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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    Seems like His Dark Materials multiverse would be a good framing device for such a set-up, especially with God having some kind of role.
  2. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Maybe, but I haven't read it and have only basic knowledge of the series. Generally I would prefer to avoid having a multiverse and have every human character live on one Earth.
  3. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    I imagine that Sam and Dean battle demons (and angels) in the same way that the Knights of the Cross do. They have some kind of "field leveling device" that let's them at least get a fair shot at winning. We know there are several low level vanilla human organizations, and if you're tying magical bloodlines into your series (Slayer) then you could easily have it be a magical curse or blessing that is passed down the Winchester family.

    The real problem I see is having several game deciding power groups that seem to completely ignore each other.

    Are you going to include the Charmed universe in your urban fantasy? I have a soft spot for the Fandom.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I was thinking about something like that and connect it to the fact that Dean and Sam were suppose to be the vessels for Lucifer and Michael. Though in this version Angels don't need to posses people to appear on Earth, but it limits their powers (which is how Uriel and Lucifer can show up). Only when they get "invitation", they can use their normal powers. The problem is that aside few exceptions people are very quickly burn out by being a host.

    Well, the meeting would be because they aren't ignoring each other, but yes, making them all work within one world is part of the challenge.

    If I would then only in a background since I haven't watched too many episodes of this show.

    The stories I plan to include for sure:

    1) Harry Potter.

    In this world HP wizards are closer to the Sidhe than humans which partially explains their less demanding magic. As in the canon most of them keep away from normal humans or even other magical being, preferring to stay within their own territory. You could say that their are Hobbits of this world. That said, they are aware of what is happening in a bigger world and Hogwarts has few new subjects that cover things like gods or Slayers.

    The International Confederation of Wizards is their official representation while doing business with other communities.

    2) Dresden Files.

    The While Council is the most powerful gathering of "normal" wizards, but similar to the situation with the Vampires, they aren't the only one. For example BtVS covens are semi-officially working together as the Green Council.

    3) Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel.

    As mentioned above plus since it happens after the seventh season there is more than one Slayer running around which is kind of a big change.

    As for Angel side of things, well, Illyria vs Ivy is pretty much given.

    4) The Supernatural.

    Some changes are caused by replacing their version of Lucifer with Sandman's version and many major players in Heaven not wanting to end the world just yet. Other than that Dean and Sam do what they always do, only they keep in touch with Parametr and Scoobies.

    5) Marvel Universe & DC Universe (especially Vertigo)

    Only magical part of it like Doctor Strange and Zatanna. The Sorcerer Supreme is a title and a mantle that was created in times of Atlantis that was build by a third magical human race (HP and DF wizards being first two)- Homo Magi.

    The Endless are part of this world and Death is connected to the current Master of Death - Harry Potter. A twist is that it makes him a potential replacement for her, just like Daniel replaced Morpheus.

    Lucifer stays in his bar and doesn't want to get involved in anything. For now.

    6) Sailor Moon.

    I'm not entirely sure I will include them, but I wanted something from Japan.

    The Moon Kingdom was firstly Atlantis colony and then after its fall, for a moment it became its own empire. The Sailor Soldiers were basically their superweapons, capable of empowering their spells using magic fields of whole planets.

    7) Highlander.

    Not that hard to add to the rest.

    8) Hellsing.

    A little tricky to include with DF, but then I figured out that since Dracula is the first Black Court vampire why couldn't he keep pushing his transformation until he became what he calls the True Vampire.
  5. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    RE Charmed:

    The series is a complete mess, and I say that as an unabashed fan. That being said, for urban fantasy TV shows all you really need are the core concepts or figured. For Charmed, all you really need is the Halliwell sisters, the darklighter/whitelighter concepts and the existence of humanoid demons to make it work. Everything else really doesn't matter. Sort of the same for Buffy, with all one needing being the Slayer spirit, a few of the main characters and some of the background organizations like Wolfram & Hart. Supernatural just needs the Winchester family, the hunter mythos, Lucifer, Castiel and Crowley. All you need for Highlander is the concept of Quickening concept and one of the McClouds, while tacking on whatever explanation you need for the Quickening's backstory.

