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TGYH Naruto Edition

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Aerylife, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006

    Someone, hit me with a prompt.
  2. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Challenge: "If I live through this, I'm going to kick your ass."
    Time: 20 min
  3. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Challenge: "If I live through this, I'm going to kick your ass."
    Word Count: 1,312


    I stared at my mentor, mouth slightly open in shock. The noodles that were halfway inside slid out and back into the broth filled bowl with a splash. The partially chewed piece of mapo tofu, however, remained; thankfully, it only took a second before I had enough sense of mind to lift the bowl up to my mouth and guzzle down enough broth to wash the spicy confection out of my mouth.

    Swallowing, I slammed the bowl down onto the counter-top of Ichiraku Ramen. “Care to run that by me again,” I asked, hoping that, somehow, I had heard wrong.

    Tsunade smirked at me, snapping open one of her many fans to cover her mouth. It featured a massive tree along a coastline standing strong against a powerful storm. In the back of my mind, I noted that the makers mark signified it was a 7th century work by Kasabe, and would likely fetch a very good price from a court noble.

    The fan went well with the form my mentor had chosen for today. She was small – even sitting down, I was taller than her – with brown hair tied up in a traditional bun and kept in place by a pair of lacquered chopsticks. She was wearing a purple kimono that had a traditional cut to it, and was doing an excellent job at hiding the curves that I knew were there.

    I didn't try to find them though; my wandering eye had gotten me beaten to the ground by my mentor far too many times already. I kept my eyes locked firmly with hers – dark blue instead of the usual brown – and waited for her response.

    “Oh ho? Has your vaunted hearing failed you, student?” Her gaze sharpened, and I knew that behind her fan was a shark's grin. “Perhaps we should forgo tonight’s festivities in favor of retraining your muted senses?

    I kept myself still, eyes locked with Tsunade's, though I desperately wanted to shiver at the implicate threat; to show weakness now would be the worst thing that could happen.

    A moment passed before Tsunade said, “You're no fun.” Snapping her fan shut, she pointed at me with it. “You will be attending my yearly poker game in my stead.”

    “The one with a twenty million buy-in between you, Lord Takakage, Honomoronoichi, Lady Subae, and Lady Koishinama?”

    Tsunade nodded happily. “Indeed.”

    “Do I even want to know why?”

    She scowled. “I'm sick of that crotchety tengu ogling my tits every year.”

    My eye's didn't snap down to look at her chest. Nope. Not at all.

    I blinked as I remembered something about my teacher's yearly game with the most powerful spirits of Mount Hino. “Aren't you the only human they've ever allowed to join their game?” At her nod, I continued. “So that means I'm going to have to pretend to be you, right?”

    “Indeed,” Tsunade said happily. “I already have the twenty million you'll need to join back in the hotel room, so change into me when you to get the cash.”

    I nodded, humming under my breath. Then I stabbed my chopsticks in the air in her direction and yelled, “Why!?”

    She lifted an eyebrow at the chopsticks. I lowered them, sheepishly. “Didn't I just tell you that I –“

    “Yeah, yeah, don't want Lord Takakage staring at your tits,” I said, waving my empty hand dismisively, “But why do I have to go instead? Can't you just not go?”

    “No,” said Tsunade. Sighing, she lifted up one of her fingers. “For one, it's in the contract I wrote that I have to play every year.”

    I winced. Spirit contracts weren't the kind of thing anyone wanted to mess around with. They tended to be tricky, both in terms of wording and conditions, and woe betide anyone who was found to have breached the contract.

    I had signed one spirit contract in my life, and that was the one that Tsunade had me sign in order to become her pupil.

    “Two,” She continued, “You need experience interacting with powerful spirits. you've been my student for three years, and while you've had plenty of interactions with the low-hanging fruit, you've yet to meet any stronger than a three-tail. Takakage is a five, Subae and Koishinama are both sixes, and Honomoronoichi is a seven.”

    I winced. “I don't think Yasumoro would appreciate being called a 'low-hanging fruit'.”

