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Witch Hunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Apr 28, 2017.

  1. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    I don't think he waits as long as he did as scum to make any kind of read on anyone's alignment.

    Not really? I feel similarly about it to Newcomb in this post with the additional impression that, because of Regfan's handling of Rubicon's initial conviction, Regfan would be less inclined to take the tack as a witch that lack of conviction is reasonable.
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I actually have Cobalt as light town >_>.

    I don't think he'd be comfortable popping in, saying "bring it," and then fucking off here as a witch.
  3. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Really? I disagree.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

    Like, after last game, I definitely can't say "He's lurking, its scum Cobal", but I haven't seen any reason to read him town yet.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------

    Yeah, buy why do you think he would post that as scum?
  5. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Don't. Just don't.

    I don't care about his alignment, but don't give him a single out to stop playing again.
    And again.
    And again.
    And again.

    Talk about it after he has done some work.
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Just a heads-up, the emphasis on real-time interaction is not one that's super important around here, at least compared to MU. This is a playstyle clash I have firsthand experience with.

    Every time I comment on a post, there is an implicit "and what do you think?" attached to it. It's an invitation for further discussion.

    And I don't think there's anything inherently more clear/readable about replying in 5 minutes versus replying in 5 hours. The entire point of longer phases is that it allows people to play at their own pace and not compromise their real lives. For example, during the week, you'll see me entirely absent from the thread from ~9 AM PST to ~6 PM PST, because of work.

    So just like, assuming you're town here, or hell even if you're not, for future games, the emphasis is not super on that kind of thing. At least from my PoV.

    Not gonna lie, I think I have a high tolerance for sticking with walls and really trying to get into people's heads, but I just glazed over that whole thing. I think from what I read it probably makes you and owner not w/w as that exchange would just be.... ??? from partners, but. I just lost the thread.

    I'm fully caught up, except for what I'm doing right now, which is catching up on overnight posts.

    Didn't borrow the "narrow" thing from anyone, if I did it was unintentional. Would be a little surprised if Reg hung that around your neck, since he's lightly townreading you IIRC.

    I don't particularly feel the need to make a case on you. For one thing, "making a case" at this point would be going through your ISO and trying to get to wolf moreso than I already feel, which is a bad way to go about it. For another, my playstyle has gradually shifted to a more Eido-like approach, where unless I have a huge conviction scumread D1, I generally don't /care/ super hard who gets lynched D1 as long as it's not a townread.

    (For posterity, when I called you/Vira's perception of my meta out of date, this is partially what I'm referring to. Like, if you're town here and part of your read on me is expecting me to go hard at someone, like that's a staple of my play rather than entirely determined by the context of the game, then yeah, your meta on me is just... way outdated.)

    TL;DR, I'll case you when and if I feel like it needs to be made. Until then I'd rather give myself a chance to be wrong on you.

    I wanted to know the exact phrase you searched for because I wanted to verify your story; kinda pointless since you'd be repping the same thing if it's fake or not, but on the off chance you just lazily lied about it, yeah.

    Also wanted to confirm the reaction you were trying to rep there; like, as much as you can read into a GIF, I kinda buy it as genuine frustration and perhaps not something you'd risk as a wolf, since there's a way it comes off as alienating me, maybe?

    Just kind of poking at it and seeing what comes out, I suppose.

    Also I replicated your search a couple times and got slightly different results based on the same term so yeah, dead end.

    Noted. It's one of the reasons I have Rubicon/Miner on my least of weak unalignments as opposed to my strong ones.

    1) Uh, okay, sure.

    2) I'm looking at Fluff's early posts and I still don't see how you got that specific a sense, like, that he liked the rand. I just see.... fluff. Fluff fluffing, that is. It doesn't seem to be noticeably different than other games he's been in. Then again I don't make it a point to think about Fluff too hard.

    Re: Loose Cannon - I didn't know at the time that Eido was restricting activations pregame. Makes sense in retrospect, but.

    I would imagine Reg finds that genuine because we talked pre-rand about how it would be probably +EV scum (but -EV fun) for scum to LC into the strongest town player immediately. Barring Survivalist, you kill the strongest town player, prevent any D1 interactions, then get to kill the 2nd strongest town player at night since Angels can't protect a Haunted target at 1 dead witch/1 dead town.

