lannisters, and Frank decides to take Robb Stark up on his offer.

    At this point I've hit a wall in the plot overall. I haven't put too much thought into it tbh, and there are alot of small details I need to spread through the story to really give it that ASoIF/HoC feel that would be deserved. Frank and Renley's relationship, Claire being the Velvet that covers Frank's iron fist, different reactions across Westoros to Frank's actions, how those actions change the play of the game, Catelyn straight up hating Frank and everything he stands for, and a ton of other stuff I just don't feel like typing right now. Important thing is by the end of the story Frank sits on the Iron Throne, but only after back stabbing half the Major houses to get there. The story would end with Frank receiving word that Dany/Aegon were coming. The sequel would be heavily influenced by what happens in the third season of House of Cards. Either Frank wins and becomes a legend, or he goes down in a blaze of glory as a story to the little people that even one of them can change the world, for better or worse.

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes or continuity issues, I typed this up in 30 min off some notes I had.
  9. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    This Naruto/One Piece fusion keeps popping into my head.

    The main bunny for it is this: Akuma-Akuma no Mi, Model: Kyuubi. (Mythical Zoan)
  10. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    The Nine Tailed Pirates?
  11. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    He should finally survive. Only to die of a heart attack on his wedding night. Why? Because the universe (i.e. fandom) hates you ;)
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I just saw this posted on another message board.

    I'm posting this in regular size not to reduce the image quality.

    Westeros + Arda = Ardaros.

  13. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    Ranma 1/2 plot bunny. Probably done before but I haven't seen it.

    Gender bent Ranma. Not as in him having to remain a girl for a long time but as in him always being a girl but falls into a spring that turns her into a man.

    She is not engaged to Akane. Shampoo wants to marry her at first (since she beat her as a man) but then becomes her enemy once she discovers the truth (if she does). Cologne has no reason to train her. Even though he still harasses her, Happosai does not recognize her as heir of the style. She didn't meet Ryouga over the bread feud. She was not engaged to Okyou. Mouse and Ryouga are interested in the location of the spring she felt into (if Ryouga follows her to jyusenkyu).

    Granted, there are some things that remain the same but the idea is that a lot of the chapters in canon depended on the shipping so this would force the writer to invent new stuff.
  14. One-Eyed Othinus

    One-Eyed Othinus Third Year

    Mar 25, 2014
    My country isn't a country; it is winter.
    Two ASOIAF fusion plot bunnies for the price of one

    The War of the Five Kings is slowly coming to an end. Robb Stark, Joffrey Baratheon, Renly Baratheon and Balon Greyjoy are dead. King Stannis Baratheon has fled to the Wall, gone to the aid of the Night's Watch and trying to continue his struggle to claim the Iron Throne, although this is complicated by the fact that much of the west coast is under occupation by the ironborn. King Tommen Baratheon, late King Joffrey's eight-year-old brother, now rules in King's Landing under the watchful eye of his mother, the Queen Regent Cersei Lannister, essentially Ruling Queen of the Seven Kingdoms in all but name.

    Amidst it all, a Black Swordsman walks the land, a brooding, blood-stained figure seeking sanctuary. His name is Guts, and wherever he goes, demons follow. Guts bears the cursed Brand of Sacrifice on the back of his neck, which draws the demons to him — but he is also one of the strongest men in Westeros, wears a fearsome armor, has a cannon where his left arm used to be, and carries a gigantic sword, the Dragon Slayer, on his back. When the demons find him, their deaths aren't pretty.

    Guts is a warrior haunted by his past; once part of the Band of the Hawk, a sellsword company which eventually played a pivotal role in ending the long war that has ravaged the Seven Kingdoms, their charismatic leader Griffith, once Guts' best friend, betrayed them and sacrificed him and his companions to become a powerful and near-godlike demon. Managing to escape at the cost of the loss of his arm, his eye, and everyone he cared about, Guts now walks the Earth seeking only one thing: revenge against Griffith.

    But trouble brews across the Narrow Sea. Children become aware of strange occurances. A prophetic dream is even shared by all the people of the world, that a Hawk of Light will be the savior of the humanity.

    The world begins to change.

    Winter is coming.

