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Mimefia #1

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. yogsloth

    yogsloth Muggle

    Jul 22, 2016
    High Score:
    I ain't got no towncircle.

    Just sayin'.
  2. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I said before that the Newcomb thing might be influenced by a certain amount of omgus.

    Which is fine, because if he is town then I am fairly sure that I would prefer him with me in a final 5. Because he is someone that would bring the wim to win, better than someone who doesn't do anything for the game at all for 5 days and then wants to be town for it. Newcomb gives content that you can read him from.

    Tom as scum would be fine with binding 2 towns (Newcomb # myself) to his hip and just troll all game.
    Tom would be fine with confirming his partner (Newcomb) as town by playing like this. Once Newcomb flips scum, he looks better because that was Newcombs main case.

    I can see those two worlds with ease.
    And I have a single post from last game rinning in my head :
    My post :
    His response :
    While at it i found another post of his which is just him embracing being scum on purpose :

    That is why I do not think it is indicative of his alignment at all.
    I am fighting your read because history tells me that your current read is not good. Easy as that.

    If I was in final 3 with both of them I would almost always lynch Newcomb at the moment, but your reads are just not giving some players the respect they deserve.
  3. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State

    I'm not seeing what you're seeing with Atum but I'm willing to trust your read on him either way a la TH6.

    Vote: Atum
  4. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    tmi on which side?

    not sure i get this, could you use a few more words and memes to describe your feelings?
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Ok, he said "Winning is for Wankers" as scum, but he still put a lot of effort into winning. I think the persona he projects and his actual feelings are not one and the same.

    Rubicon: Yeah, give me a minute.
  6. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    You're explaining why you fought against an early townread by saying you knew he was going to confirm himself town.
    No really, look again.
    If, as you say, it was too early to townread von... how were you doing so?
    How did you know he would eventually confirm himself?
  7. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I am saying that if i was scum then i would not fight the townread on a person who i know well and know that they would be townfirm within the first day(s) anwyway.
    Someone like von would always be on the untouchable list, why fucking bother?

    Scum are more likely to try and get the towncred for getting to that townread first, because you know that kill/read is coming either way, why not get the credit for it.

    I am saying that I fought against the townread because I didn't have it at the time and thought Newcomb might have tmi giving it, because his read was not something that town is likely to think of when trying to find out someones alignment early on(it goes like 2 levels too deep for a casual read).

    Oh by the way .. just reread early Newcomb/Tom stuff. Unlikely to be w/w because tom would have made a show/fight of it if they were buddies.
    Good distancing takes 2 partners to dance and that one was just 95% from Newcombs side (and Newcomb would have told tom fight back a bit on that one in a shared qt).
  8. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    That vaguely makes sense. But it's not how I read it.

    And I feel like I've fought it a fair amount. It's super bad.
    We can still be w/w.
  9. yogsloth

    yogsloth Muggle

    Jul 22, 2016
    High Score:

    This is not the Newcomb I was looking for. This one's broken. Of course, we're like two days past the f***ing warranty, so we're stuck with it.
  10. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Tom if you want to look back at what really happened, Newcomb made the early townread on Von and i fought against it because i thought it was bullshit.

    Try again, but I am fairly certain that is what you quoted me saying.

    I fought against it because i didn't have the read and thought it was tmi.
    Yes you can throw wifom in there and say that I knew it all along and fought it to look better and claim that i would not have done it in the first place.
    Have fun doping that with every read every person gives in every game. You will realize 95% of the time it is not wifom and 4% of the time the wifom is so obvious that you can feel it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

    His reasoning is funny because he did not actually play that game.

    Not sure how much of the game he read because he was playing the wildcard game at the time.
  11. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    At least Newcomb respects my Atum read.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

    I've been called into work early. I'll finish up the Newcomb stuff tonight, Rubicon.

    Also, if you could somehow convince me that you're enough of a douche to intentionally fuck with my attempts to read you for two Days, that'd be lovely.
  12. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    In fairness, you make yourself impossible for me to read in every game.
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I'm town.

    fonti's town for her D1 meta, and for fighting her lynch. Her play is oriented around building a correct towncircle and that's straight town!fonti.

    Fishy is town for the organic approach to the game D1 and how his play that day revolved around his Zenzeo read.

    Atum is ~probably~ town on the strength of the fonti read.

    The rest of them are varying shades of scum to me, but it's pretty hard for me to be objective about it.

    Between Jan/tom I feel like Jan is slightly more town; his reads progression as the game has gone on feels genuine. Fighting townreads is a Thing, but he hasn't really fought them /enough/, if that makes sense? I feel like he'd have made a bigger deal of it as mafia - like with the Snowvon thing, he didn't push that in a way that felt agenda-y.

    OTOH with Jan I keep coming back to this:

    This was after I made my meta case on him, and that was part of how he responded to it.

    It's been rolling around my head for a couple days, and I've poked at it from several angles, but I keep coming back to the fact that it implies he knows my case is genuine. Like - I scumread Jan based on meta, Jan calls me bad and probably scum, and in between he's got this post. This post, which is a little taunt at him getting into my head.

    Like - implying that the meta case against him is bad and scummy, yet at the same time not being able to resist taking a tiny little shot at me that implies that he /knows/ the case is coming from a genuine place on my part.

    idk. Could be wildly conf'biasing. But my reads have felt pretty stagnant since D1 and I'm coming around to the idea that it's because they're just /right/.

    So like...

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------

    Excuse me?
  14. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
  15. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I called it bad because of the von and the fonti read.

    The citrus read i called solid regardless of your alignment and the tom case I asked Citrus for a 2nd opinion but he decided to be a useless piece of garbage.

