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Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Sorrows, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Xandrel - My initial reaction to that is to say that... it's not that we disagree, it's that you're simply wrong.

    But I suppose that's an opinion too.

    It is true that he could have made different choices that would not have lead to the overall situation, but that's true of damn near anything.

    I guess... to me, this is the sort of situation that someone would blame themselves for while a therapist tells them it's not actually their fault. I want to make an analogy with Harry blaming himself for Sirius' death, which was more Bellatrix's fault than Harry's, except Harry bore more blame in that situation than Sherlock does in this one.

    Or at least that's my take on it.

    Thanks Xandrel for your comments - I really enjoying seeing the other side of it. Reminds me that even while watching the same show, reading the same book, etc. we all pull different things from it. And that's the beauty of story-telling.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    I think I immediately blamed Sherlock because I'm unable to connect with characters that are arrogant and act as if they're better than everyone else (even if they actually are).

    I always dislike such people both in fiction and in real life so it's frequently my default reaction to put the blame on them when something bad happens.

    In this case Sherlock already found the person responsible, he had her cornered and even the police arrived. It was all nicely finished. Then he had to ruin it with his typical feeling of superiority.

    I guess you're right that he's not the one most responsible for this situation, but that was my initial reaction which I wrote down. I guess I should have thought about it longer.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  3. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    That was so much better than last week. It was still batshit insane, but I was glued to my seat throughout. Genuinely gripping tv, everyone involved brought their A game.

    So OK, third Holmes sibling is a sister - mind blown, yes, but Sherrinford? Curious to see what's happening there. The whole final scene reminded me of Moffat's 'Jekyll' mini-series, for reasons I won't spoil here, because if you haven't seen it it's fantastic, but where that ended on a massive cliffhanger here we've (hopefully) got another episode to explain it.
    Glad Amanda Abbington got another crack at Mary, even if she was a hallucination, and John's confession almost - almost - made up for it happening in the first place (I still think it's barely in character for him, if at all, but hey-ho. Toby Jones was genuinely unsettling, and Cumberbatch was electrifying.

    Oh, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I genuinely squealed with glee when Sherlock's text alert went off...

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    After last ep, which really put me off with its predictive stupidity, this one was 10000000 times better.
  5. DarkAizen

    DarkAizen Professor DLP Supporter

    Dec 5, 2007
    Top 3 episode that was. Excellent!
  6. DR

    DR Secret Squirrel –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Mar 13, 2006
    Inside the Beltway
    High Score:
    I thought that episode was marginally better than the previous week's but to be honest, I still wasn't impressed. The dialogue was a bit more witty, but the story was still batshit insanity.

    I wish they would just return to the magic of the first couple of series, when it was actually about the mysteries as well as the characters, and not just convoluted nonsense. They have so many untapped stories in the original Holmes stories to adapt, and yet they insist on ignoring them in favor of hallucinatory silliness.
  7. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    I just watched the first episode of the new season and had to turn it off during the Watson reveal. The episode was just so fucking terrible; they need to stick to Sherlock Holmes mysteries, not this godawful overarching plot or weird character backstories.
  8. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    There is too much emotional drama and too little intellect.

    Both compared to the original works and to the setup/promise made in the first season.
  9. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Uhh, okay, so... that super early scene in the second episode, right after the opening credits? WTF? If I was in a board meeting and IVs starting rolling in after that speech I'd nope the fuck out, screw it, I'm done, so long and thanks for all the fish.

    I did enjoy this one. Some of the drama detracted a bit from the mystery, but near the end it actually gained some emotional impact. The "are you okay" bit and subsequent conversation hit me, coming from Sherlock. I don't mind good emotional punches in my mysteries - I'd say it's a good thing - but those punches have to hit. Nothing worse than cluttering up a good plot with emotions that don't do anything (like 99% of romances for me), but this time in the last 20 minutes those punches landed.

    Plus this time we somewhat had a mystery to go with it - granted it was less of a mystery and more of an exercise in catching the known bad guy, but even so. The use of Mary's ghost was pretty good throughout the episode.

    You know... this reminds me that this TV show, this series, is actually really good. Really. Fucking. Good.

    This thread is 17 pages long, and probably half of it is us nitpicking and bitching about things. You know what else we find to bitch about a ton? Shit that we really like and are invested in.

    Human nature, I guess. Someone mentioned the same thing in a thread about a fanfic I was reading earlier today, though I can't remember which. It's the 5/5 stories that we are most critical of sometimes because we get invested. The more we care the more imperfections we see.

    Can't wait for next week.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  10. Joe

    Joe The Reminiscent Exile ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Jan 24, 2008
    Canberra, ACT
    High Score:
    Oh but I'd argue it wasn't about solving a mystery. This was a character-driven, Sherlock actually savin John, episode. Think back on the whole series, how many times John has saved Sherlock, and Sherlock has saved John. It looks more often that John has saved him, and he has done that a lot, but it's actually the 'high-functioning sociopath' that has saved his friend, even to the point of faking his own death for two years (granted that was for other reasons as well).

    I think 04x02 was a fantastic episode. Mostly because it made Sherlock vulnerable. His addiction, his vice, was what was needed to advance the plot.