    Tsunade growled. “That grabby asshole should be happy I refer to him as anything but dinner.”

    I resolved myself to not tell her I'd seen the tanuki earlier today. I liked the guy, awkward and accident prone as he was, and had no desire to see him hunted down and added to a hot-pot by Tsunade.

    “Finally, this is a test.” I perked up slightly at that. “Your illusions have improved a lot over the last month, and now's the time to see just how effective they are.”

    My mouth twitched upwards. “So you're sending me off to play in a poker game with four of the most powerful spirits of Mount Hiro,” I asked dryly.

    Tsunade smirked at me. “Sink or swim, kido; it's the best way to learn.”

    I grunted in agreement; I've always been a hands-on kind of learner, and this was most definitely hands-on.

    “So what happens, “ I said, “When they find out I'm not you?”

    “It won't.”

    I raised my eyebrow. “Humor me.”

    Tsunade rolled her eyes. “Nothing, actually.” At my surprised look, she grinned. “The contract I signed said that 'either myself, or a chosen representative bearing my mark, must attend every year'.”

    “Your mark?”

    Tsunade smiled. Tucking the fan into the obi of her kimono, she reached behind her neck with her hands. A second later, they were holding the two ends of her necklace. My eyes widened in shock when she stepped forward and clasped it around my neck.

    “There you go,” She said softly, “Now they'll know.”

    “Tsunade,” I said, almost choking up, “I-”

    “Can it, kido.” She ruffled my hair. “Just make sure you return it, alright?”

    I nodded. I caught the gem in my hand and brought it up to the light. The crystal exploded with color as I rotated it. Beautiful.

    Tsunade clapped her hands together, startling me. “So,” She said, “Now you don't have anything to worry about. Even if they see through your illusions, you'll be safe”

    I could only agree with her. As long as I had this necklace, there was no way the four spirits wouldn't recognize me as a representative of Tsunade.

    “Besides,” She added, “Subae will adore you, and Honomoronoichi will approve of your illusions. So don't worry about that old crow; they'll keep him in line if something happens.”

    “And Lady Koishinama?”

    Tsunade twitched. “If that student-snatching pedo tries anything, I'll grind her to dust.”

    “You're not exactly imbibing me with confidence here.”

    Tsunade grinned and gave me a lazy shrug. “What's the worst that could happen?”

    My eyebrow twitched. “If I live through this, I'm gonna kick your ass.”

    “Noted,” She said dryly. “Now get going, my eighty-million isn't going to win itself!”

    Sighing, I slurped down the last of my noodles before getting up and leaving Ichiraku Ramen. I'd been hoping to spend the rest of my evening at the traveling food cart catching up with Ayame and her dad. Oh well. I cracked my neck as I started walking back to the hotel Tsunade and I were staying at.

    Time to go infiltrate a poker game.

  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I want to read the rest of that so much.
  5. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    It's definitely gotten me fired up to write more. At least more set-up, the poker game, and the fallout (cause there's always fallout). Not sure if I'll turn it into the start of a whole story though. It depends on if I can figure out a good long-term plot.
  6. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    I'm definitely interested in whatever you come up with for it. I'm not convinced it's actually Naruto, but it's good shit nonetheless.
  7. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Line: "If that's my greatest weakness, then what's yours, Itachi?"
    Time: Any, though preferably <30 minutes.

    Throwing it out there, if anyone finds it interesting.
  8. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Good to hear. I'd like to see how that kind of 'narutoverse' might look, so good luck with writing it. Your last piece here had me smiling the whole way through.

    Dude. Seriously, you have got to expand on this sometime. Freaking awesome.

    Would definitely read more of, but I second what Agayek said - it doesn't quite feel like Naruto, but so what.

    Excellent. Here's hoping y'all enjoy the next one, then.

    The immediate reaction he received was a startled oath from the receptionist before she ducked back and hid behind her reports, and a handful of jumpy Chunin, each managing to latch onto the ceiling with chakra and hang there well out of his way with widened eyes.