    I'd cut out the anime/manage stuff personally and focus on the western materials, but that's up to you. Harry Potter doesn't quite fit in with the rest, but if you transplant it while keeping the core concepts (Harry, Voldemort, Death Eaters, something resembling Hogwarts, Dumbledore, magic), then you're pretty much golden.
  6. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    Rough outline I have for the first arc of the NaNoWriMo story I'm writing.

    RWBY/Worm: In a world where people already possess superhuman abilities, and where monsters already wreak havoc on the populous, the cycle begins anew. Hunters and civilians alike begin unlocking special abilities, dubbed their semblance.

    Hunters that would have been classified as weak, such as Jaune Arc, now stand a chance at becoming actually useful. While the old guard, such as James Ironwood, soon find themselves marginalized by the next generation of hunters, and their strange powers.

    The powers bear a burden, however - for with the arrival of the semblance, comes three horrible beasts. They become known as the Endbringers, and it is obvious why. The arrival of Behemoth leaves an unprepared Mt. Glenn suddenly depopulated, and Mistral barely survives the arrival of Leviathan.

    It is the arrival of the Simurgh, of course, that leaves the greatest scar. The head of the Schnee Dust Company is driven insane, and, as a result, Dust suddenly becomes much more scarce when the Schnee Dust Mines are blown to smithereens, and nearly a hundred faunus workers along with it.

    Story is told from the P.O.V. of Cardin Winchester. Despite the troubles facing the world, he has remained relatively unscathed, and hasn't gained a semblance. He comes from a family of hunters, however, and through his father's connections, he lands a place at Beacon, where he plans to "lead the pack" of the entering student body.

    At first, this seems to go rather well. He is named the leader of his team, and proves himself at least capable. Unfortunately, when compared to those with a semblance, he and his team (who have either no semblances or weak ones) stand no chance. An early attempt at bullying a faunus girl results in them being teleported two miles from the school.

    Cardin doesn't even bother attempting to bully Jaune - unlike in canon, he projects an aura that demands respect - and besides, he's friends with team RWBY, who are powered up to an extreme degree, all possessing semblances that guarantee they will soon be on the front line against the Endbringers.

    Eventually the first arc reaches its climax where, strangely enough, Cardin ends up bonding with Pyrrha Nikos of all people. Both of them were unable to get dates , and the person Pyrrha wanted to go with had gone with Weiss Schnee. Pyrrha finds Cardin's resolution to continue being a hunter, despite not having a semblance, slightly charming, and due to having little to no interaction with him, overlooks the fact that he's a racist asshole.

    And then Ozpin, arriving from exactly ten minutes into the future, appears. He announces that Beacon was about to be attacked by Behemoth. Those who were willing to fight could do so, those who were not could run. Velvet begins the evacuation, and Cardin is forced to make a split second decision. He remembers his time at Beacon - the feeling he had of being pathetic, of being useless. Having all his hard work count as nothing when compared to those who possessed a semblance.

    Cardin, the selfish bully, decides to stay - despite his team leaving him behind, and Pyrrha's insistence he should do so as well. Is he scared? Yes. Is he tired of taking the back seat to idiots like Jaune Arc, who were only useful because they got lucky? Definitely.

    The professional hunters arrive just before the attack strikes. Unsurprisingly, RWBY and JNPR, along with the entirety of the staff, have remained behind as well. Behemoth's arrival marks the end of the first arc, and possibly a shift in P.O.V.

