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Stardew Valley Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    I think the Fluff push is an extremely bold move to make as scum. Given that Eco's slot has been under a lot of fire and suspicion, and Fluff is a top townread of Typhon and I and idk who else, I don't think it's a thing he does if he's scum here. Because it could draw a lot of scrutiny from some of the players with the most weight in the game right now like Typhon and scum doesn't want or need that scrutiny and wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
  2. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I think your case would be valid for a player that isn't fluff.

    Because some parts of what you've described is basically town!fluff.

    And also, as fluff has pointed out, he's actually done stuff this game. While he jumped on wagons rather willy-nilly, I didn't particularly get scum vibes from him.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------

    That being said, I'm not as sold as other people on the whole "let's clear fluff" thing.

    80% chance he's town. Would not bet the game on him.
  3. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Internet was down in my city, so I spent the morning trying to fix that. Anyway, this was current when I wrote it.

    Have you played with fluff before, Eco?

    Did you read my post? Very little was tonal, it was mostly based in interactions/partner possibilities.

    And the fonti thing was a joke really. It was something I was interested in through D2 before your reveal, when scum 1shot felt more likely. I'd still read it now, of course.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------

    I know this must seem like random sniping, but come on.

    How can you not see scum in this? The language is so wishy washy.

    Fluff is really towny. He's not just skating on the sidelines, imitating his normal town play: he's actually contributing alongside that. I don't like the way he's getting shade thrown at: it feels a lot like scum going "are we sure we can't turn that into a mislynch?"
    dLGN, have you played with fluff before?

    Eco is excused as he hasn't and I'm not throwing away last night. Miner's first post was bad, but it was very wishy washy which means I can't tell how much of the backing off after Cobalt shut that down was genuine.
  4. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Look, let's just get obvious scum in Mal, and then worry about the rest?

    Like, keep hunting, but let's keep our eyes on the prize here and keep our votes on the lynch for today.
  5. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I agree.

    Vote: mal
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    @mod/obs May we please have a vote count?

    I want to do some VCA later.
  7. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Vote Count 3.1
    Mallorean Thug (5): Typhon, Miner, Fontisian, MathBlade, His Fluffiness
    Cobalt (1): Mallorean Thug
    DLGN (1): Quiddity
    His Fluffiness (1): Ecophagy

    Abstaining (2): Cobalt, DLGN

    With 10 alive it is 6 to soft lynch and 8 to hard lynch.
  8. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Rereading Mal.

    I still like his early play, the poking and prodding he did early D1 that made me place him town early.

    Some Jan talk that's slightly iffy in that first exchange, but that's so meh.

    This probably ties Miner and Mal together if Mal is scum. No way Mal randomly calls out 5 town. I mean, maybe purposeful, so I'm not jumping to it, but seriously.

    I still like the fonti push. The actual case is meh and all kinds of meta, so it's a null all up. But the pushing around it - especially on, interestingly enough, Miner - is good.

    Backing off fonti when he did is also good, but I dislike the way he uses it to cast shade at the rest of that wagon. Especially given how strong I was townreading Cobalt at this stage. It's also a bit of an easy backoff that keeps the suspicion alive for a while as he hasn't showed a moving tell.

    More questionable Jan tells. Fluff has already pointed these out, but the one that pings me is a throwaway mention in this post. I feel like etc!town defines where you look to place fellow scum - see Eco on Mal earlier.

    Riposting with dLGN. Need to reexamine when I look at dLGN, but the two work well for D1 positioning.

    At the time I really liked 1851 because of the frustration in the fonti voters in not bringing it to a tom/Jari earlier for reaction tells, and because it bespoke genuine desire to hunt.

    Looking back in the proper context, I have the opposite reaction. Having started the Jarizok lynch, and said many times it was preferred, this and his later hop off at lylo feel disingenuous. If tom had been lynched here, flipping tom as we now know, Mal would come off quite well for having led the opposing lynch and only going along with it to avoid a mislynch. This and a number of posts in the last hour or so seem designed to set this up.