    The read on me was amusing because you are either town and I got in your head, or scum and playing the card that I got in your head fairly well (considering 90% of the people have trouble reading me, that would not be something hard to push as scum).
    Your case against me is good, if you want to believe in it. But you have to believe in it because it is purely circumstantial.
    You can basically make that read every game and just apply different levels of wifom to it.
    This time he goes level 3, this time level 5, this time he is just direct and honest.
    The fact that you pull out that card to read me just made my day.
    (And bringing that back up again puts a smile on my face. :) )
  16. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Why was the Citrus read good, and the Von and fonti read bad?

    All three were based on exactly the same thing, i.e. my conception of what each player would do under certain circumstances based on my extensive knowledge of their play as both alignments.

    Like, each one was going into like 5-6 of their games for reference and making a judgement that scum!them wouldn't do X or Y, or would be less likely to have Z thought and express it that way.

    So like.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 PM ----------

    Explain this, if you wouldn't mind.

    I also didn't play in WH14 but it was a substantial part of my Citrus read.

    A cursory scan of the TH6 modchat reveals that I read that game pretty extensively. I wrote the flavor for every death scene. I did the Daystart once when Eido wasn't around. And even if none of those things were true, your reasoning here is /weird/.

    I'm struggling to see this coming from town!you. It feels... motivated. Doubtcast-y.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------

    And with that, I'm out.

    I have auditions this afternoon; not sure I'll be back before deadline.

    Atum/fonti lynch is good. Fishy is decent-ish but on the off-chance he flips mime I don't think I really have any strong feelings about who his partner could be, so that would be slightly riskier.
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Citrus was read for something similar before. (Might have been the witchhunt game you quoted, not 100% sure).
    Eido and Fonti read him for some consistency stuff back then if i remember correctly. That and it fits my small picture of citrus.

    The fonti read was not giving her enough credit, because I do not think you can read her that easy and fast.
    She is a moods player and if she has a bad day she will be caty or just lay low. And if she feels like it or eido is playing then she will play like in the last wh on fs.

    I don't think the read your gave is accurate in the long run because of that.
    (it being right before is nothing more than a coincidence in my book).

    I can go back and read your fonti read again if you want me too. My history with you is that you always play the card that fonti could fool you and you are afraid to read her and all and fonti does what fonti wants to do.
    You having a certain read on her that early goes completely against what I think would be the way town!Newcomb would handle her.

    The von read i mentioned, i don't think von goes into a deep state of shock because he knows he will live until the end.
    I think the von read was way more you wanting it to be true, which is a sign of you knowing him to be town.

    Maybe your perception of von differs from mine, because I don't bother to make a deep psychological read on him when it is simply not needed. (he is a fairly easy townread in most of his town games).

    ---------- Post automerged at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

    You referring to trusting someone "a la game x" sounds like you were part of that game, which you were not. You did not trust her read on Atum before, that is why the wording reads odd to me.

    Maybe that is a perfectly fine way to say it, but it rings the tone of I trusted you before and I will trust you again.

    The point with you playing the wildcard game and it being time consuming is a fact. (you might have followed this game loosely at the time, i do not care that much, I doubt you would lie about something stupid like that).

    Fontis read that game was different from this game for the most part .. or it is at least less obvious this time around (if it is the same read), because Atum started that game with some energy and was involved.
    This game Atum is just lurking in some corner.
    Considering Atum was a high scumread of Vons and he read him correctly last time around in a similar way fonti did, you should be more cautious if you just compare it with that game.

    I trust fonti in a similar way to th6 because i don't think they are partners (like if he flips scum then she will just never die this game and lose if she is scum). so she would give a real read on him as town or scum.

    Again - why would you think that I would make you look scummy in the eyes of someone who already thinks you are scum?
    That is pointless, I do not need to address said person.

    Considering that Fonti is the only person believing you to be town, I don't even need to do it at all, because you won't get lynched soon and neither would I.
    And convincing people of your alignment when they are the people i want dead next is pointless because no one cares about the reads of the dead.

    No one.
    (Or do you remember Rileys Zenzaos or Vons reads without looking them up? I know their reads on me, but not about most other people).

    Enough hot air for the moment. I need to get somethin cookin.
  18. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    So do fishy and I have to get wally in F5 or just you two?
  19. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I don't think you can stop either of us from creating walls.

    We might make you pay for them.
  20. yogsloth

    yogsloth Muggle

    Jul 22, 2016
    High Score:

    So, Town Newcomb, who has presumed to lecture me (admittedly – mostly correctly) on the proper way to be solvey and analytical and try-hard as Town, says this:

    This is after fontisian reads Atum as Towniest player and votes for him.

    So. Let’s parse this:

    You say that you do not see what fontisian sees, i.e., you do not see a compelling case on why Atum should be considered the most likely to be Town (which after all, is the one and only thing we Townies are voting for at this point, bar some sort of inadvisable subterfuge). And not seeing this case, you therefore decide to suspend your own efforts, reads, and abilities and instead simply copy fontisian… who, btw, if I gauge the temperature in the room correctly, is not being widely Town-read herself.

    Let’s drill down a little –

    If the reasoning is that you trust fontisian’s reads to such a great degree to simply sheep her vote, you must, therefore, believe one of two things:

    1) She’s Town, in which case, there is no logical reason why you would vote for Atum (a player whose case you “do not see”, as you recall) instead of the player whom you believe to be Town. This would be a fallacy.
    2) She’s Scum, and is intentionally voting for Town in some sort of ruse. Is this, in fact, the case? If so, I suppose I must apologize as I’ve probably ruined the surprise. Still, despite it all, I’d feel more comfortable if the subterfuge were dropped and you came clean on your fontisian read.

    Given the lack of consensus Town-reading for either fontisian or Atum, I’m wondering what you’re doing, and how it qualifies as the type of legitimately honest analysis we’ve been told to expect.