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TinyHunt #6

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    @font it wasn't a mechanical question. It was a no lynch vote. Delph made it mechanical.
    There's a minor but telling difference between "we don't want to do that because angels/vigs" and "this is how the vig works"
    @Waco I dig that bill point actually.
  2. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    With Reaverb VLA for now, let's try this:

    Vote: Bill Door

    Fonti: Can you explain your read on Mal_Thug. There isn't much from him that's stood out to me yet

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

    I don't get how you came to that conclusion.

    Hey Sesc, you got anything else beyond that opening post for us?
  3. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Mallorean Thug
    Do you mind talking about your experience with tom for a second?
    How well do you know him/his play?
    How leveled would say is his play if you have experience with him playing both alignments?

    And yes I am asking Mal, because Von tends to want to townread certain people which I think in this game are Delphine and Tom regardless of their alignment and actions.

    Fuck snowstorms amiright?

    Yes, most of my thoughts on that game are fonti being wrong on Von.
    Mathblade fakeclaiming priest as town.
    Mathblade and Titus flooding most of the early game.
    Us speedlynching Von after I roleclaimed late in the game.
    And someone fucking up the soup.

    Oh yeah you were Priest with Pozzai your Acolyte back in the day.

    I would not even be certain on Atums alignment that game.
    He was in a similar pot as Koalas that game .. but I am fairly certain Koalas was scum.

    I think I only played that game + the witchhunt where fonti newcomb and atum rolled scum together and atum didnt play d1 at all(rl issues if i remember correctly).

    So I don't think I have enough data on him to metaread him.
    Would you say that he is as obvious town as fonti is saying?

    I can see her reasoning, if that is a valid read on him, then it is true. And he is most likely cleared by fonti regarless of her alignment.
    if they were w/w then she would not clear him with that reasoning while a lot of people who would call her out on that read are around.
    If she is town then it is an honest metaread that she strongly believes in.
    And if she is scum, then she knows he is town (since it is not w/w as mentioned).
  4. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Hey waco, I've done this before.
    It's not foolproof, but that's the towniest reaction.
    He not only immediately hated it, he thought about it some more. And kept hating it.
    Such town. Wow.

    But yeah, obviously some more would be nice.
  5. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Damn i pinged someone named Mal as an accident. Sorry! Mentioning people is weird sometimes.
  6. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Jan I can answer for you. Mal played one game with me, I'm still alive in it, and posted (almost) entirely in rhyme anyway.
    Vaimes has a bit more experience, but iirc we've done nothing but townread each other for most of those game.
  7. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Jan, snow I can deal with, full out blizzards OTOH, never again pls.

    I do owe you an apology, I confused that Atum game, it was Endgames, not Naruto. In that game Atum came out kinda active trolly, sparred with Bill and a few others for a while D1 before settling down as comfortable town.
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Will go back to playing Stellaris for a while.

    By the way :
    tom - (how can the name tom not taken in a harry potter forum?!)
    Did you think your play would be fruitful when you made it early on, when you had no reads on those two [von & mal/thug] (and they could just tell her partners at the time)?

    I would assume you read them town now, because otherwise you would not trust the results that you got.

    Thanks for the garcia tom .. (it was completely fine considering you don't know each other that well and I assume mal could not have given me the answers I was hoping for.)

    Waco - I didn't played or read Endgames. I was about to look up Narutomafia to see if I missed upon anything really obvious, but if you did mistake those games then it doesn't matter too much.
  9. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Dude, I was pretty stoked tom wasn't taken. I got it on westeros too.
    It was taken on mtgs years before I joined.

    I don't think either of them would think to mention it though. It's not like I do it every time, and there's far more interesting things to say about me pregame. I hand out town reads for some weird things according to some.
  10. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Just a quick one, because I'm tired as hell. I am going to catch up on this after I wake up again. Which is probably in 12 to 14 hours. Generally, don't expect too much of me -- no exams, but I still have to work and phone is not an option. I think I'll set aside an hour on my mornings to respond to your evenings, and hopefully, I can sneak in posts at times like these where we can actually talk.


    Uh. I'm not one to argue over semantics, but in this case, it actually matters. I would have a town impression of fonti if I knew what to make of her "obvious town"(!) Atum. That's what I wrote. That's not a townread, that's saying I can't square my feeling with that one item.

    If you ignore that Atum thing (or allow it to be early hours hyperbole, see below), she feels decent on my end. Does stuff, sounds comfortable with her position ... like, the usual cross-check with how you think they should sound aka meta. She's basically the only one in here I can get that way. Adding in the subsequent posts (#159, especially) makes me even happier in that regard.

    fontisian: So I assume the "obvious town" was tongue-in-cheek? Like, not LITERALLY obvious? Because you sent me on a half-hour chase again and again over all his posts to figure out what the hell I was missing -_-

    I still don't like his blasé manner, but I guess YMMV. You don't mind him not knowing the rules and being thoroughly unconcerned about the underlying logistics (#27)?

    The Waco Kid: You disagreed (with Reaverb Tau), but Atum agreed, no? So you disagree with him, too (#33). And how do you square "Atum reminds me a lot of his play as town in NarutoMafia" (#103) with "I think we're beyond the realm of things Atum would usually do" (#45)?

    tom: Nghhh ... again. You know, I used to do that. Do something really ridiculously over the top suspicious and watch reactions. I'm trying hard to forget how it backfired last time. You have my sympathy, but not much more. Easy enough to do, regardless of where you're standing.

    (Out of game: Appreciate the adjustment.)

    Rescind vote.
  11. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    My apologies, Sesc. I should have said "obvious to anyone familiar with Atum."