    He wants Jari dead but pushes people to come on tom...and then he is eager to jump off Jari when there's a last minute push away.

    He's recently talked about this as following me on the lynch I preferred, and it's true, I did...but I had already voted Jari and was prepared to stay on. I was complaining, but a lynch would have happened, and on his preferred target, without following me off.

    I'll reexamine that whole thing when I'm working with those posts in front of me rather than off memory.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 AM ----------

    Slight scumlean coming out of Day 1.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

    I like his reactions to Math and fonti after fonti's claim, especially this.

    Less fond of wanting to lynch Math and shoot tom now that we know tom's alignment and the scum having a roleblocker. It's uncharitable, as I liked it at the time, but keeping tom around for another day is really good for scum!Mal as it keeps D1 from being properly analyzed, and just generally leaves a mislynch around.

    Obviously not what they did do, but at this time Jan wasn't outed.

    Under the above, this is a big point away from Mal/Math. Math is very difficult to pin down on interactions because of the random shade cast their way, but this points to a genuine desire to lynch, and came when there was some momentum for Math (iirc). Might have been bussing, sure, but idk if scum wants to go that way when the fonti mess is still so big.

    Running out of time.

    Don't like the Math clear in this, especially followed by this. Progression is backwards: second implies Math is scum read (switch with Cobalt) after basically putting them townlean in the first.

    Cobalt read comes out of nowhere. 2610 seems very retroactive, as they'd never commented on them until EoD2.

    This makes me realise they'd never done a readwall. mallorean_thug readwall now please.

    So let's look at this one properly. You were the first vote on Jari, so I don't get where the started a flashwagon comes from.

    Secondly, and more importantly, bolded is wrong as I pointed out earlier. Most relevantly, I didn't lead us off Jarizok! Cobalt did that. I was sat on Jarizok for about half an hour after Typhon pinged me to vote him, complaining about it a bit but not jumping off, until Cobalt wanted to lynch him.

    Your implication is that you couldn't lynch Jarizok without me, and I was being obstinate about staying off, and so you followed onto tom. Which is wildly off base.

    (Also, apart from some stubborns like Typhon, people mostly just weren't online to vote tom.)

    So why did Cobalt try to lead everyone off-wagon? How do you reconcile him being scum with that. (And where is the vote analysis you promised EoD1?)

    Cobalt/Mal argument is a bit of a null. Cobalt was saying some aggravating stuff, and enough was misunderstood that I don't think Mal's attitudinal change/frustration is a tell.

    The Eco clear was good, and helped me go there myself. Not a fan of the way it was done though, which was too "this small bit of meta clears slot!" More food for a Eco/Mal working well together, but given the timing I actually think it's probably faked to try and setup a chain.

    Overall, happy to lynch Mal today. This is mostly from the weird characterization of D1, and some of his play D1 in retrospect, as well as the interactions with Jan and his approach to Cobalt today.

    Not going to vote because I don't want today to end before I pitch dLGN on Typhon and get his input.

    Let's talk partners.

    Mal can be in
    Jan/Mal/dLGN/Mathblade/Miner (fonti)

    I'm going to disqualify Math for now, although that's provisional.

    Which means

    Mal/Miner (fonti)
    Mal/dLGN (fonti)

    Just eyeballing it, I feel like the last might be most likely. I didn't notice anything with Miner as I went through.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 AM ----------

    Why is no one ever on now. Sigh. That's me, I'll try to do the dLGN pitch tomorrow morning to give some reaction time.
  9. Ecophagy

    Ecophagy Muggle

    Jan 20, 2017
    High Score:
    Only providing information when asked isn't exactly a pro-town thing to do. Especially when the results are only barely substantiated, popular reads.

    You were against Fonti's lynch on Day 1: you called Fonti "not in your 2 scum reads" in 1705, and you intentionally chose to vote Jarizok over Fonti. The opportunity to lynch Fonti was present, and you actively turned it down.

