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It's An Owners Market - Game Over!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Regfan, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010

    Yeah, okay. This strikes me as being as good a case as I've ever seen on tom. I'm okay with straight up sheeping that, to be perfectly honest.

    The second point is somewhat less strong than the first to me; that said, I think the first was is strong enough and I /can/ see the second point, I'm just not enthused about it.

    Still believe in scum!Koalas, but perfectly happy to make this lynch.

    Lynch Vote: tom

    Would be exceedingly surprised if that post came from scum!Newcomb.

    Off to go look at tom and Koalas' interactions now.
  2. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I feel bad about arguing against tom now because I can suddenly articulate stuff I'm stealing from Newcomb. Feels like I'm leaching and taking credit for stuff.
  3. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Like, these things Newcomb/jari are saying are things that I'm doing.
    And, well, I'm town. So obviously they don't mean what they think they mean. But IDK how to argue against them. And I don't really have the desire to.

    Yes I'm self aware. Like always.
    Yes I hate reading mechanics posts. Like always. Y'all may remember me pretending to have not read the setup in my first tinyhunt because that's what I would have done as town.
    Yes I don't want to get lynched. Duh.
    Newcomb's case is at least partially that I'm too townie. So it must be fake. Well then.
    Jari's is that I'm more similar to my last scumgame here. Which is whatever.


    ---------- Post automerged at 15:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

  4. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    You're in the shitty situation where you get scrutiny because of your situation regardless of your playstyle.

    The similarities between this game and last game are too big for me to ignore, but on the bright side, if you flip town now that should shield you next game.

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:46 ---------- Previous post was at 00:45 ----------

    That second situation was meant to be reputation.
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Too easy.

  6. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I do it as scum because it works.
    Which is why I just did it.

    I've been actively avoiding doing the things that get me mislynched. And am now getting suspected for avoiding them. I've tried to stay out of tunnels on typh and cobalt that my heart really wanted. I've been careful to let myself be readable. I forced myself to read boring ass mechanics posts that I still can't get anything I really believe in out of.
    And here we are.

    Like, it should be a surprise to no one that me trying to be townie is going to look more like my scumgames. I'm townier as scum. I think that was the crux of Newcomb's dumb ass suspicion of me in JPA. And here's the fucking case again: he's trying to be townie! lynch him!
  7. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Hey guys. This sounds like town tom from ayaw.

    Feel free to proceed with the lynch.

    Also pretty much can say that I still agree with fonts mechanics plan. And hope you feel better soon!
  8. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Because you're scum?

    Works for me!

    Vote tom

    Make mafia great again!
  9. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast

    lynch: fluff
  10. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    You're flailing, tom.

    The crux of my case against you in JPM (which wasn't actually a case, since I never tried to get you lynched), was that by hiding behind the Voxx persona, you were introducing a baked-in element of fakeness to your whole game which made it hard to determine how on-the-level you were. Like... it made it introduced the element of "is tom saying this because he believes it, or is tom saying this because he thinks it's something Voxx would say, or is tom saying this because he's mafia?" Like. It's a whole third thing you have to distinguish and there's overlap between the categories.

    It had precisely zero to do with you being "too towny".

    Which is not the crux of my case against you here, by the way.

    One of the pillars of my case is that you're focused on time and space in a way that looks to me like it's trying to appear towny. It's focused on the perception of tom in a way that I think doesn't come from town. That's not the same thing, at all, as saying "tom looks really town, that means he must be mafia." Which would be asinine.

    Like. What this boils down to is that a big, self-acknowledged part of your play this game has been about avoiding getting lynched.

    I'm saying, it's 100% showing, and how exactly do you expect town to magically be able to see that as a town thing?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------

    Jesus christ Fluff.

    Did I time travel back to 2015? Is this really how you're playing this game?
  11. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Kill it with fire please
  12. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Actually, wall thing first. they're ordered from left to right, with left being on the high end of the category and right being on the low end.

    Hard town: Jan
    Confident town: Newcomb
    Light town: Waco
    Null: Jarizok, Cobalt, fonti, HF, Miner, Rubicon, Vira
    Confident scum: Koalas, tom

    Jan, I think, doesn't need any more explaining.

    Newcomb... it's the way he's approaching this? Like, there's a depth of thought in his big tom post that was good, but also I think it's something he /could/ fake in bursts. I /don't/, however, think he could fake the thought processes he showed in some of his catchup posts. Look at how messily of some of it fits together. It's not inconsistent - you can see the continuity of thought from one bit to the next. But sometimes one bit contradicts another in a way that... idk. It's sort of a winding path, but I equally feel like you can sort of see the thoughts forming in his head in a way that I think he's incapable of as scum? I think if this was scum Newcomb, we'd be seeing a little more polish and a little less mindset. Not sure if I'm articulating this well, but yeah. (God I hope I'm not wrong after taking a super firm public stance, but I'm fairly sure I'm not).

    Waco is light town because we were mindmelding a bit earlier. I liked his positions, the way he was going about his business, and I could see where he was coming from. He's fallen off with content and dropped a tier accordingly, and I'm expecting to see a lot more of him D2, but he is on the town side of null for me.

    Jarizok has climbed a spot over the last few hours (almost two). This is sort of developing, but let me see if I can explain it. I've been reading him as somewhere on the low end of light scum for a while now, but I think scum Jarizok is more likely to dig in than town Jarizok over the playstyle stuff, if that makes sense? Like, he and Newcomb got into it over playstyles a few games back (I wasn't in it, and I can't recall which one it was), and it got a bit rough, but Jarizok's reads weren't actually wrong. And he's kept the same playstyle for more or less since then.

