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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    Just straight up swapping some random parameters doesn't usually end up good. Just look at the trainwreck that was Darth Marrs's Firebird series, or Clell's Distaff side which while readable sort of fell a bit flat. You end up hand waving way to many things and opening up endless plot holes.

    But ignoring that. How about taking an oppressive ministry of magic that hunts down anyone that practices magic not on an approved "light magic" list and Having Tom Riddle being a freedom fighter that advocates innovation and promises immortality to anyone who fallows him. Although I'm pretty sure there already is a fic with this premise.
  2. ihateseatbelts

    ihateseatbelts Seventh Year

    Mar 28, 2014
    Where the mandem jam up to no good
    I'm pretty sure I've seen a plot bunny in a previous thread with that premise. It's a popular idea, but the prospect of writing a freedom fighter Riddle is perhaps so daunting that few if any have embarked on it.
  3. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    Warrior's Heir has an opposite world premise of sorts. Harry lands up in an alternate dimension where his counterpart is the Dark Lord, with Ron, Hermione and others serving as Death Eaters and they're basically pro-Muggleborn extremists (they also hate Muggles at the same time). On the flip side, Tom Riddle is the Boy-Who-Lived, allied with Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy, and so forth.
  4. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    I forgot about that one. If I remember correctly, it was pretty damn good. A tragedy it was left unfinished.
  5. ihateseatbelts

    ihateseatbelts Seventh Year

    Mar 28, 2014
    Where the mandem jam up to no good
    So I think I've got one.

    The year is 2008, and the Wizarding World is undergoing a cultural-industrial boom. In the wake of a (relatively) less paranoid society, the economy is awash with innovators and rising stars in fields which were either seldom explored, or outright abandoned. One promising avenue in particular is that of wizarding television.

    Although dismissed by the Ministry decades earlier due to fears over security, both the rapid expansion in CGI works and relaxing attitudes towards Muggles in general have helped to slacken the scrutiny of the law. British magical folk now enjoy a roster of three or four major channels around the clock with diverse content, as well as a handful of amateur "pirate" channels on private frequencies.

    The story would focus on one of those pirate channels, owned by none other than Ron Weasley who, disillusioned after working for the government and not fully invested in his brother's enterprises, seeks to find his own niche in the burgeoning communications market.

    Meanwhile, his former classmate Dean Thomas grows increasingly tired of his post as a satirical cartoonist at the Daily Prophet. Working at a low rate with minimal creative control, he is at a loss of how to express himself artistically - the fact that he is beginning to reflect on his time on the run during the War with a faint degree of fondness doesn't help, either. A chance meeting with the Gryffindor boys one night convinces him that he's wasting his time at the paper and, feeling the urge to travel yet again, he presents a fully-written pitch to Ron the next afternoon.

    A week later, Dean has his bags and a Portkey set with cameraman Dennis Creevey in tow, nervous but driven to film the first season of Dean Thomas on Gangs.
  6. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    Not long later, the first Wizarding gay porno is born.
  7. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    Time Travel with a Twist: When Harry lets himself get hit with the Killing Curse in DH, he gets sent back in time immediately following Quirrell's demise. However, what's different is whose body he's inhabiting this time around -- or as it turns out, lack thereof. Harry ends up replacing Voldemort's wraith and retreats back to Albania to avoid Dumbledore. (The young Harry still exists in his own body)

    At this point, the sum total of Dumbledore's machinations come crashing down on Harry -- that he didn't even get the afterlife he was promised from the Stone and is currently forced to eke out a half-life as a wraith. Harry decides to carve out a path independent of the Ministry, Dumbledore, and 'Voldemort,' who Harry now effectively is. Harry then decides to partially assume a mantle as the Dark Lord, seeking to be re-embodied and manipulate the Death Eaters for his own new agenda.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
  8. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Got a link for us there?
  9. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    This is the Plot Bunny thread. Might I suggest not posting while intoxicated?
  10. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Welp. Nothing to see here. Move along.
  11. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Isn't that basically every Dramione story ever? I mean, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of Malfoy having a change of heart, but it'd have to be a really gradual one, or one brought on by something really extreme happening.

    He's still a measly little coward so I still probably wouldn't want to read it.
  12. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Bunny: Ron is killed by the Chess game.