    But that's all you have to say in your defence. Why not explain what makes you think Fonti is 3P? Why not present some actual analysis of anyone?

    If you ARE town you're not exactly doing anything to demonstrate it.

    False dichotomy alert.

    I really don't get this post. You're saying you like fluff basically because he's doing things that are indicative of his easily-faked town game? But also 80% isn't actually THAT strong a read and other people shouldn't necessarily agree with your read?

    This is extreme level fencesitting man.

    Quiddity: No I have not played with Fluff before.
  10. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    I really just want this over with so that we have the definitive Mal flip.

    Vote: Mal
  11. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Will get to this later. Sorry y'all.
  12. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Hmm. Okay. So surely I die today, so let's walk through where I am. You guys are going to get to see me fully thinking this through, because my phone notepad has a character limit and so im just working through stuff as I go. Mal is scum, Jan was scum. I am town, Vaimes/Delph/Waco/Jari/Tom were town. This leaves:

    Ecophagy (r. CrimsonFox (r. Corrdorr))
    His Fluffiness

    I've literally harped on it for a week, so I'll go out in the same way I've carried on - let's figure out the setup and thereby figure out what to do with fonti.

    So, setup. I went back and read the only Eido modded closed large mafia game (BSM). It was high powered as fuck, so I'm not sure how applicable it it here (this game is decidedly less so). It was a 12/5/1 game (2:1 ratio) with a hit man, super strong town, and a town-sided scum ability.

    Assuming no one is sitting on any crazy ass powers, I think it's safe to assume that if there are further town roles, they're pretty weak (if this is not the case, you need to reveal tomorrow so town can see the game clearly). So we have a info role and a pair of masons, a scum roleblocker, and fontisian who accounts for two kills. This means if fonti is a 3P, she's confirmed a SK (not a hitman ala BSM)

    Eido has shown prior willingness to subvert traditional roles and has included a bulletproof in prior games, so it's not impossible that scum have either a bulletproof or a doctor under some restrictions or something similar.

    So considering that, let's discuss possibilities.

    If fonti is town, there is no indication of a 3P and thus it's either 11/5 or 12/4.

    If fonti is SK, it's 11/4/1.

    If fonti is scum, there is no indication of a 3P and thus it's 12/4.

    Fonti's behavior has not been towny, therefore she is SK or scum. Jan spew didn't /really/ feel like partner spew with him/fonti, so I'm inclined to think fonti is probably the SK.

    1. fonti has to NK. Assuming this is true, then we have that there are 10 living now (6/3/1). One of the scum is going to die from our lynch (Mal), one of the town is going to die from the scum NK, and we'll be at 5/2/1, and then fonti is going to NK someone. It will be town, because if course it will. So then we're at 4/2/1.

    If you mislynch D4, it drops to 2/2/1, then fonti gets her kill. She can go another town kill, bringing it to 1/2/1, which is going to get a lynch led on her by mafia D5, or she can go scum and bring it to 2/1/1, in which case she and the scum remaining will work together to lynch town D5 and we'll find out if she has NK immunity or not, but it won't really matter because we'll lose regardless.

    If you hit scum D4, it drops to 3/1/1, she always kills town, and you're still in the 2/1/1 scenario.

    2. fonti doesn't have to NK. In this case (which is pretty likely) she probably won't shoot again until end game or until her hand is forced to keep the game from getting away from her (like maybe if you guys hit scum tomorrow too).

    If she's town and is a two shot vig and we shoot her today, that brings us to either 4/4 (the world where scum has numbers but not many powers) or 4/3 (where scum has a power or two we don't know about that balance things).

    That's unacceptably risky.

    So if we kill Mal and she's town, we're at 5/3 or 5/2 at the start at D4.

    So basically the move is always to kill Mal, and make fonti prove herself of her own merit from D4. If there's an unexplained kill, it's probably a claim - if it's a town kill it almost definitely is. Don't get fucked by an SK.

