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Stardew Valley Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    wait really?
  2. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    dlgn, I just clearly shouldn't join mafia games with my current work and social commitments.

    I was honestly going to spend a chunk of my day off working on this, but then had other things to do and decided this game wasn't worth the small amount of free time I had.

    And I seriously have to go now so *shrug*. Feel free to tear me a new one post game if you're town.
  3. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I'll openly admit the bar that I have for Fluff town is an incredibly low hurdle to clear, but.

    I think he's probably town here. Certainly this feels reminiscent of last game from him but more towny. It's not /impossible/ that he could have been coached to point out some of those Mal things, but they were things I had noted for myself, so I was pretty pleased with that reasoning.

    He'll very likely go to F3.

    his fluffiness if you're town you need to be towny as fuck man. Show us your town spirit. Case players you aren't prompted for. Play like your life is on the line, because you clearing yourself probably wins us the game.
  4. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    I mean, I'd lynch me right here for lack of effort. Its just . . . wrong and obviously so based on how the day has gone.

    I'll check the thread on my phone right before deadline to move to the counterwagon of the thread's choice if that's viable.
  5. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I just can't believe in a town!Mal playing like this, for pretty much the exact reasons that DLGN implied.

    I'm still on board to lynch him, we can talk post-game if he isn't actually caught slanking scum.
  6. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    Okay, I won't question your out of game commitments.

    I don't really get cobalt and I guess you don't have time to explain but I can more so see miner. If fonti isn't mafia as most people seem to believe, Miner is like the first name that comes to mind on who would feel confident letting fonti shoot n1 if Jan got the soft and ESPECIALLY n2 once they knew she was sk/vigi. I'm pretty skeptical of his catfight with Jan when town had v/v/fonti wagons going during d1. Bleh.

    ---------- Post automerged at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

    Also I wish you could explain why you have Quiddity as top town. He's like.. tried hard, yeah, when he hasn't necessarily had to. But I don't know if you are reading him town because you have me as part of your mafia team guess or independently of that.

    If you knew I was town is there a reason why I should believe he's town too?
  7. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Which is a nice segue over into DLGN.

    He's another one that got a handwave Jarizok clear, but it's not just that. It's the same thing with Mal here, where he's just kinda /boggling at Mal claiming that he thought he was going to die to fonti last night after he was wrong about D2 length and then didn't do anything D3 after his life was spared. That's fakeable, probably, but it has felt pretty genuine in that I've felt precisely the same way in both places.

    Unfortunately, I wildly overestimated how helpful the Jari lynch was going to be in lynching fonti and Mal, so it turned out to be utterly wasted idiocy, but he was right to boggle at that bit as well.

    I think DLGN goes into that same zone as Fluff where I'm calling him town but honestly holding him to a lesser standard because I really believe in how he went about the Jarizok EOD1.

    I didn't care for his D1, but kinda like the quick phone scan I've done of his D2.

    Make him do stuff D4, because this game has stagnated /far/ too long, but he's a decent townread.
  8. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    OK, so let's take mal as scum, cause there's like no way that he's not scum here.

    That leaves:

    Typhon is town here.

    I had an independant read on Cobalt before, and mal's push here makes me even more confident that he's town.


    Fonti is probably the serial killer, so I'm assuming the setup is 11-4-1.
    I'm assuming she's SK because I doubt scum have a multi kill role unless town has several super strong roles remaining, and I just don't see fonti being town here.

    That means there are two scum in

    Will quickly go over the thread to try and see who makes sense here with what has happened so far.
  9. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Mathblade read is something I'm not subjecting myself to. I think they're scummy, but I think Jan spew points towards them being clear.

    Consider them a break in case of emergency lynch (an emergency is not "we're all a bunch of lazy bastard who don't feel like posting", but more a "holy shit we can't all be town" sort of thing).
  10. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    I have not played with Fluff before. Am I excused too like Eco now???

    I'm not being wishy washy. People I trust felt strongly that he was town. I think he's the only person to give much of a reason to lynch mal today which certainly looks better than not.

    But do I know how to read him? No. I'm kinda just banking on the fact that he's a universal townread (except for Eco).