    I've no idea where to go from there, but it certainly leads in interesting directions for Harry's motivations, relations with the staff in general and McGonagall in particular, and so on. Probably work best as a catalyst similar to FtS.
  13. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Game of Hearts

    HP/ASoIaF romance/harem comedy.

    Harry is reborn as the oldest son of Robert and has a pretty good life. At least until his father decides he's tired of being a king and runs away to Essos to start a sellsword company there. Harry is old enough to be a king in his own right, but suddenly finding a wife, and a queen, for him became much more important issue than it was when he was just a prince.

    Enter contestants for his affection:
    - Sansa Stark - Ned was convinced by Jon Arryn saying she's a perfect match for a young king and by his daughter simply wanting to marry him.
    - Arianne Martell - Doran Martell is not a man to miss an opportunity when it's presented to him.
    - Margaery Tyrell - and neither is the Queen of Thorns.
    - Shireen Baratheon - Stannis Baratheon wants what's the best for his daughter.
    - Daenerys Targaryen - Viserys will get the Iron Throne back to Targaryens one way or another.
    - Myrcella Baratheon - Cersei just wants to help her daughter do what she herself couldn't openly do.

    And a winner would be Arya because she's the only one not playing the Game of Hearts and it's a game where you can only lose. ;)
  14. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    Interesting idea, some thoughts and speculations:

    Canonically, the Stone would have been perfectly safe, right? Quirrell would have been stuck in front of the Mirror in time for Dumbledore to arrive and contain Quirrellmort. Like McGonagall said, the Stone was perfectly safe. I don't think any of the adults actually anticipated three First Years to actually try to get to the Stone. (Given how relatively basic the protections to reach the Stone were, the whole set-up seemed like a scheme to trap Voldemort)

    So, Harry might have a significant falling out with both McGonagall and perhaps Dumbledore, but to some extent I can sympathize with McGonagall and Dumbledore here. Neither of them anticipated Harry being as headstrong as he was -- or so that's how I read it -- and they were informed to stay clear of the third-floor corridor and McGonagall reminded them again to leave the matter alone.

    Obviously, neither McGonagall nor Dumbledore wanted to explain in detail to Harry and the others just how well-protected the Stone was -- for one, Harry and the others weren't entitled to the knowledge and secondly, the whole point was to lure Voldemort into a false sense of security.

    Of course, what follows logically may not be what follows from the heart and Harry may find himself in a position of great resentment towards the two. Admittedly, one could argue that the staff was complicit in endangering the students to Voldemort, of whom Ron would be a casualty. But, it's important to keep in mind that Harry, Hermione, and Ron are just as much to blame in that kind of situation.

    Harry in addition would probably feel a great deal of self-loathing at this point, especially once he learns that Quirrell would never have gotten the Stone anyway. In fact, the only way Quirrell got close to getting the Stone was with Harry's interference in the first place. Harry going down arguably made things worse, not better. Couple that with Ron's death, and it's not a good time to be Harry right now. Harry might even agree with Snape's assessment of himself at this point, because rushing headlong into danger got his best friend killed.

    What would really interest me is Harry's relationship now with the other Weasleys and Harry's relationship with Hermione. Hermione would probably be inconsolable, also feeling a certain degree of self-loathing, but she might also blame Harry for going into this mess to some extent. If the truth gets out, I wouldn't be surprised if the Weasleys either significantly cool towards Harry or outright loathe him -- imagine a Year 2 where Ginny haunts Harry not because she has a crush on him, but because she absolutely loathes him for being complicit in her brother's death. (And arguably, Ron would have been the sibling she was closest to) Combined with the Diary... potential for a Dark!Ginny in Year 2?
  15. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Peter Potter-pan.

    In the aftermath of Lord Voldemort's defeat to the infant Harry Potter, the crying babe gathers the attention of one traveling fairy, Tinkerbell, and before Hagrid or Albus arrive hours later to see him delivered to Privet Drive the fairy decides to bring him with her back to Neverland.

    At that point he can either take over for Peter Pan's role in the aftermath of Pan's departure, or simply become another of the Lost Boys sharing in the adventures of Pan prior to that. But Harry will inevitably differ from them in that his imagination sees real magic take place, the usual expectations demonstrated in a wizarding child, such as Disapparition. The prologue would build up the experiences of his youth and Hook's growing desire to have that power at his own disposal.