    I'll try to sort the rest of the POE out before EOD.
  13. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Vote Count 3.2
    Mallorean Thug (6): Typhon, Miner, Fontisian, MathBlade, His Fluffiness, Cobalt
    Cobalt (1): Mallorean Thug
    DLGN (1): Quiddity
    His Fluffiness (1): Ecophagy

    Abstaining (1): DLGN

    With 10 alive it is 6 to soft lynch and 8 to hard lynch.

    Day Ends in ~3 Hours - Timer.
  14. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    Hi, I've been busy. And I'm still busy tonight. Sorry. I suck.

    I don't think I can change anybody's mind at this point, I'm unsure about my ability to actually solve the game, and I'm not feeling particularly motivated atm, so maybe its for the best.

    But, there absolutely should be a counterwagon here. Otherwise you'll learn 0 things from my lynch and flip. My behavior has been unacceptable, but all of you have completely wasted the day. 100% of the speculation on jan alignments includes me as scum, several people aren't even giving scum team theories, and font just fucked off to who knows where because she didn't want to engage me. Also, seriously, that previous game where citrus got me mislynched is now required overnight reading for the remaining town.



    Final answer: [Jan, Miner, Cobalt, dlgn] [Serial killer font]

    If Typhon is still alive at LYLO, please lynch him.

    If anybody else can see how happy scum is with how dead the thread is and would like to take me at my word without me putting the work in, we should lynch Cobalt or font toDay. Ignoring the wine involved in this suggestion, I guess it should be font? Because if she's a scumsiding serial killer, she has cover to shoot me if I avoid getting lynched today, so she needs to die first. Similarly, if she's town with another shot, she does the same thing and gets lynched for my flip. And if she's just groupscum, which I think is unlikely, we'd lynch scum!

    I mean, I wish that I had a better option to offer right here, but it genuinely seems like too many people are townreading Cobalt for them to be lynched here, too many people think that miner and jan are anti-aligned to lynch miner here (here's a hint guys, miner won his last game as scum off faking an anti-alignment, and Jan always publicly fights with his teammates) and I'm not sure enough about dlgn to seriously push him right here.

    Day3 Lynch Fontisian (would be very willing to wagon miner instead)

    Everybody needs to either be on me or be on a specific counterwagon though. vanity wagons are the devil right here.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:01 ---------- Previous post was at 18:58 ----------

    bullcrap, what do you learn from my flip? Seriously, I'm not the lynchpin for anything here, I'm just the next easy mislynch. And knowing I'm town doesn't tell you anything about the rest of the crowd. I should know, because I know I'm town and that doesn't give me diddly squat on anybody here.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:04 ---------- Previous post was at 19:01 ----------

    Eco, I appreciate the pressure on fluff, but I think that he's clear here because:

    1. Meta
    2. Wherever the scumteam is, they spewed him clear after it looked like he was stepping up his game early.

    But, I'm open to being wrong on that, and maybe he finally has a scumteam he can count on.

    fluff vs miner, or fluff vs cobalt wouldn't be awful wagons tomorrow though. That would just be an awful wagon today. Please join me on font or miner.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ----------

    Eh, I'm going to retract this so scum can't abuse the wine with roleblocker. I don't think anybody with scumchat continues to assume the wrong pronouns for me on day3. He's just been very wrong for a long time.
  15. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
  16. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    First of all, I was not the first vote on Jarizok on Day1. He had been voted by Delphine in #1095, Vaimes in #1239, font in #1240, and CrimsonFox in #1570. Also, these quotes are from before I voted him:
    Secondly, Cobalt did not lead us anywhere. Cobalt finally abandoned the dead font wagon several hours after it was dead, and moved to Tom like they said they would. And they absolutely weren't going to ever vote for Jarizok. Vote movement doesn't matter if its already priced in. Your move /did/ matter because it wasn't priced in yet.

