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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    HP/ASoIaF crossover.

    It takes a lot more time, almost a decade, for Harry and his friends to find all Voldemort's Horcruxes. By the time he finally confronts the Dark Lord, Muggles are aware of magic and the whole world is burning.

    The final meeting between two enemies ends with Harry apparently dead after he sacrificed his life to destroy the Horcrux inside his scar. Unlike in the canon, he does not wake up shortly later.

    Hermione, who figures out that he's not fully gone, hides his body from the Dark Lord.

    With no one to oppose him, Voldemort destroys the world and recreates it as it pleases him until he is faced with the biggest problem of being immortal. Boredom. He decides to sleep for some time, allowing the remaining people in the world rule and change it. Then, after millennia, he returns to once again conquer it.

    He repeats it over and over again.

    Time passes and Harry finally wakes up in a strange world that reminds him of medieval times. His only guide is a portrait of Albus Dumbledore who was guarding his body and to ensure his safety has ways of observing the changes around their hiding place.

    But it's not only world that is different. Over the millennia magic changed too. The old ways work, but they are harder to invoke. Fortunately for Harry the spells get easier the more he does them. It's like magic needs to relearn how to respond to them.

    Harry slowly familiarizes himself with the new world, aware that somewhere in it the Dark Lord is sleeping and it's only a matter of time before he will need to fight him again.

    From this point there are few ways it could continue:

    1) Dread Pirate Harry.

    Hermione decided that the best place to hide her friend's body is the Durmstrang Ship that stay underwater and move to a different place if there is a risk of being discovered. After he wakes up, Harry uses it to travel around the realm, visit amazing places and meet fascinating people.

    He gets a reputation of pirate after he starts attacking slave ships to free people transported on them.

    His nemesis, other than Voldemort, is Euron Greyjoy.

    2) Lord Commander Harry Potter.

    Deciding that all legends about Others and the Great Other point out to Volmodert's presence behind the Wall, Harry decides to join the Night's Watch. He quickly rises in their ranks and then as their Commander he puts a lot of effort to make them a respectable group again. By the time Jon Snow joins the Watch, it has more willing members than in the past two centuries. One of them is the Kingslayer who asked for a permission to leave the Kingsguard around the time Robert's first son, Joffrey, was born.

    3) King-beyond-the-Wall.

    Harry wakes up in the Land of Always Winter. He almost dies before he's found by the Free Folk. He lives among them peacefully for years before the Other come back. He agrees with Mance Rayder that the only way for them to survive is to move south.

    4) Sellsword Harry.

    To be honest, I'm unsure what could be a good reason for Harry to start a company on his own, but its name would be the Masters of Death (these who accept it).
  2. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    As far as HP/ASOIAF premises go, I like this one. The idea that Voldemort would get a bit bored with the immortality shtick and let things build all up just to knock 'em down again is pretty fun, very epic feeling. And that Westeros/Essos is the world but thousands upon thousands of years later gives chances to connect to the past. Makes you wonder things like if Voldemort tore down Hogwarts or preserved it somewhere (Valyria? Beyond The Wall? God's Eye?), if there's relics hanging around (Imagine if the Veil was hidden deep under Oldtown?), and if there's also ghosts around that Harry could hang out with (Ghost of old man Neville and him go on quite the adventure). Wizarding descendants too, but that might lead to avenues a bit more iffy-like, so would have to played carefully.

    Here's how I'd play this story: Voldemort sleeps beyond The Wall as the Great Other, way up north. White Walkers could even be a variation or evolution on Dementors or save other magical creature (Inferius for wights, yeah). When the last Long Night came, Voldemort rose up to wipe out everything, but actually got beaten back. Turns out the magical imbalance he created by continually existing led to crazy stuff like long winters and long summers, and Brandon The Builder was able to construct The Wall with magic that would prevent Voldemort from crossing at all. So, trapped and annoyed, Voldemort goes back to sleep and intends to build up a big enough army/let the magic die out some/just let the Starks think they won and then go back and destroy them. Whichever.

    So cue the start of ASOIAF. The Great Other is about to awaken, and winter is coming. What wakes Harry up? Beats me. But my favourite avenue for crossovers in ASOIAF is the appearance of the Red Comet in the wake of Dany bringing back dragons. Magic starts returning to Westeros. And this is the start of Clash Of Kings, so there's plenty of divergence to be had with familiar faces, rather than dicking around with Robert's Rebellion or whatever. So yeah, Harry waking up could just be the "it's time to bring balance" thing, or he slept in for a few thousand years. Summer ends at the end of Game Of Thrones, so, maybe it's that. Hell, like Voldemort, he could've been stirring and almost awake for decades - the tragedy at Summerhall might've kickstarted it, even.

    Also, the Red Comet and the presence of magic slowly coming back means you can limit Harry's power at first, and then increase it over time. Pretty standard idea, but rarely used, so. Obviously Harry's kind of magic is OP for Westeros, so you gotta penalise him (and say that it's all because of Voldemort messing with the balance; if there's long winters, maybe you can't apparate anymore, et cetera). Fun story: I once read a HP/GoT fic where Harry apparated up to the steps of Baelor and still managed to not be able to save Ned. Yeah, really. Gotta be careful there.