    Naruto Uzumaki was no drunken Fifth, smacking around her subordinates when they got too lippy, and certainly not susceptible to the rage felt by the Second and his vendetta against certain clans, but by Kami, when he went off it was best to make yourself scarce in his immediate vicinity. The aftermath of the Fourth Shinobi World War was proof enough of that lesson, and most of the villagers knew it.

    The only one not surprised by the outburst was, of course, the culprit of the crime - Hatake Kakashi. The oldest Sharingan user still alive let out a low exhalation and finally shoved the spare A-ranked scroll back in its slot, grasping the other quite firmly between the fingers of his left hand, and turned to greet his Hokage after the regularly-expected delay of several seconds.

    "I thought you liked animals, Hokage-dono," Kakashi answered simply. He smiled that stupid smile that made it look like his eye was upturned as much as his mouth, a trick of the facial features that Naruto still couldn't puzzle out even after all of the years since first seeing it, and he let out a quiet growl of warning. It was met with a shrug before Kakashi elaborated his point.

    "Kamui's been acting up ever since Obito died, actually. It dragged in and spat out that giraffe while I was scouting through Grass country yesterday evening and deposited it, well, here," he shrugged again a bit helplessly. "I suppose it could have been worse - I was staring down an elephant just a few moments beforehand..." he trailed off into a mindful silence, clearly reviewing the scene in his mind's eye.

    Naruto stared at him incredulously. In the back of his head he knew that Kakashi was likely kidding him, and that if not then the Sharingan faltering was a serious issue that would need to be reviewed in short order.

    'In short order' meant at least three days away in his current mood.

    "So get rid of it!" the Hokage hissed back at him.

    Kakashi exhaled and raised his hands apologetically. "Well, I'd like to, Hokage-dono, but who knows where it might land if I did succeed in removing it from your office? If this incident isn't mere coincidence, some higher power might very well be directing it into the offices of the nations' 'kages. Perhaps into the Kazekage's office next time, or the Tsuchikage's. Heaven forbid," he paled a little and said melodramatically, "that it land in the Raikage's office!"

    Reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose, Naruto did a quiet count to ten underneath his breath as Iruka-sensei had told him to do as a boy, having remembered or learned many such little means to bring him a bit of calm again since claiming his current position in the village.

    It did not help.

    He lowered his hand and looked straight into his old mentor's lone visible eye. "Get it out of my office by the time I'm back, Kakashi, or your next assignment for the foreseeable future is a trip to Sound and finding a means of appeasing Sasuke's thirst for vengeance before it comes after the Council's throats!"

    While Kakashi stared back in feigned concern for his well-being, Naruto snatched the A-ranked scroll from his left hand and shoved it into a pocket on his father's robe, then hastened to claim the next half-dozen B- and C- as well; he would not be giving the Jounin the chance to wander off on a mission while he himself was venting his woes on the backside of an overgrown molehill.

    Kakashi sighed in good-graced defeat and bowed to his Hokage's will, and only once Naruto had shot out the doorway like an Akamichi chasing after a run-away wheel of cheese did he confess, softly so that the others would not hear, "Perhaps Sakura has the right idea about his stress relief after all."


    Several minutes later and a white and faintly-yellow blur was leaping through the underbrush clogging up the way to his intended location. It was joined by a second and, most of the way there later, third such identical blur. At last the trees along the way thinned out to some degree and the trio of Naruto's emerged into cloudy sunlight.

    Only a handful of miles splintered their imminent destination from that of Konoha proper, but that was good - just far enough away not to scare the civilian villagers, and yet also near enough to spook any shinobi and kunoichi that would probably hear as much as see the damage taking place.

    Any of them that took notice were welcome to come and get an up-close view of exactly what it was that the Sixth Hokage could still do without a Bijuu in his belly.

    "You two have the general idea?" Naruto asked his first clones. It had come to him along the way, the final piece in mind, but the overall concept had been building up ever since that first incident a week ago.