    People "not being online" to vote Tom can mean that they weren't online. It can also mean that they were lurking out the day as scum since both wagons were on Tom and they'd prefer to avoid the blame the next day whichever way it went.

    Cobalt trying to lynch Tom instead of Jarizok isn't really alignment indicative here. And Cobalt really wanting to lynch font instead, who almost surely isn't group scum, doesn't clear them either.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:42 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

    Raw votes for day1 (I never got to day2 or 3, but they don't really have anything interesting to analyse, because of a claim on day2, and because we all suck on day3)

    3 Vaimes Miner
    6 Waco Vaimes
    7 Typhon Quiddity
    12 malthug DLGN
    16 Fontisian DLGN
    30 Miner Vaimes
    42 Fluff Typhon
    48 Fontisian Typhon
    49 Vaimes Typhon
    76 DLGN Typhon
    95 Jarizok Vaimes
    98 Tom Waco
    106 Fontisian Tom
    120 Jarizok Tom
    138 Mathblade Fontisian
    174 Mathblade Tom
    261 Typhon Mathblade
    299 Quiddity malthug
    312 Quiddity Eco
    321 Cobalt Tom
    336 Quiddity Cobalt
    373 malthug Fontisian
    394 Mathblade Fontisian
    396 Tom Vaimes
    419 Fontisian Tom
    437 Fluff Tom
    450 Delphine Typhon
    459 Quiddity Typhon
    483 Fluff Mathblade
    489 Fluff Tom
    556 Tom Typhon
    684 Delphine Miner
    690 Cobalt Vaimes
    710 Typhon Vaimes
    787 Jarizok Vaimes
    838 Jan Miner
    847 Miner Tom
    853 Jarizok Fontisian
    886 Vaimes Tom
    987 Tom Miner
    1023 Quiddity Tom
    1034 Waco Tom
    1055 Miner Jan
    1056 Miner Tom
    1095 Delphine Jarizok
    1099 Fontisian Typhon
    1110 Waco Fontisian
    1156 Mathblade Tom
    1157 Cobalt Tom
    1163 Fontisian Tom
    1229 malthug Typhon
    1232 Vaimes Typhon
    1239 Vaimes Jarizok
    1240 Fontisian Jarizok
    1241 Jan Jan
    1248 Tom Typhon
    1276 Tom Miner
    1280 Typhon Fontisian
    1288 Cobalt Fontisian
    1293 Eco Miner
    1370 Mathblade Fontisian
    1434 Fontisian Tom
    1437 Vaimes Tom
    1440 Jan Tom
    1490 Tom Fontisian
    1506 Delphine Tom
    1564 Jarizok Jarizok
    1570 Eco Jarizok
    1596 malthug Jarizok
    1598 Typhon Jarizok
    1606 Vaimes Jarizok
    1612 Fontisian Jarizok
    1613 Jan Jarizok
    1648 Fluff Jarizok
    1686 DLGN Fontisian
    1741 Tom Fontisian
    1785 Quiddity Jarizok
    1802 Fluff Jarizok
    1813 Mathblade Jarizok
    1833 Cobalt Tom
    1850 Quiddity Tom
    1854 Fontisian Tom
    1858 malthug Tom
    1897 Tom Jarizok
    1900 Fontisian Jarizok
    1901 Miner Jarizok
    1903 Quiddity Jarizok
    1912 malthug Jarizok
    1914 Delphine Jarizok

    Interesting votals next, please no hammer.
  17. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Alright, time to sort through my remaining POE.

    Ecophagy (r. CrimsonFox (r. Corrdorr))
    His Fluffiness

    Let's start with Cobalt - I've townread Cobalt for most of the game for two things that happened on D1.

    First, he joined the thread and jumped in on my side at a point before I made any real PR indication or got my feet settled underneath me. Like, at that point he would have been much better served to just bide his time and see if I just rolled over on for an easy D1 mislynch. Further, in a scum Cobalt world, he have been pushing back at what looked like an easy mislynch against what we know know to be town Vaimes and probably SK fonti (ie he'd have been unaligned with both). That doesn't make much sense.