    Re: Typhon's Gold Standard read:

    DAMN IT.

    See, I would read ahead, but when I read a post that I want to comment on, I want to just comment on it right away because otherwise I'll forget what I wanted to say.

    I guess redundancy is the just the price you pay.


    Yeah this is kind of what I mean by game getting consensus-y though.

    I'm good killing in that PoE but people have to be willing to hard reset D2 if needed.

    It's fifteen, you heathen.

    Uh. Concussion Mafia?


    Kinda don't want to lynch Fable toDay for OOG reasons but I see where you're coming from, both with having that reaction and not wanting to pile on.

    My instinct is that it means there's a good mix of wolves and villagers in the PoE. Like, the PoE people are circling around is, what, 5-6 names? I think it's super super low odds there's 4+ hits in that group.

    I don't think that means you just toss it out, but I do think it means people need to not be complacent and just work from that group again starting D2.

    Hum. That's not a read I'd expect out of witch Fable here if Jarizok's a villager. A little too early in the day to close off what would be a pretty small amount of options, probably? Like if he's really that frustrated getting wolf read and he's actually a wolf he must feel like he's super likely to die here.

    Think the self-awareness of his v reads, especially when it's an automerged post a few minutes later means it's likely more genuine?

    Like, both these moves would be fairly smooth for a witch to pull off here; may be giving Fable too little credit as I do recall him being very experienced, but. Hm.

    Yeah think I don't want to lynch Fable toDay.

    Give him a chance to adapt to the environment, hold him accountable for reads, etc, but don't just dunk him / confibias on him.


    Not a great look from Miner here; spending that much time to contest fonti's record of reading him while ignoring things that are happening in this game, like... what fonti's done outside of him, how genuine he thinks she's being, who's with her if she's setting him up, etc etc etc. It just feels like "yes I'm a witch but your reasons are bad now watch me defend myself and nothing else" wolf archtype.

    I'm really hoping this is a w/w interaction for the sheer hilarity.


    Didn't quite make it to the last few pages, going to go to brunch then see what's happening this morning.
  7. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Ofc it is 15 bucks, but Fluff said 20!

    What was I supposed to do?
    Not sing Jays rap in my head?
  8. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    He mentioned reads as early as post 56, less then an hour into the game while being at work and not in a scumhunting mood (post 138). How is that not early?

    There's nothing to lose from approaching it from that direction as scum and everything to gain so saying he wouldn't approach it like that isn't something that's jiving with me. Especially with regards to the first post of that Newcomb quote and the self conscious stuff above.
  9. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Fable - Your town reads inside Post #812 matches mine pretty closely with two exceptions Jan & KaiDASH, you've already run through the Kai one but can you elaborate on the reasoning given the strength of your Jan one.

    I like Jarizoks reads list inside Post #817 mine some slight placement changes (Miner & Fable swapped, Vaimes down lower) it matches mine pretty closely, continue to think he's town here.

    Fables interaction with Jarizok and his Post #818 comes across as townish, in particular the phrasing of the Jarizok read and the "there's a witch in my town reads, frustrating" type comments.

    Vira - Kais initial scum read on Jari is here Post #521, explanation inside Post #529 and reasoning behind disagreeing with my town read on Jari in Post #539, it's something that flows decently and makes his vote understandable.

    Dislike Miners Jari vote inside Post #822 it's exactly where I thought scum would vote. Him spending more time attempting to de-credit Fonti inside Post #825 is similarly problematic. His meta explanation of himself saying he's not posted content inside the first 30 posts of any of his games inside Post #837 is completely false, Rubicon goes into this but while Miner was doing a gimmick inside Owners his posts were largely content fueled, as was Mountainous Mafia. His recent posting if anything has just strengthened my scum read there; I don't find his stance of voting Jari because he 'disagrees with a few of his strong reads' one that makes a lot of sense given he's claimed he's skimming and the ease which he moved to Cobalt afterwards doesn't look like town scumhunting.

    owner - Yes, I think everyone should be playing as transparently as possible if town. And yes, I normally have pretty detailed plans/strategies that are enacted and nothing was actually allowed/could actually be enforced in pre-game here. I consider "pure scumhunting" peoples reads/reasoning, questioning about reads, votes, reactions to votes etc.

    Rubicon - I'd had a conversation with someone here about the lack of "Good scum players at DLP" and your name was brought up with the mention that you're good at creating false partnerships as mafia.

