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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    No it could not. :p

    But more serious, I wanted the Sailors to be the real deal with the Wizards being aware of them being reincarnated beings from the Golden Age of Magic that ended with the destruction of the places like the Moon Kingdom and Atlantis. The girls are too aware of the magical community outside of the Japan, but only the Outer Senshi had any interactions with it and that was when Harry Potter wasn't in an international spotlight anymore.
  2. Eilyfe

    Eilyfe Supreme Mugwump

    May 27, 2014
    Had this plot bunny a while ago.

    Godric and Salazar – The Somewhat Different Story

    For using cunning and words to seduce women is what Salazar did best. Surely, a man with such noble goals cannot be faulted for his heritage as Slytherin. – Godric Gryffindor

    Daring, bold, and valiant even in the face of mad husbands and lovers. No one ever said that the honor of House Gryffindor had to extend beyond the battlefield. – Salazar Slytherin

    ~ Act I ~​

    “Godric, flee!” A distraught, feminine voice rang through a room in one of the countless homes of London.

    “Where to?”

    “The window upstairs is open. Make haste. He will be here soon!”

    A few seconds later, a man with unruly brown hair sprinted up the stairs, fastening his belt on the run. Just as he climbed out of the window, a third voice – the threat to his life – spoke with his conquest of the night.

    “I’m home, woman. Now…”

    Not wanting to hear anything else, Godric climbed down from the roof and was soon on his way to the ‘Roasted Boar’. It was a fine establishment, where a good coin was always appreciated, and a favorite customer was served the best mead on the isles.

    Godric grimaced. He wasn’t a favorite customer; not even a liked one. It was unfortunate indeed, but hated and only accepted because he could pay fit better. He wasn’t even looking for problems most of the time, but his tendency of courting women who were already spoken for made him rather unpopular.

    Dancing naked on the table hadn’t helped his case either.

    After Godric had arrived at the tavern and walked inside, he groaned. It was filled to the brim – this way it could take quite a while for him to get something to drink. And it was too early to bump ‘accidentally’ into other customers. He sighed, and settled on watching the room for a while.

    As always, it was filled guardsmen ditching their duties, a few careless noblemen, some whores, and a big bunch of otherwise boring men and women. The only one that caught his eye was a stranger sitting at a table in a shady corner. The man’s cloak was riddled with holes, which confused Godric, as the man’s face had noble features.

    Then, Godric felt something he didn’t come along all too often. Magic.

    “What is it this time, you plague?” The rough voice of the bartender ended his contemplations prematurely. “Make your order fast ‘n stay out of trouble, or I’ll boot ya out before ya can draw your sword.”

    “But, Rendell! I don’t even have my sword with me tonight.” Godric grinned. “If you give me some of your best nothing will happen. You have my solemn vow.”

    “Knock it off, brat. Ya get nothing but the normal mead, and if I see ya stirring up trouble ‘gain, you’re outta here, forever!”

    With those words, a big jug found its way into Godric’s hand, and some coins wandered into Rendell’s pocket. As he looked for a place to sit down, his eyes fell once again on the poor looking stranger. This time, green eyes met his stare, and with a subtle nod the man beckoned Godric to his table. For a few minutes they sat in silence, each nursing their drink.

    “So, you’re a wizard,” Godric said.

    He was answered with silence. There was, however, a visible change in posture in the stranger. The man took his hand from his mug and moved it into his cloak.

    “No need to draw your weapon, friend. You’re in England here, and wizards are neither hunted nor persecuted. I take it you’re not from here?”

    Godric looked past the strange man, and his eyes trailed the firm ass of a barmaid with slender form and long, black hair. Her behind practically begged to be fondled.

    “Who is she? The woman of your dreams?” the stranger asked. His voice sounded rough and unused.

    “Only for one kind of dream.” Godric laughed.

    The stranger nodded. “What is the problem, then? Why not try your luck?”

    “I did, but the moment I mentioned my sword, she slapped me and walked away.”

    Godric noticed the green eyes lighting up with unholy glee, but ignored it in favor of watching Beth’s glorious backside.

    “It looks like you possess the subtlety of a batter ram,” said the stranger. “If you want, I can help you. The name’s Salazar.”

    “Salazar, eh? I’m Godric, and if you want to help feel free to do so.”

    “It is, in truth, rather easy. Woman like her value persistency above all else. Just try again and be yourself. You’ll see… It will work.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “I am. Just meet me in the alley next to the pub in an hour and tell me how it went.”