    So where's Harry wake up? Good question. Durmstrang ship is fun visual. I'm personally for the idea that he'd represent the opposite of Voldemort, so somewhere warm and summer-y. The key would be to have a place that has great otherworldy visuals straight-up. Tower Of Joy or Starfall feels a bit on the nose, but nice and pretty and sandy. Under Oldtown might be fun, especially if the plot then involved Harry being kept by the Maesters (and then later hunted down by them, 'cause of the Maester Conspiracy thing). If you want something pretty crazy, you'd start in Old Valyria, using the Hogwarts idea. Say, Hogwarts is preserved amidst lava and ruin, and Harry's hiding spot? The Chamber Of Secrets. Hermione figured that Voldemort, in his arrogance, would ever think to look there. Or hell, if Harry's not in Hogwarts, maybe he's in the Forbidden Forest equivalent (Wolfswood, Kingswood, et cetera). It's where he died, after all.

    Fun as it would be to have Harry hanging out with wildlings - and banging the absolute shit out of Val - I like this one idea: Voldemort can't cross The Wall, and neither can Harry, but from the other side. That means Harry's plot would involve him either doing everything in his power to stop people on his side from destroying The Wall, or him seeking to bring The Wall down so he can go out and kill Voldemort once and for all. Either way, folk would be in his way, that's for sure. He'd try and recruit Dany, I'm thinking, with hilarious results.

    So what'd happen, plot-wise? Plenty of opportunities. I'm the kinda sucker who'd want to focus a lot on ASOIAF characters too, so we get their POVs in the world that's changed just by Harry's presence/meddling. As for Harry, he could run afoul in corners of the world, hunting for Voldemort's new Horcruxes or just signs of his presence (Goes to Skagos, hangs out with unicorns and cannibals; goes to Essos and laughs at new basilisks; et cetera). Threats could include the Maesters, Asshai shadowbinders/red priests (Harry Vs Melisandre get hype. Even though they'd be mostly on the same side given Harry's pretty Azor Ahai), and possible little failsafe weapons Voldemort has set up (How gnarly would it be if he had Inferi versions of Harry's friends stored up just to torture). Hell, Voldemort could've set up some more Death Eater types that are more of a cult these days (The Faceless Men and their Many Faced God, anyone?).

    So overall, that'd be a fun read.
  3. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Connection to the past would be one of central themes. Since GRRM based a lot of elements on our history, Harry would recognize that many things repeat themselves, if with variations. It's like humanity collectively remembers it's original steps in evolution of their culture and remakes them, but because of Voldemort's influence they never can move past certain point. And they never will unless the Dark Lord is defeated for good.

    One of chronological points I'm considering is somewhere around the First Blackfyre Rebellion. I want him to meet Bloodraven before he moves behind the Wall and to steal Shiera Seastar (has anyone done this shipping by now?) from him to establish an antagonistic relationship between them, even if they both are on the same team.

    Problem is that ultimately I want Harry to interact with GoT characters and him living almost hundred years gives him too much advantage over them, especially with an addition to his magic.

    That part was only implied, but apparently got across pretty well. ;)
  4. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    You said that an instead of the Faceless Men I immediately thought of the Warlocks of Qarth and the House of the Undying. Has the nice benefit of also having Voldemort's on-the-nose naming conventions.

    Though that makes me think that it would be really twisted if Hermione left Harry in the care of a cabal of wizards who over the generations became this twisted cult. Could be something there, though perhaps not much.
  5. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    "So... Quarth. You claim there might be something there that will interest me?"

    The Queen of Meereen glared down at the walled city. From their position atop the hill, they could see the bustling trading center below, sprawled along the coast.

    Next to Dany, Drogon growled lowly. Dragons never forgot. She patted his black scales affectionately. As much as she disliked the Warlocks, most of the city had done her no harm. It wouldn't be very queenly of her to let Drogon burn it to cinders.

    "Yes," she told the wizard. "They reside in the House of the Undying."

    The wizard laughed, then corrected the strange visor he wore on his face. Glasses, he called it. How peculiar.

    "What is so amusing?"

    He snorted. "House of the Undying? That's Voldemort's hangout for sure. Thanks for the tip. Er, Your Grace."

    Then he spun on one heel and disappeared with a loud whip-crack.

    Dany shook her head. She had met a fair few strange people, but this one could be their king.
  6. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    I knew this guy looked familiar.

  7. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    Harry the Pirate King? Fucking awesome, especially if his habit of raiding slaver ships was a setup for Harry/Dany, even if just for a fling.

    Though, Harry/Val sounds interesting ...
  8. Heosphoros

    Heosphoros Fourth Year

    Jul 9, 2008
    If you're going with Westeros as a magically ravaged future Earth, I think a good way to get Harry there could be when the time turners are destroyed. Harry gets caught in a time explosion, ends up in wherever and whenever you want. It have the advantage of having a canon Harry, without the OC'ness that X years of untold experience would bring. As well as not having that pesky story-breaking apparition.

