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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    Or, alternatively, that the horcrux Riddle would seek out the shade of Voldemort and pass on to him, somehow, the power he sucked from Ginny, giving Voldemort the strength to take physical form.
  2. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    Why? Did Malfoy choose a muggleborn at random? If this were second year I might understand the choice — a mudblood constantly and consistently outperforming "true" witches and wizards could certainly irk a blood purist — but at that time there's just no point.
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Yes, at random. Malfoy is on the Hogwarts Board, so he most likely has access to students' addresses.
  4. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Draw instead of drawer. Agh. No. Shotgun, mouth.
  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Cross-posting from the cross-over thread. :nyan:

    It's like you're reading my mind or something.

    - Yeah, Sabrina is a half-blood. No problems here.

    - Agreed, Sabrinaverse wizards are too OP when it comes to immortality. Making them live as long as Potterverse wizards makes sense.

    - Again, yeah, wands are mandatory.

    - Other Realm - I agree that it has to be changed. I suggest something like an underground city reachable only via magical doors.

    - Witches Council as the American version of the Ministry makes sense.

    - Aunts living in the UK. What if they were exiled from America? Maybe Salem and/or Hilda does something which causes the Witches Council to finally get tired of their shit and makes them exile the Spellmans from America. Naturally, this means Sabrina cannot go to the Salem Institute and therefore has to attend Hogwarts.

    - Sabrina's Parents: Canonically, Sabrina's father was too busy with work to take care of her, I suggest having him work in the ICW and travel a lot. I'm against Obliviating Sabrina's mother, simply have her be too focused on her career to care about anything else. This will naturally provide a reason for the parents to divorce. Sabrina is then taken to her aunts and that's that.

    - Salem - wonderful idea with him being a supporter of Grindelwald. I also recall from the tv series that Hilda was forced to take care of Salem as she was one of his supporters when he wanted to take over the world. We could play with this here. Simply have the Witches Council force Hilda to make an Unbreakable Vow which makes her prevent anyone from reverting Salem to his human form until his sentence is over.

    I think that if this story were to be done, the fic should alternate between Harry-POV chapters and Sabrina-POV chapters. The First Year should also be a short fic, as Sabrina's presence alone is not enough for a significant POD (initially).

    Here's a very rough plan I came up with:

    - Sabrina learns from her father that she is magical and that he will no longer be able to take care of her as he was promoted at the International Confederation of Wizards and will have to travel around the world all the time. As such, Sabrina moves to the UK and will live with her aunts Zelda and Hilda.
    - After Sabrina arrives in the UK, Zelda enrolls her at Hogwarts and Sabrina gets her letter.
    - Diagon Alley scene should be skipped, as it is unecessary for the readers, since Harry's view of the place should be enough.
    - Zelda and Hilda do not allow Sabrina to take Salem as her pet at Hogwarts, as he is human. She hides him and takes him anyway.
    - Sabrina is sorted to Hufflepuff. Given what we know about her personality from the show, no other house would make sense.
    - She makes quick friends with Hannah Abbott, because I'm tired of all the fics which pimp out Susan Bones.
    - We get some scenes as Sabrina gets used to the magical school and then...
    - ...we skip to the Winter Break, when Sabrina decides to stay at school after Salem asks her to (if they returned home, Zelda and Hilda would prevent Salem from going back to Hogwarts). One night, the two sneak out and explore the castle. By accident, they encounter Harry as he visits the Mirror of Erised.
    - Some awkwardness happens, followed by some bonding over things seen in the Mirror (Sabrina sees her parents together and with her, Salem seems himself as human again). Harry finds someone with a similar problem as he, being a half-blood with no knowledge of the magical world with a problematic parent situation.
    - No creepy romances here, but Harry and Sabrina become friends, especially after Dumbledore arrives and tells them not to visit the Mirror anymore.
    - The two don't interact all that much for the rest of the year, besides the usual social stuff between friends.

    - We skip to the end of the year where Dumbledore awards Gryffindor house points thanks to Harry securing the Stone. Sabrina thinks it is strange and decides to ask Harry all about it.
    - During summer, Sabrina encounters Harry in Diagon, and it is her who gets Tom Riddle's Diary instead of Ginny. It appears Lucius Malfoy knows either Zelda or Hilda and there's some dark history there.
    - We see as initially Sabrina doesn't think much of the Diary when she finds it, but after seeing what it can do, she slowly becomes enchanted by it.
    - The rest of the second year would have Sabrina open the chamber of Secrets, etc. That's as far as I got in my musings.

    Of course, this isn't anything set in stone, the entire thing could go differently, starting as soon as First Year. In fact, I'd argue that there should be as little canon rehash as possible.
  6. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
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    Yea, there should not be any difference between HP wizards and the Spellmans.