    Salazar’s voice was gentle, and by now, Godric assumed that under the man’s hard shell, the heart of a true romantic was buried. He nodded in thanks to Salazar, emptied his mug, and made his way over to the beautiful barmaid.

    “Beth!” Enthusiastic and bold, he made his move on the fair maiden.

    “You again?”

    “Indeed, it is I! I may have been hasty last time, but if you want to talk about sheaths instead of swords, I see no problem.”

    “You- You-“

    The anger in her voice was unmistakable, but Godric’s expression changed to one of confusion as a third voice joined them.

    “Is this brute bothering you?” Salazar asked from behind.

    “Bothering? This pig disgusts me!”

    In one motion, Salazar reached into his cloak and pulled out a finely crafted dagger. He held it under Godric’s chin. “Be gone, fool! This lady doth not want to deal with thee!”

    A look of betrayal crossed Godric’s face. He was about to pull his wand, when he heard Rendell’s voice from behind the counter. “Ya making trouble, brat?”
    Red with shame and anger, Godric left the pub without another word.

    ~ Act II ~​

    Two hours later, whistling a merry tune, Salazar stepped into the dark alley near the pub to see. He may have been a bit harsh on Godric with his scheme, but the man had needed advice, and the best advice was always a lesson well learned.

    "You! You miserable bastard!" An angry voice came from his right.

    Salazar turned around and saw Godric stand at the other end of the alley; wand and sword in hand.

    “Calm down, Godric.”

    Salazar seldom shied away from battle, but a full blown duel in the middle of London wasn’t something he wanted to do.

    "Calm down? How can I calm down? You rat betrayed me! You said you'd help me!"

    “Let me explain, and you will see,” answered Salazar. “If, afterward, you still need to vent we can do so in a less crowed place.”

    “Explain then, wretch.”

    “First, I never specified with what I’d help you… You lack subtlety my friend, and I helped you to notice that. You saw it, didn’t you? The fury in her eyes when those uncouth words left your mouth.”

    “This was supposed to be some kind of lesson?”

    “In a way. I dare say you learned it well.” Salazar couldn’t help himself. His lips quirked upward.

    Godric didn’t put his wand away, but pointed it toward the ground for the moment. “What happened after I left? I’ve been waiting here for hours.”

    “That, my friend, is the second part of your lesson. To seduce women who aren’t depraved, you have to use cunning as well.” Salazar’s grin widened.

    “Seduce… You mean?”

    “Indeed, I do. I tell you, Godric, that woman was a true basilisk in the hay.”

    Godric looked at him, disbelief written all over his face. After a few seconds, he sheathed his sword with a sigh and pocketed his wand.

    “You know, I’m leaving this town soon. It might be fun to have someone with me on the ride,” said Godric. “Are you up for a bit of travelling?”

    “There’s nothing that holds me in this town. I thing I saw the best of it tonight.”

    They walked slowly out of the alley, and despite the situation, equally perverted grins found their way on both faces.



    “You know that you have to tell me everything about tonight.”

    “That I can do, Godric. That I can do…”

    // Well, that's it. The story would feature their 'adventures' in an episodic way.
  3. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    It's the anti-Frozen. :fire
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I was really bored recently so I created a list of fandoms/works of fiction which can be used for crossovers with HP. Not all dates are Word-of-God canonical, some are just conjecture or guesswork on my part.