    If Harry appears 10 or so years before GoT starts there would be plenty of time to character and magical growth. Also, with Dumbledore alive after Harry's disappearance, should any knowledge be necessary to drop from the sky, Fawkes is a pretty good message bird when thousands of years is on the way.
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Greek Mythology Potterverse

    The wizarding world of Harry Potter already features many magical creatures from the Greek mythology. We also have characters with clearly Greek-inspired names.

    Of course, in canon this is all supplemented by creatures from other cultures like Veela as well as some original creations (Dementors).

    But how would look an alternate universe with only Greek mythology-inspired wizarding world look?

    Well, let's compare.

    The creatures that exist in canon and keep existing in this AU are:

    Pegasi (called Abraxans)

    That's a fine collection, but since we're removing all other creatures, like Dementors, Veela, Goblins, House Elves, etc. we should add more creatures from Greek myths to make up for the losses.

    Which is why the new additions are:

    Nymphs (I'm not counting the canon ones as they're clearly something different)

    Of course, magical creatures are not everything. We could have the government of the wizarding world be modeled after ancient Greece as well.

    Now I wouldn't go as far as having the Greek Gods be real, that'd be pushing it. But there's always that option of having them been actually wizards.
  10. Ncjeur

    Ncjeur Second Year

    Apr 1, 2015
    I finished the prologue for a story about Harry in Ancient Greece just yesterday, though I've got no intentions to continue it.
    The concept always intrigued me: There are so many ways to describe the magical world of Ancient times, as there are so many fascinating myths and legends- the possibilities are endless. It would be great to see a fic set in Greece, or at least in Ancient Rome.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  11. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    Hogwarts never really seemed to focus on a classical education but adding new teachers could be fun.

    More seriously almost all of the Harry sent way back in time stories I've read are enjoyable. I'm not sure if only stronger writers attempt them because there are no canon crutches but the more extreme divergences tend to have a greater chance of being decent.

    Were you going with Harry in Potterverse ancient Greece, adventures in the Peloponnesian wars or more of a myth inspired setting, with Odysseus and Hercules running around?
  12. Ncjeur

    Ncjeur Second Year

    Apr 1, 2015
    Actually, it was set during the time when Greece became part of the Roman Republic. The non-magical Greece had lost most of its power, but I wanted to explore the possibilities of the events in the magical world: The consequences of an attempted takeover.
    I imagined that the magical part of Greece was no unified country, but more of a collection of small communities, each with its own laws, methods and goals. They struggled to work together under the threat of the upcomming invasion by the Romans, leaving many different parties unable to hold their own against the overwhelming enemy.
    The story was about Harry, who was thrown into this strange time and came to a position of power in one of these communities. He tries to form an adequate alliance to fight the upcomming war, all the while dealing with threats from different greek communities (Herpo the Foul would be the secondary villain).
    Well, that's pretty much it... I didn't give it a lot of thought, though.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  13. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    Greece. The country is called Greece, not Greek.
    Or Hellas, or Ελλάς, for bonus points.

    Also personally I think setting it in a war against the Persians is more interesting, as by the time the Romans came around most of the interesting events in Greece had come and gone.
    Plus Persians are way more esoteric than the relatively practical Romans, so I think their magic would be more interesting, but it's your choice, I suppose.
  14. Ncjeur

    Ncjeur Second Year

    Apr 1, 2015
    Oh, I'm sorry, my english is rather bad, and I'm very tired. Sorry, I know that, normally.
    Well, I'm sure there are many interesting scenarios, but I'm not gonna write it anyway.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  15. theminikiller

    theminikiller Third Year

    Oct 5, 2014
    Oslo, Norway
    Those story's sound interesting, do you remember the name of any of those stories where Harry gets sent back in time?
  16. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    I developed a Plot Bunny for a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Crossover that dealt extensively on where wizards fit in that Universe. The "Origin" story fits surprisingly well with most Greek myths: gods act like dicks, people try to usurp some power for themselves, gods angry at said humans.
  17. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    Years ago, when I was younger and dumber, Real!Family! fics were a guilty pleasure of mine. You all know the story - Harry's related to someone from Fandom X (usually the lead character/hero) and it generally declines from there.

    I used to toy with plot bunnies revolving around this premise but they never really led anywhere. My question, and I'm asking this here because it doesn't deserve its own thread and involves a plot bunny, is; can these stories ever be good?

    Generally they're disasters and the ones with competent writing tend to get abandoned. So, what do you think? Can this plot bunny be good? If so, what would it look like?
  18. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    AU where Dumbledore and Grindelwald didn't break apart and saw their vision become a reality. Muggles are enslaved, Voldemort attempted to rise to power but was ruthlessly cut down before he made any headway. Harry grows up at Hogwarts, a prodigious wizard who inherently sees the flaws in the Greater Good that D&G have created and attempts to rise up against them.

    I suppose the question is why Harry or any wizard would be opposed to the idea of rejecting a society in which they rule as I can't envision Dumbledore/Grindelwald standing for Muggle Born Subjugation even if they despised muggles. Yeah it needs a fuckton of piecing together before a coherent plot can even be formed.
  19. Stan

    Stan Order Member

    Aug 19, 2014
  20. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012