    A response to the Salem witch trials? The burning of witches happened in both Europe and the Americas but it was particularly fervent in America so maybe they took a more reactionary route and formed their own city?

    I can't see them exiling the whole family especially if Sabrina's dad is still working for the ICW. It could be just Hilda and Salem that get exiled while Zelda followed. Sabrina going to Hogwarts might simply be out of spite for the US or simply the fact it's closer than the US.

    Canonically the Witch's Council prohibit Sabrina's mother from seeing her by cursing her so that if she contacts Sabrina she will be turned into a ball of wax (a wee bit too silly for HP, eh...) because they want to discourage mortal/witch unions. I think you need to have the Witch's Council's ruling and distaste for muggles pass over into this.

    Maybe Hilda could have been a financial supporter of Grindlewald rather than have her organising the funding bake sale (I think?) from canon? Of course if this happens we need to have some sort of Grindlewald supporter and Dumbledore/anyone else who hates Grindlewald conflict. You would also have to write some sort of justification for Hilda supporting Grindlewald.

    I like the unbreakable vow though; it's better because it would be hard for the Witch's Council to enforce their laws in the UK

    I hope you're writing this third-person and not first-person. Such as third-person following Harry and Sabrina?

    I think you should have Sabrina and Harry meet on the train and then talk again properly for the first time since then in front of the Mirror. Other than that I like first year.

    I just can't see Malfoy giving Sabrina the diary though. Malfoy chose Ginny specifically because it would kill a Weasley and ruin the family along with Arthur's muggle bill. Unless Malfoy has an issue with one of the Spellmans I can't see it happening and given one of them in this is a Grindlewald supporter he could very well be hesitant to piss them off.

    On top of that I think Salem would notice Sabrina writing in an enchanted diary and as a dark wizard (at one point at least) he would probably put a stop to it.

    I assume Salem comes to Hogwarts for second year? Presumably Sabrina proves he can be trusted at Hogwarts or something.

    But yea, please don't rehash canon - booring!
  7. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Not so much a plot-bunny as much as question about a plot-bunny and whether there are any examples out there. Namely, are there any fics out there where the Chamber of Secrets was not opened in Harry's second year, and there comes a time when the basilisk truly acted as a "Defender?" of the school? Perhaps not a defender against what Slytherin saw as the enemy, but just as a general defense of the school?

    Is the basilisk being a defender of sorts (rather than just a monster some asshole put into Hogwarts to defend his asshole ambitions) something I've gleaned from fanon rather than canon?
  8. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    I remember one story that may fit, may try finding it but it was abandoned evil!Dumbledore, with WBWL on top of it. Are you still interested?
  9. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Firstly, I like the plot-bunny suggested above (and this thread in general), but I would point out something.

    At least in the real world (and based off 6-month old study, so possibly I'm getting my facts mixed up), this is false. Primarily this is due to when the witch-hunts happened, which began to pick up in the late fourteenth century, (before which they had occurred, but rarely on any sort of large scale) and then died down in the late sixteenth. There were incidental cases afterwards, and if I remember correctly witchcraft laws have still yet to be repealed in several cases (though are never put into use).

    Nevertheless the result of this is that far more witch hunting's occurred in Europe then America, simply because the (Christian/Western) population was very low for the majority of the hunting "phase." The events of 1692 in Salem are much more of an exception to the rule, then indicative of some great trend - the hysteria arose because of many debated facts, but was exceptional in that no event of its like had occurred previously, and because of how divisive it was, it would never occur again in New England (I believe after 1692 there were no convicted witches in New England, as the state generally believed that it was unfit to judge trials of that nature).

    Salem receives much more attention because it was so unique and out-of-the-blue, whereas hunting's and trials in Europe earlier had been on a far greater scale, but were long enough ago that little record survives and were much more normal for their time. Just quickly pulling figures from wikipedia, approximately 40-50 executed in New England, whereas we know of 12,000 recorded executions in Europe (and this is very much an underestimate - with most putting the figure between 40,000 and 100,000).

    This doesn't preclude the concept, of course. There are plenty of routes to go which facilitate it - witch trials were rarer in the New World precisely because wizarding society disappeared underground, the proximity to the statute of secrecy immediately before (or concurrently, a quick search of the wiki is confusing with dates) such an outbreak of violence leads to a strong belief that it is insufficient and therefore they move beneath the ground, or so on.