    In the meanwhile the wizarding world is in an uproar over Harry Potter's disappearance. Perhaps Sirius Black is blamed - he did kill Peter Pettigrew, the Potter's Secret Keeper, after all, now didn't he? And when Sirius makes no confession he is given the Dementor's Kiss rather than given life in Azkaban. The last recourse available is to wait until 1991 on Harry's eleventh birthday, and to send an owl as guided by the old magic of Hogwarts out into the world to find him.

    Cue Harry's initial surprise when an owl with a letter addressed to him turns up one night. Does he choose to believe and leave Neverland? Or does he laugh it off and continue his own adventures and forget about the owl and the letter by the next sunrise? Perhaps he says he'll deal with it the next day- and the next day- and etc ad nauseum? Let us say the latter.

    Several years pass. Lord Voldemort is resurrected. Death Eaters flock to him. With no fear of Harry Potter to threaten him Voldemort renews his campaign of subjugation. A second Wizarding War erupts, with bolder and more decisive maneuvers taking place. The future looks grim. Just when Voldemort is poised to overthrow all opposition to him, an eleven year old boy who knows how to fly with no aid but his own laughter, who knows how to vanish and reappear with no wand required, how to perform minor feats of magic that should not be possible such as separating from his shadow and sending it to intercept the Killing Curse, appears and becomes the proverbial spanner in the works.

    Harry Potter returns at long last, and though certainly different, he is not invulnerable. Dumbledore via Fawkes intercepts and sends Harry somewhere safe, somewhere they can finally examine him, teach him, guide him. Thus a last ragtag group of survivors begins, many years after the fact, to instruct Harry in becoming a wizard for real.
  16. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I like that direction Rayndeon, although I meant more that his 'sacrifice' to win the game actually costs his life.

    There's some canon mention that Ron's distraction from Ginny from having friends/gone to Hogwarts influences her loneliness, IIRC. So I could see that Dark!Ginny quite easily - disillusionment, especially, can easily lead to hate.

    It also might mean the Board was quicker to boot Dumbledore/close the school, with a death already on Albus' hands.
  17. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Once upon time I read something that I can't find anymore. It was some sort of high fantasy story about a mage who is traveling. I remember something about mages having auras and any mage who was pure would have pink one while dark magic caused them to go black.

    So main character does some dark magic and suddenly nothing is same for him. Like he looks to his own books and the words that used to be too faint to read is plain as day, pages that used to be empty is full of weird and sanity blasting knowladge. The swear words that Sailor used has nothing to with mothers and everthing to do with weird monsters and demons.

    At some point giant eagles attack the ship which is common but main character realizes that they are not actually eagles he just sees them as. They are some sort of demons that stright out of cthulhu mythos.

    If anyone can find and point that story to me it would be great. Altough come to think of it, it migh not be an english story.

    So the idea is thus, Harry after using Crucio in 5th book starts to see weird things. The older DADA books he used to consult on had empty pages that aren't anymore and faint unreadible words which he can see clearly now.

    Dementors don't actually wear robes, Dungeons of Hogwarts aren't actually empty, Devils snare and whomping willow are not actually flora, Gorgoyles of the school is actually bound demons etc.

    Slowly Harry starts to unreavel this illlusions in a mystery/horror manner. Worst part is he realises that the lie had been there for last few centruies because of the statue of secrecy which makes Harry knowing about all of this illegal therefore even more dangerious.

    There are a few others who can see like Luna who has gone strange because she can see just some of them. Dumbledore who charms his own glasses so he doesn't loses his mind due some suprise, Voldemort whom has gone to deep end trying to control/kill all those dark creatures etc.

    Normal wizards on the other hand gets conditioned to only see what they are tought to see, It is half conditioning half instictive reaction. So they don't realise anything at all.

    What do you guys think?

    Edit: Grammar
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  18. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    Jesus goddamn Christ on a pogo stick.

    I'm throwing money at the screen and yet nothing is happening!
  20. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    One of the first things Harry should do is to try to get the Wrackspurts and Nargles to work for him. Maybe Luna could help. Having control over brain-draining and kleptomanic demons that are utterly ubiquitous at your bidding would be really useful.

    Now Harry understands why the Ministry has a hate boner for Dark Magic...

    Also, maybe the brains at the DoM affect Ron so he begins to see some of them as well.