    Berserk/A Song of Ice and Fire crossover

    Pros: Similitude in themes: violence, sexuality, the question of whether humanity is fundamentally good or evil as both the best and worst of human nature is shown

    The Band of the Hawk participating in the Battle of Blackwater sounds like much awesome

    The Idea of Evil

    Cons: Well, it would take place during A Feast for Crows, which is not exactly the best volume IMO

    The cannon arm (gunpowder)

    Too much supernatural elements at once, instead of the slow insertion and shrouded in vagueness status in the books

    In 299 AL, the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros have been thrown into the chaos by civil war, a many-sided struggle for the Iron Throne emerging after King Robert's death. Joffrey Baratheon sits on the Iron Throne, but rumors that he is not the king's legitimate heir are spreading throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Several competiting families battle for control of Westeros. Everywhere, a king vies for a throne, and the people grow more and more malcontent.

    But unknown to all, another war, secret, and far more ancient is being waged over the fate of Westeros, spanning millennia and continuing into the current era. A struggle between two ancient factions: the Knights Templar, who wish for mankind to be united in peace under their enlightened control, and the Assassins, who believe that all should be fre and the desire to control other humans is the greatest flaw humans possess.

    As Westeros is engulfed in tyranny and civil war, and threatened by invaders across the sea and the oncoming winter, a particular Assassin's, Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad, story begins when he breaks the three tenets of the Assassin's Creed on a mission to recover an artifact from a Templar leader. Altaïr kills an innocent, refuses to remain discreet by unabashedly facing the leader alone, and compromises his two brothers, one of whom is killed. Al Mualim, master of the Assassins, demotes Altaïr to the bottom of the ranks, strips him of most of his gear, but assigns him the task of assassinating nine corrupt, exploitative men who are abusing the Seven Kingdoms, perpetuating the War of the Five Kings and generally kicking the dog. Altaïr has the chance to recover his lost prestige by killing these men, but as Altaïr completes the assassinations, all of his victims seem fairly confident in their righteousness when killed. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes that causes Altaïr to question what is truly happening in the world around him...

    Assassin's Creed/A Song of Ice and Fire crossover

    Pros: conspiracies + political intrigues = everyone manipulating everyone

    Goodbye modern times parts of AC

    Littlefinger, Ramsay Bolton and Tywin Lannister as Templars!
    Cons: The Assassins and the Faceless Men being way too similar

    Ditto with the Knight Templars and the Faith Militant

    What about the First Civilization? And the Pieces of Eden?
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  15. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    These aren't cons because when you have two different setting things like that help you to better mix them. The Knight Templars could be the power behind the Faith of the Seven and the Faceless Men could be a branch of the Assassins.

    Similarly, while Berserk/ASoIaF definitely can work, there needs to be more mixing up involved than what you presented. In what war the Band of the Hawk was involved specifically? What ASoIaF characters knew Griffith and ambitions? Do you make him a candidate to being the prince that was promised or is he his own thing? Maybe there are two conflicting sets of prophecies and higher powers that screw the world even more than it's in their respective narratives?
  16. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    A Post-Worm/Dresden Files crossover.

    During the fight with Scion, Taylor opened up a bunch of permanent portals using Scrub/Labyrinth hax. One of these is the world of the Dresden Files, with a portal being opened up in the middle of Chicago.

    Alternately, a powerful being from the Dresdenverse senses the first use of the Scrub/Labyrinth portal as it is used and forces it to stay open as it passes through Dresden's world. Brockton Bay doesn't exist there so it opens up in the middle of the wilderness.

    Harry is the regional commander of the Wardens for the Eastern US, so he's the one that gets lumped with the responsibility of investigating and dealing with whatever the hell is happening over there. A bunch of other supernatural beings get involved (because you just know Mab would love to have her own pet Eidolon) and then, of course, everything goes to hell.
    Last edited: May 17, 2014
  17. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    I've considered doing something in wormverse after I finish something, or maybe a chapter for the compartment. I'd lean much more on the idealism side of the sliding scale, which would be interesting in the grim world of Worm. Y'know, a Golden Age Victorious kind of thing...

    Incidentally, are there any entertaining worm plotbunnies that aren't basically 'Taylor, but with crossover powers' ?
  18. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    I've been mulling one on/off for a few weeks: Taylor gets found by her mother when out looking at her, but both die in a car accident that same night leaving Danny a widower. Imagine a world without Taylor. :sherlock:
  19. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    Before or after Scion fucks them all?
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    What if due to a Force-related accident, Darth Talon ends up appearing on Nar Shaddaa just as the Jedi Exile arrives on the moon looking for Zez-Kai Ell.