    The second thing was the Jarizok reactions. They felt pretty real to me.

    So honestly, I've barely read Cobalt past D1. Will rectify that now.


    Still think Cobalt is town. Clear. Also that took much too long and I only have two hours, so I'll try and make the rest a little snappier.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

    Lol at Mal trying to spin me saying I was willing to flash wagon the CF spot as me saying I was willing to flash wagon Jari.

    Would like for people to not hammer, though.
  18. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    Quiddity (1): Typhon (#7)
    DLGN (1): malthug (#12)
    Waco (1): Tom (#98)
    Vaimes (3): Waco (#6), Miner (#30), Jarizok (#95)
    Typhon (4): Fluff (#42), Fontisian (#48), Vaimes (#49), DLGN (#76)

    Abstaining (6): Cobalt, Eco, Delphine, Jan, Mathblade, Quiddity

    Quiddity (1): Typhon (#7)
    DLGN (1): malthug (#12)
    Waco (1): Tom (#98)
    Vaimes (2): Waco (#6), Miner (#30)
    Typhon (3): Fluff (#42), Vaimes (#49), DLGN (#76)
    Tom (3): Fontisian (#106), Jarizok (#120), Mathblade (#174)

    Abstaining (5): Cobalt, Eco, Delphine, Jan, Quiddity

    Mathblade (1): Typhon (#261)
    Fontisian (2): malthug (#373), Mathblade (#394)
    Vaimes (3): Waco (#6), Miner (#30), Tom (#396)
    Typhon (4): Vaimes (#49), DLGN (#76), Delphine (#450), Quiddity (#459)
    Tom (4): Jarizok (#120), Cobalt (#321), Fontisian (#419), Fluff (#437)

    Abstaining (2): Eco, Jan

    Mathblade (1): Typhon (#261)
    Vaimes (2): Waco (#6), Miner (#30)
    Fontisian (2): malthug (#373), Mathblade (#394)
    Tom (4): Jarizok (#120), Cobalt (#321), Fontisian (#419), Fluff (#489)
    Typhon (5): Vaimes (#49), DLGN (#76), Delphine (#450), Quiddity (#459), Tom (#556)

    Abstaining (2): Eco, Jan

    Tom (2): Fontisian (#419), Fluff (#489)
    Fontisian (2): malthug (#373), Mathblade (#394)
    Miner (2): Delphine (#684), Jan (#838)
    Typhon (4): Vaimes (#49), DLGN (#76), Quiddity (#459), Tom (#556)
    Vaimes (5): Waco (#6), Miner (#30), Cobalt (#690), Typhon (#710), Jarizok (#787)

    Abstaining (1): Eco

    Typhon (1): DLGN (#76)
    Vaimes (2): Cobalt (#690), Typhon (#710)
    Fontisian (3): malthug (#373), Mathblade (#394), Jarizok (#853)
    Miner (3): Delphine (#684), Jan (#838), Tom (#987)
    Tom (6): Fontisian (#419), Fluff (#489), Vaimes (#886), Quiddity (#1023), Waco (#1034), Miner (#1056)

    Abstaining (1): Eco

    Vaimes (1): Typhon (#710)
    Jarizok (1): Delphine (#1095)
    Fontisian (2): Jarizok (#853), Waco (#1110)
    Miner (2): Jan (#838), Tom (#987)
    Typhon (3): DLGN (#76), malthug (#1229), Vaimes (#1232)
    Tom (6): Fluff (#489), Quiddity (#1023), Miner (#1056), Mathblade (#1156), Cobalt (#1157), Fontisian (#1163)