    Sorry for the diversion, especially given that I'm sure I am over-interpreting your post, just wanted to clarify. :)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  10. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
  11. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:

    Absolutely true (though the one I remember is a hysteria in sub-saharan Africa) - I was simply phrasing it thusly for simplicity's sake, as in, witchcraft in the context it had been prosecuted in Europe and North America, or places prosecuting as part of a Christian theological tradition as it were, was no longer done so. Personally, I don't know much about historic views and attitudes towards "witchcraft" from other religions and cultures, but i assume it would be very different, so I didn't think it nessecary to consider them here.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    End of Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter has defeated Lord Voldemort once and for all. The Dark Lord has no more Horcruxes and has finally died.

    Tom Marvolo Riddle has lost everything and is now forced to lie in limbo for all of eternity thinking on his actions. He is unable to return as a ghost or move on to the next, great adventure.

    There is of course rage at first, confusion and fear. These later are replaced by resignation.

    Three hundred years pass.

    After all this time, he has finally realized what he did wrong, what Potter and Dumbledore did right.

    After three hundred years, Voldemort finally understood love and its power. He now finally understands why he was doomed to fail from the start.

    And in the moment he realizes that, he opens his eyes and it is December 31st, 1926 at Wool's Orphanage.

    He is in shock, of course. To be offered a second chance like that, it is unthinkable.

    However, three hundred years did their part and he has simply forgotten many important details about his former life. After all, he has spent more time in limbo than he was alive.

    So young Tom waits, he learns again and he adapts. And, of course, he is different now.

    This time, there will be no powers the Dark Lord knows not.
  13. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    And somewhere else Dumbledore hears a prophecy about a child destined for greatness with the power to confront the darkness threatening the balance of the world (Grindelwald).

    "A child will wake from terrible slumber, to walk the path long forgotten, a power of past, terrible but great, to confront the dark looming ahead."

    Sorry, that was horrible. :facepalm
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    This seems more canon-like:

    "The one to unite the Hallows approaches... born of a witch and a muggle, born as the last month dies... and he will have knowledge of the future most dark... the one to unite the Hallows will be born as the last month dies..."
  15. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    But does it need to be so specific? And the mention of the Hallows feels a bit, I don't know, constricting. The second someone hears the prophecy they will be able to zero in on Tom and direct him on a fixed path. Wouldn't it be more fun to explore Tom's character at first? All his knowledge, his memories and tendencies forgotten but still lying dormant under the surface.

    Take, for example, Tom torturing those kids in the orphanage because they bullied him. Suddenly he experience a sense of deja vu and feels regret. But why? Didn't they deserve their punishment?

    Over the years at Hogwarts Dumbledore notices the signs and remembers the prophecy, but he's undecided about how he should involve himself. Should he let destiny forge it's own path, does he have to guide Tom to his destiny or should he try to put an end to Grindelwald's terror himself?

    It bodes a lot of possibilities with old and new characters without having to rehash canon.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You mean like the Prophecy about Harry was specific?

    The canon prophecy said the Chosen one would have the power to defeat the Dark Lord. This prophecy says someone will unite the Hallows.

    To be fair, Harry's prophecy was also specific about his day of birth. Also, his memories are not forgotten, he's still Voldemort but who forgot some details.

    Tom wouldn't do any of these things here. Like I said, he's not amnesiac, just forgot the details.
  17. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    If he's still Voldemort, what stops him from going the same path as before?
    Is he just more dangerous now that he can exploit and understand the love of other's?

    I guess I don't understand what you mean by being different. How does it affect him personality wise?
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    There are key aspects of his change:

    - Sitting with nothing but his thoughts for 300 years forced him to reevaluate his beliefs.
    - He understood the value and importance of love. This is something regular Voldemort would never do.
    - He forgot things like spells, parts of magical theory, people's names and faces (with notable exceptions), unimportant events, old plans and schemes.
    - He may or may not be interested in blood purity now, he may simply not care about muggleborns or muggles.
    - He may take a less self-destructive, less disastrous path towards greatness. Why bother exterminating mudbloods if you can make them join you as faithful servants?

    What I'm saying is that instead of being a psychopatic, violent maniac with a desire for immortality, he may end up a manipulative anti-hero.

    After all, he now knows for a fact that afterlife exists, he's been there partially. That'd change a lot in a person.
  19. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I don't want to sound overly critical, but it seems like an instant personality transmission in his younger self with plot convenient memory loss. I can see what he may become in this plot bunny, but personally I would rather like to experience and understand the how and why. Your bunny gives the chance to follow a young or growing Tom Riddle, who actively tries to rein in his homicidal tendencies, because he never wants to experience this "nightmare" again.

    That almost sounds like a Dexter/Tom, doesn't it?
  20. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
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    If I were to write this plot bunny I'd have to time travel back to just before he created his first horcrux instead of the orphanage. It means he has his cult already established and Dumbledore's suspicion, so he'd face some challenges in changing things from their regular course. It'd also mean you get to demonstrate his changed view of love by showing a possible new relationship with his father.
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