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

    And no, I don't mind, as I, uh, wasn't expecting much from him.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

    Ooh, I know something convincimg. Atum actually asked me to cool it with the townread, because he wanted to live a while. I can't imagine him being that blase about fooling me.
  12. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    Two points to clarify, mostly cuz I'm bored:

    1) I'll have you know that having been advised that the intro contains new Things, I have read it through carefully and even now am thoroughly concerned with...the Implications. That being said, all the game-breaky role/rule interaction stuff has always been more Citrus' thing so I'll pretty much steer clear of all that in my posts. Also, I love the word blasé.

    2) I did not agree with Reaverb. I don't agree with Reaverb. I just wanted to point out that his analogy wasn't all that hard to comprehend.

    More significantly, if you could do me a favor, assume fontisian was being 100%, deadly serious in her early townread on me (hard to tell one way or another with her). What does that do to your read of her, with emphasis on the reads she offered subsequently?

    Or just tell me what you think of her Town. I'm not picky.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:45 ----------

    Yowch. Shot through the heart there. And there's that word again. :eek:
  13. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    You don't know me.

    I do plenty of figuring things out.

    Just not in public because I'm not a exhibitionist.

    Name three.
  14. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    I called your fun-focusedness pure, as in complete (which I don't think is alignment indicative for you, though it's nice to see you in a good mood) in direct response to tom putting you in a category of people that "aren't having fun yet." I voted you because the combination of your random vote and you brushing off Atum pinged a little.

    I don't care very much about what you'd like me to do at this point if that's how you're going to engage with me about it. I am not going to pay special attention to the former and I am already doing the latter.


    In my one completed game with mal, he did a similar thing at the game start (as mafia) with pressuring me early and implying high expectations of my play. Headgames aside, he seems comfortable so far which is a decent look for him though I am eager to see him be less cagey.

    I like Sesc's tone more than his content. The reasoning for his distaste of the Atum townreads is a bit strawmanny relative to the reasons that were given in my opinion. I'm torn on #170 because I for the most part like his thinking and questions (in particular "Because you sent me on a half-hour chase again and again over all his posts to figure out what the hell I was missing -_-", and including his response to Tom) but I find it weird to make a big deal out of not voting being anti-town just to end up unvoting without revoting in his next post.

    As amusing as it is to me what lumping Kai would personally represent to me, if things go mechanically awry I don't actually feel comfortable with him being in endgame and trying to read him. I might change my mind if I start feeling like his luck stat is on point.

    If anything Bill's play around reaverb seems too clumsy to be scum-on-scum and I don't buy that he'd feel the need to instantly jump off, though I'm not sure how he ended up giving a reaverb read in similar words to a lot of other people without noticing the votes. I'm tentatively okay with him for lump, in part because the self-lump campaigns is so WIFOM-y to me.

    Tom hits a lot of my general town indicative notes for being willing to be controversial/quick responses/brazenness+emotional expression. Not fully sure what to do with that given his self-meta, or if I should even believe him. How he's playing around von and flipping to scumreading me feels more opportunistic than most recent opinions on me. I wish I could comfortably address our initial conversation without feeling like it's going to be anti-town.

    weiyaoli - What's your experience level?

    Can you elaborate on your thinking more here?

    This seems unnecessarily defensive/mudslingy/overexplainy but I'm having trouble articulating it.

    I get that and only that. I need more words than that.

    You following that plan immediately stuck out to me. I think of that as within your scumrange but not actively scum indicative. You seem notably less awkward with how you vote than your last scumgame but also...self-narrative-y. Granted there's not really another way to answer the question to Jan at least, but having such explicit goals in general about your game approach and how that fits in the context of your other games is something I think scum think about more.

    Do you have a read on Jan?


    Be back late PST.
  15. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Playing around with numbers I just realized that the witches need to get at least one of wei, waco and myself killed if they ever want a chance at winning the game.

    That is if the other two are town.

    I considered vomiting some stuff into the thread later, but I feel fairly certain that the game is nearly solved if I just watch the game a little more and get like 1 more certain townread in my pile of unconfirmed then we might have auto day 1.

    And that is without taking into account possible kp roles for town.

    Oh before I forget :

    Vote KaiDASH

    I tried kai .. I really wanted to believe in you but your campaign might be worse than the one some lesser known republican is fighting in the US at the moment.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:17 ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 ----------

    Is anyone around btw?
  16. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I'm not really here, but I'd love if you showed your work on that math

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:23 ---------- Previous post was at 19:23 ----------

    Shit, forgot to put math in quotes
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I mean .. without soup (which only happens if it comes to stupid/bad claims).

    13 players - 3 mafia. 6 kills.

    Which means without adding role informations and powers I need to find 6 town to win the game, right?

    Right now I am around 4-5. While at the same time looking at some people to see if they straighten up their play or can bring the stamina to their play that I would assume they would be lacking as mafia.

    If you add the possibility of town kp roles further eliminating people on the scum side of this town and maaybe a save in the night 5 people might even be enough.
    I don't think we are far away from a stable towncircle, which is kind of scary this early on.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I keep hearing people saying that they're worried about the lump target being hard to read in endgame. This is not happening. The priest is checking the lump tonight, regardless of their individual reads. Not doing it is terrible. Thank you.
  19. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    If your circle includes you, I've found a flaw
  20. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    It has to include me considering I said 6 lynches = i need 6 towns with 13 players.

    I know I am town. The fact that i am unlynchable makes it easier for the most part.

    You could actually try reading the game instead of loosely throwing scum in my direction. It won't stick. I am pristine.
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