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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    I can picture him teaching bloodmagic alongside Namach after a while. The current Harry I feel would not want to teah, but more research stuff for his own use. HOwever I can see him teaching in order to get at the schools resources
  2. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    i dont really see harry doing that with all the shit hes going with. the kind of work load he already had and will have with the teaching is increadiable. i don't think harry would teach especially with namach.
  3. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    Harry's has grown in a cupboard. He didn't get to see a lot of things. He's been at war with Voldemort, he didn't have time to see a lot of things. So, when all of this is over, Harry will choose a kind of job where he actually get to see a lot of things. For example, cursebreaker would be interesting. Or an explorer, or anything that happens outside.

    He wouldn't like teaching at all, no matter how good he is at it.
  4. Lord Apophis

    Lord Apophis Professor

    Jun 16, 2006
    With Harry having quite a bit of money so is it possible that after the end of the war will he take a few years off to travel the world, expanding his knowledge before perhaps gaining a apprenticeship under namach as despite the fact that harry will have a master degree in blood magic so will namach be
    far more skilled then harry ever will become in his mortal life time so he could learn a huge amount from namach...
  5. Anarual

    Anarual Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 25, 2005
    So whose family will he belong to: Namachs or Darays and Silas ? I could picture him much better as Namahs son ;] the bloodmage Harry .

    Anyone of you think that there is something like combat Blood magic ? ;] That would be cool , Harry goes to battle only in a robe , then sheats the robe so he doesn't have anything on and then wandlessly levitates 30 bloodmagic knifes that plunge into him start cutting runes .... and the mayhem starts :D
  6. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    There is combat blood magic. Its repeatedly mentioned in the story. You can create whips of fire using it, such as the second blood magic teacher demonstrated. For a real look have a glance at the last two chapters of 'A second chance at life.' There were heaps of things done with blood magic in a combat situation. There was the destruction of the inferi, the creation of Patronos's that could destroy demontors, there were other things.

    As to about twenty knives jabbing in, I would recomend against it. Blood magic does spill blood and twenty cuts at once could make one a bit woozy or dizzy, not ideal in a combat situation.

    Also remember that Their are blood magic runes that stablise Mind magic, soul magic, etc. The way Miranda wrote it, there is theoreticlly nothing that a blood mage cannot do, given enough time, planning, and power.
  7. madeyemoody

    madeyemoody High Inquisitor

    Dec 24, 2005
    United States
    Time for my monthly I fucking hate this canon raping story post so............. here it is


    p.s this story is not harry potter
  8. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    I agree madeye. Its not Harry Potter but its not THAT bad of a fic.

    It updated today for those of you who want to know. The whole chapter was a little hard to read for me. The Ministry take over was the worst part though
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2006
  9. rj_stone2

    rj_stone2 Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2006
    New York
    I also feel obligated to mention my dislike of this fic. The frustrating thing is that it started out with such promise...

    At this point, if I ever see a fic that subtly trashes on this one (either by having a vampire-destruction seen, bashing a wizarding school in Canada, or whatever), it will get an extra star in my evaluation.
  10. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    It's not that bad. In general the author created a fic with a whole world with there own laws and society. To do something like this, needs tremendous skills and creativity.

    She gave many of the ooc characters there own personality and charisticts of there own. Thats impressive in and of it self.

    Not many authors can do that here. But overall, like everyone else, the characters are way superpowered. With the kind of power they posses, the world have been in er...bad shape for or sure.
  11. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Its not that she wrote it bad that people hate. Its that she destroyed the Harry Potter Universe
  12. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Meh honestly this wasnt a great chapter she just tied up like 5 subplots that really needed to be done. I read through the reviews for the last few chapter and they seen to be split evenly between "Kill that fucking cock sucking Malfoy" and "OMG plzzz can we c more of Drako!1!!1"

    She seems to have bowed to presure and just written him out of the story rather than murder him slowly and painfully which is what she promised us.

    I really want her to resolve the dragon and demon/vamp plots. She is always mentioning them and the story seems to be revolving around them right now but they seem no where near resolved.

    The dragon will be intersting and the demons will be a damn good fight with some great magic which is what she is great at writting.

    As for the ministy break-in in this chapter it left me very confused. According to her there are 20,000+ akren students/alumni which I think is way to high for a school that is supposed to be elite. I was thinking it was more 5,000 max. So to take down the brittish ministy they send a bunch of current and inexperienced students rather that seasoned proffessionals. She claims they want to make a statement of "Don't fuck with us" Yet she has then sneaking in being very cautious and worried when a dozen of them come to fight them.

    So far in this story she had shown that any one of them can easily take down a doaen of them with no worries so I don't see why she doesnt just have a couple of dozen of them rip the wards tear a gapping hole in the sid eof the building and masacre everyone inside,

    The plot hole of letting Voldemort live is also kind of silly when any of the ancient Vamps or high up city masters could fuck him over good and propper like.
  13. Belgarion213

    Belgarion213 Slug Club Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    I think its meant to show 'no matter how good your security is, we can bypass it' or something along those lines. As for the number of graduates I thought that 200,000 was a bit high, even taking into accounts Fey, Vampires and other long lived students, along with some of the most powerful human mages with the best medical care, aluded to in chapter 5.
  14. Zield

    Zield Fourth Year

    Jun 24, 2006
    Yeah I think this was her weakest chapter yet(although the last chapter of the previous story is a close second), I couldn't get into the Ministry takeover scene and had to resort to just skimming through it.

    The number of living graduates is far to high especially for people as competitive as they are made out to be. Why would the ferocity we see in the school die out after they leave especially since they are all supposed to be the top of their fields. I would expect them to kill each other off in higher numbers after leaving school because they CAN kill each other at anytime. I think about 4,000 would be the best number for the graduates, still high enough to make them an extremely feared organization but far more realistic given the alumni mind sets.
  15. pontfirebird73

    pontfirebird73 Third Year

    Aug 7, 2006
    New Jersey
    Next chapter is up and its pretty good.
  16. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    It is very good.

    Ron dies.
  17. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    Didn't like the plague bullshit. Seems like a stupid crappy excuse to kill off a bunch of people. Still a great fic, and the chapter was pretty good, minus the plague stuff. 4/5.
  18. huntedorange

    huntedorange Seventh Year

    Mar 21, 2006
    I agree with illusive above me that the chapter was great except the plague stuff was awful, maybe even woeful. Still a recommened read though.
  19. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    Hmm i personally thought it was a reason to get back their demon friend faster. Eh i liked it anyhow.
  20. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    Dammit! i thought the author was going to get Ron to live for some reason or another, maybe when Harry saves him or something. I really wanted to see him suffer psychologically rather than physically Nonetheless, I still like the chapter. Since Harry has such a large connection i wonder what would happen if he were to make a deal with Death it self, meh...