    Other Notes
    --- Jaune Arc possesses Glory Girl's powers. Luckily he doesn't inherit her home life. Due to this, however, he is able to gain the attention of an (emotionally unstable) Weiss Schnee. Later down the line (if I don't kill one of them off), people may wise up to what the hell is going on, and the two would have a rather violent split, leading to a Weiss/Ruby pairing.
    --- Ruby can move at supersonic speeds - and can speed up her perceptions as well. Weiss' ice constructs are much more powerful and versatile than in canon. Blake can create multiple clones who have limited mental capabilities. Yang's "strength through damage" is taken to absurd levels - if she takes enough damage she may even be able to go head to head with an Endbringer.
    --- Penny would be a tinker creation, obviously.
    --- Scion would make no appearance. Story will be completely about the struggle against the Enbringers. Assumedly, the Entities simply collect the shards once the holder dies, and don't bother destroying the world.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    In the Alternate History story The Road Not Taken by Harry Turtledove, Earth in 2039 is invaded by aliens called the Roxolani.

    From Wikipedia:

    What if however the Roxolani invaded Earth in an earlier time? For example, during the First World War or even earlier during the Napoleonic Wars?

    Imagine "old timey" Earth expanding into space.
  8. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    The High Crusade was pretty fun. It's about a knight and his people expanding into space, because aliens completely forgot any sort of warfare that isn't beam weaponry, and swords are awesome.
  9. Ven Arima

    Ven Arima Slug Club Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    So I've had this plot bunny for a KOTOR: TSL story focusing on the relationship between the Exile and Darth Nihlius's functioning as wounds in the Force. This would loosely follow the main plot of KOTOR: TSL but would involve a wider range of planets, a greater development of the relationships between the Exile and her crew (particularly Kreia, there's so much you could do with those two), and having the Exile deal with the mental and emotional trauma from the Mandalorian Wars on a much more...visceral level.

    Oh and giving some insight into her relationship with Revan. Definitely that.

    I'd have started by now because even though I don't have the most solid of plot outlines, I know for a fact I want the first divergent planet (aka Arc 1) to be Katarr. Unfortunately, despite that, I'm having the small problem of figuring out a decent place to actually begin the story. I want to say right after Nar Shadda, but I'm not too sure whether that's a good spot to jump in.
  10. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I claim this planet in the name of His Majesty the King. Long live the King! God bless the United Kingdom!

    *Raises the Union Jack*
  11. lopeck

    lopeck Groundskeeper

    Oct 22, 2013
    I had a weird dream last night. Filled with dinosaurs and rockets and other stuff. I don't really remember to much. But I woke up and had the idea for a crossover between Extreme Dinosaurs and The Land Before Time.
    No idea what the plot would be or what it even could be about though.
  12. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Starwars EU

    Knowing about the Vong (?), Palpatine decides he needs to Jedi around to help fight the war against them, leading to a temporary alliance between the Sith and the Jedi...

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:06 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

    I don't know much about Green Lantern, but Thor finding a Green Lantern ring would be... interesting.
  13. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    For what it's worth, in the old Amalgam Comics books Green Lantern and Iron Man were merged together and Thor was merged with Orion of the New Gods.

    But I'm also not sure that Thor has the sufficient willpower to wield a GL ring; or rather, in a universe that includes both Thor and Captain America, I'm not sure why Cap doesn't get the ring nine times out of ten. Out of curiosity, why of all the Marvel heroes did you choose Thor to wield the power ring?
  14. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Someone sent me a picture of a Halloween costume where Thor is the Green Lantern.
  15. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    EDIT: Screw that, never mind.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    After watching Jessica Jones, I was thinking about other Marvel-Netfilx series that maybe someday be announced like Punished, Moon Knight. Basically any street level superhero that Marvel can be included, but then I though if there is cosmic level character that could get a series like that.

    In my opinion there is and that guy is Sentry.

    As you can read in this link, Sentry is basically Marvel Superman with serious mental problems and the TV show would be based on his first series. Though I would use it to introduce Fantastic Four too.

    It goes like this.

    After WWII US kept trying and failing to remade the Super Soldier Serum. The closest they appeared to be successful was in 60-ties and it was even going to be a hundred thousand times stronger that the original formula, but as always it didn't work. Or at least that what they thought until few years later a junkie called Robert Reynold didn't break into the lab looking for drugs. What he found was a forgotten serum that should kill him, but instead gave him superpowers.