    Abstaining (1): Eco

    Vaimes (1): Typhon (#710)
    Typhon (2): DLGN (#76), malthug (#1229)
    Fontisian (2): Jarizok (#853), Waco (#1110)
    Miner (2): Jan (#838), Tom (#987)
    Jarizok (3): Delphine (#1095), Vaimes (#1239), Fontisian (#1240)
    Tom (5): Fluff (#489), Quiddity (#1023), Miner (#1056), Mathblade (#1156), Cobalt (#1157)

    Abstaining (1): Eco

    Miner (1): Eco (#1293)
    Typhon (2): DLGN (#76), malthug (#1229)
    Fontisian (6): Jarizok (#853), Waco (#1110), Typhon (#1280), Cobalt (#1288), Mathblade (#1370), Tom (#1490)
    Tom (7): Fluff (#489), Quiddity (#1023), Miner (#1056), Fontisian (#1434), Vaimes (#1437), Jan (#1440), Delphine (#1506)

    Abstaining (0):

    Tom (3): Quiddity (#1023), Miner (#1056), Delphine (#1506)
    Fontisian (5): Waco (#1110), Cobalt (#1288), Mathblade (#1370), DLGN (#1686), Tom (#1741)
    Jarizok (8): Jarizok (#1564), Eco (#1570), malthug (#1596), Typhon (#1598), Vaimes (#1606), Fontisian (#1612), Jan (#1613), Fluff (#1648)

    Abstaining (0):

    Fontisian (3): Waco (#1110), DLGN (#1686), Tom (#1741)
    Tom (6): Miner (#1056), Delphine (#1506), Cobalt (#1833), Quiddity (#1850), Fontisian (#1854), malthug (#1858)
    Jarizok (7): Jarizok (#1564), Eco (#1570), Typhon (#1598), Vaimes (#1606), Jan (#1613), Fluff (#1802), Mathblade (#1813)

    Abstaining (0):

    Tom (1): Cobalt (#1833)
    Fontisian (2): Waco (#1110), DLGN (#1686)
    Jarizok (13): Jarizok (#1564), Eco (#1570), Typhon (#1598), Vaimes (#1606), Jan (#1613), Fluff (#1802), Mathblade (#1813), Tom (#1897), Fontisian (#1900), Miner (#1901), Quiddity (#1903), malthug (#1912), Delphine (#1914)

    Abstaining (0):
  19. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    Hey mal, let's talk.

    So you come under a lot of heat last day phase and fonti is threatening to shoot you. You didn't get a 'will' done before that EOD because you misjudged the time and then you wake up to see today's flip, more dead town, and you're not one of them!

    And.... your reaction to your life being spared is to.... concede? Like, I don't get it. If you're town I thought you had more to say? Forgive me for thinking you felt like you're in a hole you couldn't pull out and you didn't want to spew but like... I don't know what else to think right now.

    But then I look at the thread and how dead it is and how easily you are getting lynched for... general scumminess? (lol again at all this case bs when nobody has a case for any of the lynches this game) and I am kinda assuming the worst here that dead thread = dead villager.

    From another angle:

    Looking at who is not voting you it's me eco and quid. I am town. If you are mafia is your team exactly eco and quid? They put some effort into this day though and could they not get anything out of you? Or are you getting bussed and if so... why? If your teammate didn't vote on you we wouldn't have reached soft lynch, and we're actually in danger of a partner rescinding their vote to force sleep which is like... the only reason I am considering voting you.

    This just feels really weird. This is not fonti's town game by any measure, I definitely agree with you there. So let's talk about your other reads.

    Let's start with Cobalt. Why should we lynch him today?

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:54 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

    I'm going to be honest and just say right now that votals mean ~nothing to me. 90% of votes this game have felt incredibly lazy and sheepish and they're not all mafia. All that does is hurt my eyes.

  20. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    ok, I'm gone for the day. Sorry again. have fun~
    Typhon Oh sorry, I misunderstood that post while skimming. You'll save yourself a lot of frustration if you do your analysis with the knowledge that I'm town. Just sayin'