    "Yeah. Lets do this," they nodded energetically, cracking knuckles as well as wide smiles. This was going to be fun, it was going to be relaxing, and it was going to be entertaining as hell when they were done.

    Naruto smiled vengefully along with them as he formed the handseals of the kage bunshin again. Close to ten more identical clones burst into being around the others.


    For close to an hour, the noise of regular explosions echoed back along the wind until reaching the edges of the village. Some of the closer clan districts were the first to clue in on something being amiss, among them the Hyuuga's. They were also among the first to give a collective sigh of embarrassment for their Hokage's antics, warning off their neighboring clans in an attempt to preserve any dignity that he might have left, and finally the first to indulge his crude humor and go to find out what in the hell had happened to convince him to do this practically in Konoha's backyard.

    Hinata lead the charge, so to speak. She had avoided Naruto in the wake of his recovery after the war, in part out of respect for his role, and this would be the first time that she had the courage to try and speak to him directly since taking his hand before facing down Obito and Madara Uchiha atop the Juubi's head.

    Of course a few other Jounin joined in before they were past the gates. It was a relatively small party, with a handful of Jounin-sensei's and two other members of the Konoha Eleven, including Kiba and Shino.

    The lot of them emerged to the last few heavy booms, as earth was carved and shaped violently and smoke erupted to blur the air. Only a few panting Naruto's remained out of the original thirteen to begin working on the process, the rest either taken out by flying shrapnel, chakra exhaustion, or plain fatigue on the maker's part.

    The fatigue etched into their Hokage's face was clear as he leaned back and stretched slowly, his hat and robe dirtied by the work. He slouched in his posture when he relented from the abominable strain to most of his muscle groups, only then turning to see he had a party to welcome.

    "Naruto-sama, what exactly are you thinking?" Hinata asked quietly. The veins around her milky-white eyes stared through the dust at the demolished mountain.

    He grinned widely, flicking his head in mutual respect to the instructors and old team-rivals trying to get the same glimpse that the Hyuuga heiress had.

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to mass kage bunshin and rasengan," he began instead of directly answering her question. He gestured around himself and his remaining clones summoned the strength to create a heavy gust to clear the air before they dissipated. Moments later quiet chuckles and disbelieving stares met his efforts. "You know what? They're dead."

    The mountain had been carved, cut, and blown up until it was smoothed out into a replica of Kurama. Only half his natural scale, of course, but the fur was notched and jagged looking, the fangs honed to an edge, and each of the nine tails seemed poised to snap out and crush a foe beneath their weight. The eyes glinted with the polish applied.

    Anyone that thought to harass Konoha again from this direction in the future to come would see his work and begin the rumor mill that maybe, just maybe, the old Tailed Beasts weren't quite as eradicated as they had seemed.


    Roughly 1454 words. That was definitely fun, but uh, yeah, I went past the quoted limit. I'll say I took that "give or take" to mean "give or take half the words available."

    EDIT: And I'll take another, thank you kindly. Might even manage to trim my words back to fit your limits :D
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2013
  9. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Yo dudes! So... I've been rolling this around in my head for a while, and I wrote the first two scenes, but I just feel like it's super boring and not something anyone would want to read.

    I like my story idea but something just isn't gelling for me, and I've got other stuff I want to work on, so I figured I'd post the first 1.2k words or so and move on.

    I do intend to finish it (I'm aiming for 4.5k-5k words total) but maybe you guys can offer some tips on how to make it more interesting. If I do finish the rest I might put it in WbA instead.


    Naruto TGYH – Mission with Kakashi​

    Prompt #1, Agayek: “At times like this, all I can really say is that I despise you.”

    Prompt #2, Menace: “Being a shinobi has never been about stealth, silence, or shadows. Civilians like to think so because they have so little experience with us, but it’s far more than that. The roots of true shinobi go all the way back to the Sage of Six Paths.”