    Magical and Supernatural - Things that can be crossed with HP

    471 - King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
    1153 - Koschei the Deathless
    1189 - Robin Hood
    1190 - Assassin's Creed
    1204 - Prince of Persia
    1350 - Sleeping Beauty
    1427 - Smurfs
    1518 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
    1526 - Cinderella
    1605 – Don Quixote
    1658 - Robinson Crusoe
    1670 - Pirates of the Caribbean
    1699 - Gulliver's Travels
    1704 - Beauty and the Beast
    1750 - Treasure Island
    1778 - How to Train Your Dragon
    1780 - Tangled
    1783 - Frozen
    1790 - Frankenstein
    1797 - Sorcerer's Apprentice
    1799 - Sleepy Hollow
    1819 - Doctor Dolittle
    1821 - Zorro
    1830 - Little Mermaid
    1856 - Stardust
    1862 - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
    1863 - Through the Looking Glass
    1864 - Journey to the Center of the Earth
    1869 - Lucky Luke
    1870 - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
    1872 – Around the World in Eighty Days
    1874 - The Mysterious Island / American McGee's Alice
    1875 - Alice: Madness Returns
    1881 – Sherlock Holmes / Adventures of Pinocchio
    1886 – Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    1888 - Power Stone
    1890 – Picture of Dorian Grey
    1891 - Wolf Man
    1897 - Dracula / Invisible Man
    1900 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
    1912 - Lost World / Bioshock: Infinite
    1914 - Tarzan
    1920 - Princess and the Frog
    1932 - Mummy
    1933 - King Kong
    1935 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
    1944 - Wolfenstein
    1954 - Creature From the Black Lagoon / Godzilla
    1960 - Village of the Damned / Bioshock
    1962 - James Bond
    1964 - Addams Family / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
    1966 - Dark Shadows
    1969 - Scooby Doo
    1976 - Carrie
    1978 - Halloween
    1979 - Neverending Story
    1980 - Friday the 13th
    1981 - Evil Dead
    1982 - Poltergeist
    1984 - Gremlins / Nightmare on Elm Street / Ghostbusters / Splash / Dreamscape
    1985 - Re-Animator / Fright Night
    1986 - Big Trouble in Little China / Golden Child / House / Labyrinth / Highlander
    1987 - Hellraiser / Witches of Eastwick
    1988 - Child's Play / Beetlejuice / High Spirits / Vice Versa
    1989 - Wunschpunsch / Pet Sematary / Little Monsters
    1990 - Witches / Frankenhooker / Edward Scissorhands / Captain Planet
    1991 - Harry Potter / Are You Afraid of the Dark
    1992 - Candyman / Death Becomes Her / Sailor Moon
    1993 - Hocus Pocus / Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter / Return of the Living Dead 3
    1994 - The Blair Witch Project
    1995 - Casper the Friendly Ghost
    1996 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Tomb Raider / From Dusk Till Dawn / Sabrina the Teenage Witch
    1997 - Liar Liar / Hellsing
    1998 - Wendy the Good Little Witch / Practical Magic / Charmed / Blade
    2000 - Dresden Files
    2001 - Artemis Fowl / Witchblade
    2002 - Ring
    2003 - Death Note / Underworld / Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy / Bartimaeus
    2004 - Grudge / Rosario+Vampire / W.I.T.C.H. / Danny Phantom / Soul Eater/ Hellboy / A Certain Magical Index
    2005 - Supernatural / Dark Water / American Dragon: Jake Long / Juniper Lee / Hell Girl / Constantine / Ga-rei
    2006 - Franken Fran / Mirai Nikki / Black Butler
    2007 - Next / Uncharted / The Darkness
    2008 - The World God Only Knows
    2009 - Ao No Exorcist / Beautiful Creatures / Sankarea / Bayonetta
    2010 - Marble Hornets
    2012 - SheZow / Lollipop Chainsaw / Skullgirls
    2013 - High School DxD / Lords of Salem / Conjuring
  5. 9th Doctor

    9th Doctor Groundskeeper

    Nov 25, 2013
    I think you are missing Dr Who in most of those years. The way he pops up you could just throw a /Dr Who into the end of most years on the list.

    Actually, now that I remember it, a map could be useful for keeping track.
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Dr. Who is almost purely sci-fi. Doesn't fit with "Magical and Supernatural".
  7. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Alright, so it is science fantasy. But still. When I think Magical, I think "Harry Potter", "Dracula", "Alice in Wonderland", not "Doctor Who".
  9. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    The Doctor is the archetypical wizard. If Albus Dumbledore could regenerate, he'd be like the Doctor. Almost precisely so, if you look at Classic Who.
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    But it happens in space and has aliens.
  11. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    You have Goblins - which are filthy xeno scum ;) - and in Hogwarts you have Room of Requirement which is magical TARDIS, well almost.
  12. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    That's the reason it's in the sci-fi genre, but if you think about it for a moment everything they have is pretty much out of a fantasy story. Everything from the Sonic Screwdriver (wand) to the way brains is emphasised over brawn lends itself to the fantasy genre more than sci-fi.

    I mean shit, we've got magic wands, psychic creatures, sapient asteroids/vessels/animals/etc. and even possession/souls. We've even had the fucking Devil himself as an adversary.