    And what is scum trying to turn him into a mislynch? Do you think eco is scum taking that line? I didn't bring him up and didn't even try to push on him today, so you're not implying that's what I am doing, are you?
  11. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Sure, but you were the first to vote him after the self-vote (if we ignore CF), and began the flashwagon.

    I also was suspicious of Jarizok, if we're counting. The votes were there, you were the one who set it off.

    Cobalt created the alternative. I don't even remember who followed, but there was ages of people saying tom was better and not moving off - me included - before he did it, so I give cred there.

    Why isn't it indicative that Cobalt *didn't* choose not to be online?

    And anyway, I prefer not to read into activity.
  12. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    Also, seriously, fuck off. I don't have a "desire to be off lynch".

    If you at all cared about d1 you'd have realized I was off lynch for a fucking reason. I was not going to be a lemming voting Jarizok because he told us to. I had a (stupid iirc, according to fonti) reason to townread Tom and had no intention of voting him. ESPECIALLY with fonti leading off of herself and onto Tom when I had JUST PUSHED FONTI for doing something I struggle to ever see her do as town in lynching a guy who started his own wagon when someone else was at or near soft lynch.

    So yeah, my vote at EOD ended up somewhere besides the main wagon. Sue me.
  13. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    If Miner is scum, he is massively different tonally/improved from the game immediately prior, and he's doing it (most probably) without fonti in scum chat coaching him.

    I do think he and Jan have much more feeling in their "unalignment exchange" than Mal and Jan had in theirs, and I do tend to believe that indicates they're unaligned, but I had an independent D1 townread on Miner and the unalignment thing just strengthens that, not supplies it.

    This is a lesser level of read than Cobalt/DLGN/Fluff, but much firmer level than Math.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

    Also, for people talking about EOD1 and us not having the fonti votes, we were only 2 short and at least 2 people were wavering about it. It's not nearly so clear cut as it is being made out to be.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

    That just leaves Eco and Q, I guess.
  14. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    Wait did you see my post 2669? I don't think the one between the two read you gave earlier today on mal/math from that Jan post holds much water.
  15. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I'll go read it now.
  16. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    You're not excused. Eco was because his read was genuine sounding, yours is wishy washy af.

    And what was my reread on Mal, cherry tomatoes??

    I think scum is feeling quite tight right now and is annoyed that they're not able to turn fluff into a mislynch, and is testing the water a bit. That's why you're wishy washy.
  17. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I actually disagree and think that the last two scum are Eco and either Math or DLGN.

    I don't like Eco's constant distortion of the truth and reaches, and don't think his reads are genuine.

    DLGN has come of in some places as knowing things he shouldn't. I'll try and go back to look for the things that pinged me if I have the time.

    Math is just not matching her town meta for me, so if I'm wrong about one of the two others, she's probably the last scum here.
  18. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    Scum can't be feeling tight right here. If it's a five person team, they win now.

    If it's a 4 person team and font is sk and shoots town tonight, they win.
  19. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Fluff, did you read my post on Eco?

    Also, do you think Math and dLGN can be together?
  20. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Oh, nevermind, I saw that.

    I had not actually done the thing where I figured out the most likely structure of the world we were in at that point, though, so I didn't really think about it.

    That's a good point, though. If fonti is either SK or town here there's not a ton of danger in putting two partners on the list and saying "if fonti is scum, so is one of these two players".

    Idk. Math is kinda like Tom is generally for me, and especially was in this game - like, I'm not at all confident in my ability to suss out their alignment, but I kinda think gamestate points town. I guess technically speaking if SK fonti has a lock on the scum team then we have a mislynch left, and in that world where fonti brings us back from the brink Math is probably a good mislynch to make because they're such a loose cannon, but idk.

    The Jan post you talked about isn't the only place where he talked about Mal and Math in the same breath, and I just kinda don't believe in him mentioning two partners in the same breath like that.

    I will say that if by some miracle Mal flips town, then Math loses a lot of the things that make me townread them.

    As it is I think Q and Eco are more likely scum than Math (in that order).