    I didn't doubt for a second that Culverton Smith was a serial killer, and the viewer was never meant to doubt it. The whole first 20 minutes of the episode were devoted to that. Sherlock so far off his tits but still right.

    Sherlock being right and Sherlock being compromised are two different things. He was both in this episode.

    Ah, I'm just arguing what most have already seen. It was a fantastic hour and a bit of TV, and I hope the next episode does it justice.
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Whew, okay Joe, here we go!
    Absolutely. I agree, so you don't really need to argue this... but in a sense I think that this is also part of the problem some people are having with the series.

    You hear writing advice along the lines of "if you make a promise to the reader be sure to keep it" and whatnot. In this case I feel like the first two seasons of the show made a 'promise' to the viewer that the show would have some great mysteries. That they would, in that way, play homage to the original canon works.

    But now we have an episode without a mystery and that 'promise' feels a bit broken. It doesn't matter that it was a fucking amazing episode in other ways because it left out a key component.

    The first time I really noticed this happen I was still a kid and watching X-Files like crazy. Early seasons it was all about the crazy-of-the-week. Then the show started to evolve and that was fantastic. Mulder and Skully became people instead of caricatures. More personal things came into the plots instead of just monsters and what have you. And it was great.

    Until the show got so caught up in itself that it was more about the interpersonal stuff and the original premise - weird X-Files crazyness - didn't even turn up in several episodes.

    In the case of Sherlock I don't think it's gone quite that far. But with only a handful of episodes a year the shift in format can be jarring because of expectations.

    Don't get me wrong... I really enjoyed this episode. I like the parallel that Sherlock saved John in this case and I liked seeing that particular side of Sherlock (that actually said more or less the 'right thing' in an emotional situation for once in his life).

    But the show has still shifted from being about solving crimes to dealing with interpersonal drama between John, Sherlock, and to a lesser extent Mycroft.

    I like it, to be honest. Especially if I change my expectations so I'm not expecting clever mysteries to solve. But I think that's why so many people are finding recent episodes lacking. The show changed and in their cases (unlike mine) it changed into something they don't care as much for.

    Yes, though it does seem like Sherlock manages to avoid the worst parts of real addiction. He gets off the drugs easier than a lot of real life addicts, but then Sherlock is ridiculously brilliant and might just have the willpower to do that when he bothers with it.

    But he never felt all that 'vulnerable' to me. He didn't fall off the deep end so much as he decided to jump as part of a larger plan.

    Damn right. I enjoyed the hell out of it and can't wait for more. I hope they renew for a fifth season, though that might be pushing it. I feel lucky that we got a fourth.
  12. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Wow. That was - mostly - brilliant.

    If I had to criticise anything, there would be a couple of nitpicks - Eurus seeming to basically have literal mind control powers, the implausibility of her being able to waltz off Sherrinford whenever she liked with no-one noticing, even if she did control the island, that sort of thing - and one big thing, specifically the way she fell apart because she got a hug. Bit weak. But, crucially, I didn't really care about any of that at the time I was watching, because god damn that was a thrilling watch.

    I really hope that it's the end. It's a nice finish, with everything wrapped up, and while there are obviously loads of ways they could carry it on, they should go out on a high - which I say as someone who thought they wouldn't get back to that high after 'The Abominable Bride'.

    Highlights? That beautifully ridiculous opening, with Mycroft and his swordstick versus a clown. The flashback that, just for a moment, had me genuinely convinced that Moriaty was back for real. The pitch perfect dialogue between the Holmes and Watson trio. That excruciatingly brutal and perfect scene between Sherlock and Molly.

    TL;DR - a few wobbles, but the last two episodes have been the best since series 2. If it is the end, then they can all be proud.

    I did think it was a bit of a cop out that only minor characters got killed in that twisted little game though.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  13. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    Ugh. Wanted so badly to love this episode. And I did. Till the last ten minutes. They fucked themselves by having such a brilliant actor in Andrew Scott. His Moriarty was a tangible evil that exists/could exist.

    Whereas Eurus was described as being, not only more brilliant than both her brothers by a long stretch, on a level above everyone. Literally flying in the air. That just doesn't sit well with me. The suspension of disbelief bridge was collapsing on itself during this episode.

    I would have liked it if she was smarter than the other two but had weaknesses (like Mycroft's laziness or arrogance) or Sherlock's emotion or his need for the solution to be complicated. All she had was an inability to comprehend emotions. Sometimes..

    Also how easily she was beaten and the family just casually visiting her was a real WTF moment for me. And she's now above the rest of them/in a mental coma? Da fuck.
  14. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    Eurus falls into the typical Sherlock trap of being smarter than the writers - and thus making it impossible to write in any depth about her ability to manipulate anyone other than Sherlock - who she can only manipulate because she's holding information over his head.

    That said, was a gripping story from beginning to end. I enjoyed the actual character driven bits. I found the parts with the psychedelic flashes to Moriarty to be distracting more than anything however. Am I the only one who honestly can't think of anything he actually added to the episode? Kinda felt he was just added in because everyone would be pissed if he never showed up after the previous seasons finale.