    Fortunately, he wasn't left alone, but found mentors in the Fantastic Four, the first superhero family. Together with them, Sentry, as he called himself, protected Earth from all dangers from beyond and sometimes within. People loved them all, or at least respected in case of the Soviets. The were called the World's First Family and the Golden Guardian of Good.

    Good things do not last forever though and FF sacrificed themselves to save the world from the Galactus transporting them all to the Negative Zone where they were to be trapped forever (or until Marvel decided to gave them a movie).

    Sentry tried to protect humanity alone and for a while he managed. Then the Void appeared. He was as powerful as Sentry, but with none of his goodness. More so, he was obsessed to do as a much evil as the Golden Guardian did good. He explained that he only did it to balance the scales.

    In the end the only way to win this fight was to stop fighting. Sentry made people forget he ever existed and made himself unable to ever use his powers again so the Void had no reason to return.

    A side effect caused by his close history with FF was that the people have almost no recollection of them too, something that pains him greatly.

    The Golden Guardian disappeared, but the world was safe again.

    Or at least that's what Bob tells anyone who wants to listed. I would have his stories about the past show as comics or animations like Fleischer Superman. Even live action with over the top acting and fake looking costumes could work. To save budged and to show them as completely imaginary.

    Bob himself is over forty years old guy with mental problems. He was once a respected doctor (maybe knows Stephen Strange to add connections?) because he wanted to help people even without his powers. He had wife, but now he's divorced. He has a daughter that check on him from time to time, but he can see in her eyes that she's mostly does it because she feels its her duty.

    Still, even now when he can't help himself, he tries to help others. Sometimes he succeeds, more often he just gets beaten up and ends up in the hospital, but there is a peacefulness to his life. This all ends when he starts noticing signs. Seemingly unconnected events happening across the world and only mentioned in passing in the media. Yet they all have a hidden meaning that only Robert can recognize and they all point out to one thing.

    The Void was back and if Bob can't find a way to become Sentry again nothing will stop him from destroying the world.

    While the timeline makes him over sixty, Bob is immortal and doesn't age, so he not only made the world forget about him, but created a whole new identity for himself. Discovery by his daughter that Robert Reynolds' life before 80-ties is a fabrication would be one of the main plots of the series.

    The main focus though is on Bob and his struggle with his mental illness and doubts whether or not he's really Sentry. As he slowly regains ability to use his powers, he can never tell if he really did something with their help or just luck. Does the Void exist or is he just another crazy guy searching for a conspiracy? Since we as the viewers know the answers, it's all about his doubts, not ours and that could be tricky. One twist that could be a surprise is the identity of the Void which Bob forgot too, but it would be only a surprise to non-comic book readers who wouldn't check him on wikipedia. ;)
  17. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    I mean...that's more or less the Sentry miniseries that kicked off that whole mess? I dunno doesn't look like there's that much different. I'm inherently biased against the Sentry (this podcast @21:30 is pretty much why I'm not a fan) so it's hard for me to really get behind your concept.
  18. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Yes, you probably missed it, but I said it's mostly based on the first mini. Less superheroes and definitely less use of scenes that would need lot of CGI.

    As for Sentry, I like him because of his first series, but Bendis did a good job making him a fan unfavorite and Jenkins' simply finished him off for good. Which was fitting since he did create him too.
  19. redlibertyx

    redlibertyx Professor

    Oct 25, 2011
    I dunno. As a fanfic I don't think it would work (too much canon rehash of the source material, even with the FF stuff) but since you're talking about a CGI budget perhaps it would fit better in this thread on proposed TV shows and movies?
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I'm not sure I agree with the rehash since only the basic premise stays the same - a superhero that the world forgot about. Everything else changes since most of the series was about Sentry's relationship with other superheroes, something that he doesn't have this time aside FF that aren't around anymore. No to mention he rather quickly regained his powers and had no doubts about his identity after he regained his memories. Which is something I wanted to focus on.

    As for CGI that just a side note. I was considering to write it as fanfic, but with "budged limitations" of Netflix shows.