    * * *​

    Naruto’s mouth watered in anticipation as he and Konohamaru strolled through the dusty marketplace, threading their way through civilians with the ease common to all shinobi. It had been years, years, since he had enjoyed a good bowl of Ichiraku’s ramen.

    Food fit for the Sage himself, Naruto thought, if he were still around to appreciate it. He restrained himself from sprinting ahead and leaving Konohamaru behind.

    “So you got the bells this time?” Konohamaru asked. He twirled his green scarf once more around his neck and looked up at Naruto. His new Konoha headband glinted in the sunlight.

    “Of course!” Naruto said, flashing the younger ninja a thumbs up and a grin. “Kakashi-sensei didn’t know what hit him. Me and Sakura-chan were totally awesome!” He paused. “Well, we did have to trick him to get the bells, but it still counts.”

    “Yeah!” Konohamaru pumped his fist in the air. “So what are you gonna teach me boss? The tricky jutsu you used on Kakashi?”

    Naruto laughed and rubbed his hands together. “That depends on if you’re buying or not. I might know an even better jutsu.”

    Konohamaru groaned, pulled out his monkey-shaped wallet, and popped it open. Then he hung his head and groaned some more.

    Naruto ignored him, raising his arms in the air and getting a good stretch in as they walked. He put his hands behind his head, elbows jutting out, and kept going. They were almost there, the building just coming into his line of sight. Saliva threatened to dribble down his chin as the scents of warm, salty broth and tender meats drifted closer. He could almost taste the first bite. He’d get a miso to start, then a pork to follow it up, then...

    “Fine, boss, it’s on me, but wha-“ Konohamaru paused mid-sentence, staring up at the sky, and Naruto followed his gaze. It was a messenger hawk.

    Naruto translated: Genin Uzumaki, Jonin Hatake, report Hokage Office ASAP.

    “Damnit baa-chan,” Naruto muttered as he made the hand seals for the Body Flicker technique, casting one last glance of longing at the ramen stand. Briefly he wondered what Tsunade would do if he took a page out of Kakashi’s book and showed up just a few minutes late, but dismissed the idea with a sigh.

    “I’ll have a bowl for you, boss! Two even,” Konohamaru said, waving. “Good luck on your mission!”

    Naruto glared. “You know, Konohamaru, at times like this, all I can really say is that I despise you.”

    Konohamaru just smiled as Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.

    * * *​

    Naruto arrived outside the tower only seconds later. He nodded at the Chunin on guard and pushed his way in past the Missions Desk and up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time.

    Team seven was slated to come by tomorrow for their first official mission in years, so what had changed to warrant sending up a hawk? A priority mission, probably, or an urgent one. Naruto narrowed his eyes and jumped up the last few steps.

    The ANBU outside didn’t object as Naruto slammed open the door to the Hokage’s office and strode inside. It looked different than when the Third had been in charge, the old man’s scrolls and pipes replaced with medicines of various kinds. It smelled different too, like perfume and arsenic.

    “Hey, baa-chan! What’s the big idea? I didn’t get to have ramen yet!” An important mission might mean he skipped the ramen; it didn’t mean he would forget. He paused and considered the deliciousness he was missing out on. “This is important, right?”

    “Idiot!” Tsunade yelled. “Where is Kakashi?”

    “How the hell should I know?!” Naruto returned, “Sensei is always la-“

    Kakashi appeared in the window so silently and so suddenly that Naruto was caught off-guard. Tsunade, however, placed her elbows on the table, laced her fingers, and glared at the wayward Jonin.

    Kakashi held up his hands in mock surrender, clutching his little orange book in one of them, and said, “Sorry Hokage-sama, but a child scraped his knee chasing a firefly and I stopped to help bandage it.”

    Kakashi smiled, or at least Naruto thought he did. He could usually tell when the man smiled despite the mask; it was something about his eye.

    Tsunade huffed and her ample breasts, barely contained by the grey kimono, bounced. “I am sure we will all be thankful for that experience, Kakashi. And you’re only two minutes late. I suppose I should be grateful. Now, you have a mission.”