    That said, the redbeard reveal was one of the most shocking t.v. moments I've experienced in a long time. This definitely wasn't a well constructed mystery - in that there's no way anyone could have accurately predicted the ending without just guessing - but it wasn't supposed to be a well constructed mystery. It was supposed to be a heart felt story about three siblings finally coming to terms with their dark past, and with each other.

    Also, despite this shows best attempts, I do not feel bad for Molly Hooper. She was more annoying than ever this episode. Sherlock's breakdown afterwards was fine, but Molly herself was absolutely infuriating.
  15. Feanor

    Feanor Third Year

    Sep 25, 2006
    Well that was fucking disappointing. It's a shame too, because there were parts of the episode that were really well done (my favorite scene is probably Mycroft trying to get himself shot), but they were surrounded by bullshit and plot holes all around.

    I kinda feel bad for the actress that played Eurus, because she did a great job, but the writing got in the way. In fact, all of the cast were great. At least they can't think up of dumber shit than straight mind control for the next series, if it's ever made. Makes me happy I never got into Doctor Who, I hear they did some similar fuckery there.

    And of course, there's fangirls proclaiming their love for the episode on Reddit, with varying degrees of condescension for the naysayers.
  16. Tsar

    Tsar Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2012
    I enjoyed season four in the moment. But, upon reflection, it did very little to change my view that the show should have ended after season two.
  17. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    If nothing else, the episode has introduced me to a new experience - it's the first time I've watched a fandom explode with such vitriolic outrage over a show before, at least at close range. I'm not one to poke fun at Tumblr, but I saw someone genuinely compare their heartbreak at the lack of canon Johnlock to the worldwide horror at Trump winning the election.
  18. LittleChicago

    LittleChicago Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 3, 2009
    Andrew Scott dancing to Queen is something every TV show needs more of.
  19. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I enjoyed the episode.

    here were parts that broke my suspension of disbelief, such as Eurus' outright mind control, but once I'd managed to take that in mind I thoroughly enjoyed the rollercoaster that was Sherlock's jaunt through his family history.

    Andrew Scott's inclusion into the episode was excellent not because of his performance, but because it showed us an incite into Mycroft's character: He is a nearly sociopathic person and tries to portray himself as such, but in reality he is just as sentimental as Sherlock when it comes to his family. The scene where he tries to get Sherlock to shoot him rather than John was especially touching.

    The ending was fulfilling enough that it satisfied me, especially once it was revealed that...

    Eurus wasn't was emotionless as she thought she was. The scene where Sherlock went to shoot himself, though I fully expect that he had enough understanding of her to have it not come to that, was especially interesting as it made Eurus relatable to her brothers beyond their intelligence.

    All in all I enjoyed it well enough that I'd rank it in the top five Sherlock episodes. NOt as good as the actual Moriarty episodes, but still more than good enough to be entertaining.
  20. Agent

    Agent High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 2, 2016
    High Score:
    I may be completely off base here but I think it was actually my favourite Sherlock episode.

    There was very little that I thought was wrong with the episode but then again I'm the kind of sappy guy that likes episodeslike this so what do I know?

    The reprogramming thing stretched my suspension of disbelief a little and I think they could have handled that better. Then again, I suppose they were trying to subtly liken it to what cult leaders do with their cult. Perfectly normal people fall under the sway of people calling themselves mesiahs so I suppose it's not too hard to believe.

    I can usually tell most of the plot twists that happen. I was expecting the first scene to be a drug addled hallucination or something. Was quite funny to see it was John and Sherlock. I do however think it was a bit of a cop out not to show what went down between Euros and John.

    I knew right away that the plane scene was faked. At first I thought the girl was Euros's child (That throwaway line about her sleeping with a guard) and that she was in a simulator helping her mother out or something.

    It would have been much better if Molly had died anyway. Sherlock's tantrum just seemed stupid and the fact that he seemed to get on with Molly in the montage just kind of defeated the purpose of it.

    I geunuinely thought Sherlock would shoot Mycroft and he would die or he'd shoot John and he'd be wearing a bulletproof vest underneath. Or that the gun would be empty.

    But the interacting between the brothers and Watson. Definitely some of the best interaction I've see in a long time in any medium, let alone Sherlock.

    Now, as for Sherlock forgiving Euros. Halfway through he episode, for some reason, I imagined what the Doctor (Doctor Who) would do and I knew he'd forgive her. It was just one of those strands of thought that enter your mind when watching something.

    That's why it was so shocking to see him actually do it. I was watching the episode with my sisters so my view may be skewed but I really liked that scene. It showed how much Sherlock had progressed since A Study in Pink and how he reacted to things now. Heck, I even liked the end montage.
    I'm curious though, how would all of you rank the intellects of the main intellectual/deductive characters in the show?

    I know Mycroft is meant to be better than Sherlock and they always say it but they rarely ever show it. As for Moriarty, was he as good as Mycroft? Euros? Or was he just at Sherlock's level? As for Irene Addler, does she factor in at all? My rankings:

    1. Moriarty
    2. Euros
    3. Mycroft
    4. Sherlock