    Atums Post #854 particularly the last pargraph reads very town.

    I think it's very probable that there's zero scum inside the names you've listed which is an impressive kind of bad considering that the odds of going 0/4 as town inside this is 20.7% and yes, I did the math.

    I like Jans analysis of Jari and response towards Atum inside Post #856 combined with his reads list in Post #858 flowing with his prior reads and stances on players well.

    Caught up to Newcombs wall, going to get some breakfast then read it.
  10. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Why did you want to prioritize Vaimes? I understand Jari because I was about to string him up too, and I was back and forth last game, but I don’t remember anyone having trouble with Vaimes.

    How is Atum right, when you immediately disagreed with him in your next sentence?
  11. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Haha, Newcomb went over a lot of the same things I did with pretty identical thoughts; his analysis on the Fable read on Jarizok, Miners posting so far and his overall stance on Fable match mine to the tee, certainly reassuring.

    Virra - Jan was alluding to Atum being right about the "None of them will be lynched today" section.
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I also like that Fable is readily able to answer this question despite getting to v on him in a recent post. Like, thinking about it both ways is a decent indicator that he's actually considering Jarizok's alignment here.

    Granted the counterfactual of "I'd lock clear everyone he has red/dark red" is not exactly nuanced analysis, but.

    I can Garcia this if you'd like.

    So what do you think this says about Delphine's alignment?

    Wow, déjà vu.

    Jesus I know I'm going to regret this but.

    Fluff. Talk to me.

    What do you think you're doing right now to advance your team's wincon?

    Instead of rapping, how about you justify having me lower on your reads than Miner?


    Think my biggest read movement since last night is Fable slight v, enough to not lynch toDay at any rate.

    Jan maybe slightly down a tick but not enough to really do anything about.

    Reg up sliiiiightly.

    Jarizok up maybe a little.

    Owner still feels just... not town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------


    I'm wondering if you'd really take the angle of trying to pocket me with sheer reads agreement.

    If so I hate you, and it's kinda working.
  13. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    You misunderstood. My approach was to tackle players I felt I could get a good grasp on early in either alignment. Give myself a base I could move off in the right direction instead of just assessing everyone and everything and getting lost in the content.
  14. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    You're forever going to be somewhat paranoid about me aren't you, might have been +EV overall just to take that scum loss (Nacho would have murdered me though) and I probably wouldn't have been able to force myself to do it.

    There a particular reason you didn't include Miner in your recent "Read strength changes" given I think his posts since returning have strengthened my scum read there and it feels like it should yours too given your recent post. Merely a case of forgetting to list him? I really still have no thoughts on Jan overall, he's probably moved into my null pile now which is ugh, not where I thought I'd have him here.
  15. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I don't have an actual grab on you Newcomb.

    I would say you are somewhat towny, but unless you have some real explosion I rarely read you town and you know that.

    You are lower than Miner because N comes after M, which is why Eido put you lower in the startup post.
    Didn't bother to rearrange there.
    Put Waco on top because my gut liked some of his posts, but not enough to put him higher (and he was on the bottom of neutral before).

    You can basically remove miner from the whole list if you want.
  16. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Alright, I should start getting ready for work, might check in again before I leave so if anyone has anything they want answered / to discuss let me know before then otherwise likely won't be posting for ~14 hours.
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I don't expect to get that much higher in a game like this.

    Not at this moment at the very least.

    The WC game burned me out enough to not commit to crazy playstyle and you guys decided to spam the thread with so many words that I have to decide to either read or play. Trying to do a little bit of both, which is working out fine for me for now.

    Half of those big word walls are not even anything that is remotly interesting to me. Just words that blur together at this point.
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I mean. It didn't really move the needle? Like yeah, I didn't like all that defense and pointed out why, but if he's a wolf he's not more wolfy because of that, he's just continuing to be an obvious wolf. At this point I'm looking for things that will convince me he's not just an obvious wolf.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------

    Speaking from experience, you're not wrong. Doesn't change the fact that it's frustrating for me and potentially convenient for you.
  19. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    That is what we call a YOU problem.

    I feel for you, not enough to change anything, but I still do.
  20. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    It's a me problem for now.

    It's also potentially a you problem.

    I'm content to just play out that string, though.
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