    So here we are, with me and Newcomb pushing him over his playstyle again, but not being super aggressive - like, it's not going to derail the game or cause replacements or anything like that if he digs in. I don't think scum!Jarizok, already under scrutiny but not really staring down the barrel of a lynch (I wanted Kalas, Newcomb wanted tom), says, "Yeah, sure, fuck it, I'm going to abandon my playstyle that I'm comfortable with and try to bullshit something else with people already keeping an eye on me."

    Because he had a defender in Jan, and I feel like he had to know that he was probably going to tilt us (well, me at least) a little if he kept doing the same thing. Idk. It's sort of like the mindset thing with Newcomb above - I just don't think we see that out of scum!Jarizok. The only thing seperating him from being light town is the cynic in me points out that he only really made one post before Newcomb dropped his big tom post. But, that said, if he keeps on trying to case people in such a way that I can see him making connections that I'd expect him to make, I'm pretty sure Jarizok will be a D2 townread.

    Nothing to say about the inactives, except I hope they either show up (get well, in fontisian's case) or get replaced for D2. They're pretty much all perfectly null for me until I have some meat to work with again.

    Miner is basically inactive levels of null. I can't remember literally anything from him that made me feel things. Like, at all. The gimmick was super NAI to me, and most of his posts felt pretty shruggish. I think I can read him well enough, so maybe the focus can be there tomorrow, but I got nothing right now.

    Rubicon is tricky for me, because he feels like... you know the polished version of Newcomb I mentioned that I'd expect from scum!Newcomb? That's kinda the vibe I get from Rubicon. Like, there's nothing about his posts that feel objectionable at all, but I can't really see in his head at all. It's all carefully delivered in a way that... I don't know how to take from Rubicon? Like, for some people that just is what it is, and for others that'd be scummy. I have no clue what it is from him, although I guess we'll see as time goes on.

    Vira is almost light scum at this point. The only reason she's not, in fact, is that I remember thinking or maybe even saying she had probably been basically spewed town at that point, and because I don't think Vira misrepresents my argument and then awkwardly backs off while rereading me if she's scum? I haven't been impressed by much from her, though, and her absence is starting to become pretty notable.

    Koalas is probably scum, imo. My reasoning on why is spread through the last page or two, but essentially is "I don't think Koalas is approaching this game as someone who is trying to solve it".

    tom - Just read the Newcomb post, it's pretty solid.
  13. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    No newcomb. That is the crux of the case.
    Because in your mind, "having to try to look town" is a scum thing. And that's probably true for you. But for me... it just isn't.
    I am absolutely trying to look townie. I can stop if you'd like. But don't pretend it's something else. You not being sure if it's me or [me trying to be Voxx] is the exact same thing. And I can't easily differentiate because, like, all of my play regardless of game/alignment/whatever, is some degree of fake.
    This is entirely why I have infinite range. Not because I'm a crazy person who will do anything, but because I'm always putting on a show.

    I'm done with this though. I'm just gonna do stuff for awhile and see if I can find a better lynch than me.
  14. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    This is a really really really really really good way to read me.

    If you apply this type of read to me I'm incredibly obvious.

    Typhon, did you come up with that all on your own, or did you have help?

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ----------

    I feel like that's exactly what I was getting at. You are putting on a show as both alignments. Your agenda as scum is different, though. Your mindset and motivations are not the same. The show's goals are different. It's not... stark, or you'd be an easy read, but you're not a black hole. You leak mindset into your posts like everyone else.

    :thumbs: to that last bit. Pretty done engaging with you as well, since I'm not going to get you to admit you have a scum role PM, etc.

    Definitely support you finding a better lynch though.

    Kinda surprised you didn't just snap off His Fluff for that vote on you.
  15. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Scum chat told me to say it. :p

    Seriously, I talk mafia with Eido a fair bit from time to time, I like to think I'm slowly picking up the mindset analysis bits properly. So some combination of me and him, I guess? Like, obviously just me in this game, but it seems a little shady to pretend it was all my personal genius.
  16. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Jan's progression has made sense. Within individual posts, and throughout the day. He's put it all out there. It's my exact feelings on scumRegfan from my last game. And that scares me. And Jan is good and could be fooling me, etc. He's probably town anyway though. Because he's real fucking townie.

    Vira has had an effect on gameflow that has been purely town. Like, her posts have been signposts.

    Waco is a combination of liking his answers to my questions and just a carefree approach.

    Miner I've been over plenty.

    Newcomb is coming at me the same way he always does. It's like an intrinsic difference between us that just clashes with his townie sensibilities. I feel like he's the same here. And believes he's finally cracked the code. I hope it happens for him some day.

    These people I will not vote today.

    So I'm looking at Cobalt/Fonti/Typh/Fluffiness/Rubicon/Jari/Koalas.
    In approximately that order s>t
  17. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Hi. I do this thing where I vote. And then sometimes I explain why. And then sometimes I express support for others. And then sometimes I just sheep font.

    Surely that's not inactive null.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------

    Also, people, please do not let fluff get away with 688. Like PLEASE.
  18. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I barely registered it. Other than it being a vote on town, it seems exactly the sort of thing he jumps on that apparently i'm not supposed to townread him for.
  19. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I constructed that sentence poorly. It's not that you're inactive, it's that the inactives are pretty much pure neutral for me, and you're in essentially the same pure neutral spot.

    I don't feel like you've done anything that makes me think "now that's something Miner would only/would never do as <alignment>."
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Typhon is town, for the thought process involved in that post but mostly how anxious he is about reading Newcomb correctly and how anxious he isn't about being scumread with that scumchat joke.

    Do we, uh, have a lynch?

    Also, am I making sense?

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

    Typhon, Miner made a post about me a while back that I don't think he would ever make as scum, but I can't find it, sorry. It felt really genuine and also not scum motivated for town cred.
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