    Doctor Who is fantasy in the same way that Star Wars is (though SW does tend more to the sci-fi with the space battles); it has all the trappings of fantasy with a few token nods in the direction of its advertised genre.
  13. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    You have some girly anime, or whatever W.I.T.C.H. is, for 2004 but no Van Helsing?

    I am disappoint :colbert:

    edit: Also, your date for HTTYD seems some 700 years too late. I mean, I know it's fiction, but Vikings, man. Rather closer to William the Conqueror than the beginnings of industrialism.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I hated the Van Helsing movie. Hated it. And I saw it in the theater when it came out.

    Good point on the HTTYD though.
  15. Cyclops

    Cyclops Unspeakable

    May 12, 2007
    Cleveland, OH USA
    This one stood out to me: 1981 - Evil Dead.

    Voldemort was making use of the Necronomicon in the first war. Summoning beings so terrifying that the wizarding world trembles. The real reason why the name Voldemort is so feared.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
  16. mknote

    mknote 1/3 of the Note Bros. DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2009
    Melbourne, Florida, United States




    Redundant entry is redundant.
  17. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Harry Potter is always either traveling to an alternate HP universe, being visited by a Harry from one of said alternate HP universes, or creating said alternate universe through his own actions.

    Any source of inspiration is a good one... hopefully.

    The dates are what really make this list useful, I think.

    [EDIT: Oh, and since it's on the list, I just thought I'd mention that, if anyone has seen the movie Practical Magic and is thinking about reading the book...

    My sincere recommendation is that you DON'T.

    In my personal and oh-so-humble opinion, the book is boring shit, while the characters are totally flat, lifeless, and not even remotely likeable. Frankly, the real magic here (other than the author somehow not getting sued for the title being the very definition of false advertising) is that someone read that insufferable maundering and actually fashioned it into an in-any-way-enjoyable screenplay; so, my hat's off to Robin Swicord, Akiva Goldsman, and Adam Brooks, for doing the mother-fucking impossible.

    Honestly, having both watched the movie and read the book, I can only assume the screenwriters liked the title and the names of the characters and said, "We need something full of 'girl power' that guys can sit through without starting to hemorrhage from every orifice. Think we can get away with using this title and combination of character names, without using anything else from the book or even so much as admitting our movie is related to it? No? Well, shit... I guess we'll have to pay royalties to Hoffman and pretend the book and movie actually have fuck-all to do with each other. But, for the love of God, make sure that woman doesn't get script approval; this thing has to be entertaining enough to make its money back, after all."

    This is one clear cut case where that whole "The book is always better than the movie." notion gets flushed straight down the toilet: Just ghastly. It makes the cast members' mauling of the pronunciation of 'Hecate' downright forgivable by comparison. The movie's characters of Jet and Frances approach being amazing, considering the written versions of them are, in essence, what the Monty Python folks would call, "Sir Not-appearing-in-this-book."

    That book should have been titled "Practically Nonexistent," in honor of its plot and characterization.

    Also, the author manages to mention food, either literally or as a metaphor, on nearly every damned page. So, if you're the suggestible type, prepare to be a(n even bigger) fucking self-loathing fat-ass by the time you finish eating your way through the book. At the risk of looking like a hypocrite, I'd say the movie is, if a tad heavy on the empty calories, a delightful confection, while the book is as bland and flavorless as the pulped trees it is printed on.

    Just a friendly warning.]

    Don't worry, I'm with you on this one. But, the Whovians will weep softly into their tea (which they're stirring, forlornly, with replica sonic screwdriver spoons) if you're too much of a big meanie to let them double dip by including their bafflingly much-beloved Doctor Who in both the Sci-Fi and Magical Fantasy categories. :rolleyes:

    If anyone seriously bites at this pathetically obvious bait, I will be severely disappointed, but not all that surprised.

    *I'll go ahead and pretend my spellchecker isn't bitching at me for writing "bafflingly."
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  18. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Not biting. Not biting. Not biting.

    God damn it.

    The Doctor is a wizard!
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    This entire list is something I have on my PC to have useful dates for things. So yeah, Harry Potter is there as well. I then took this list and posted it here so it could be used for crossovers.
  20. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    The heliopath open its maw, but its voice was surprisingly human.

    "You thought you a master of dark magic, but you only learned it. Use it. You are a servant of it."

    "I was born in it, raised by it. I bathed in its fiery power and thrived."

    The maw twisted into a feral smile.

    "And I shall share it with the world."
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