    Naruto straightened up as Kakashi moved to stand beside him. “You can count on us baa-chan!” Naruto gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up. “We’re awesome! But where’s Sakura-chan?”

    Tsunade stood and moved around her desk, motioning for Shizune to go get someone, presumably the client. “This is an A-rank mission, speed priority. Enemy contact is possible but not assured.” All traces of levity were gone now as she continued the briefing. “This morning several samurai from the Land of Iron arrived escorting the two daughters of one of their civilian dignitaries. Sakura is assisting with their care.”

    “We’re to finish the escort?” Kakashi asked.

    “Yes,” Tsunade responded. “The one conscious samurai hired us to complete the task, offering payment up front. His orders, signed by Mifune-sama, are to have Mei and Yuna at the Three Wolves in time for the opening of their Winter Festival.”

    “Who attacked them?” Not that an escort didn’t sound interesting by itself, considering how their first mission to the Land of Waves had turned out, but there had to be more to it.

    “Unknown,” Tsunade said. “Evidence indicates other samurai, so be on your guard. Lethal force is authorized though try to avoid killing samurai if possible. The mission earns its rank through speed alone, however—the festival starts in four days.”

    Kakashi slumped. “Moving civilians at that speed will be difficult,” he said. “Even solo…”

    “You will manage,” Tsunade said. “The Land of Iron may remain neutral in most cases, but that doesn’t mean good relations are unimportant. This is an excellent opportunity to acquire good will.” She looked at Naruto. “Can you keep up?”

    “What?” Naruto snapped his thoughts away from ramen and back to reality. He’d drifted off a bit, wondering if they had ramen in the Land of Iron. “Of course I can keep up! Believe it!”

    “Do you even known where Three Wolves is?” Kakashi asked. He was doing that thing where his eye twitched, an irritated expression Naruto had almost missed seeing. Almost.

    “No,” said Naruto, “but-“

    The door opened and cut Naruto off mid-sentence. Shizune came in, heels clicking on the hardwood floor, as Tsunade moved back behind her desk.

    What surprised Naruto, however, wasn’t Shizune. A dark-haired girl entered, following behind the older woman like a duckling. She ran a hand nervously through her plaited hair when she caught sight of Naruto, dislodging the flower behind her ear. She tucked it into a pocket on the front of her bright yellow kimono and stared. Naruto stared back. A second girl poked her head through the doorway. Pink frills covered her from head to toe.

    The oldest one couldn’t have been more than six years old.

    “You’re joking,” Kakashi said. He looked pleadingly at Tsunade only to find her smirking back at him.

    “You leave in half an hour,” she said. “I suggest you start packing. Don’t forget cold weather gear.”

    The youngest, pink-clad girl ran straight into Naruto’s legs, grabbed his jacket, and pointed at Kakashi. “Ojiichan!” she said, giggling.

    Kakashi disappeared.

    “Wait, sensei! Don’t leave me!” Naruto carefully dislodged the child’s fingers from his person and ran out of the room, confused and inexplicably terrified by this new mission.

    * * *​

    Possible things to include later (Story currently 1/4—1/3 complete):

    · Kids need help going to the bathroom or something and Naruto disappears, he’s a shadow clone, leaving Kakashi to deal with it.

    · Naruto is extremely exhausted when they finally stop for the night and passes out almost immediately – traveling at these speeds is difficult even post time-skip. Last thing he hears is Kakashi telling a story in response to a question from the older child about why Naruto can be so loud and bright while still being a ninja. (I.e. Menace’s prompt -- Naruto fades out listening to Kakashi)

    · Other things going wrong on the trip to create strife and issues for Naruto to deal with. Nothing ever goes right. Kids wander off, nearly burn themselves with fire, all sorts of other WTF issues.

    · Samurai fight! Go all out here, with an in-depth plan to protect the girls as well as Naruto and Kakashi being awesome in a fight. Probably needs to be a dozen of them to make it believably difficult?

    · Do a good and proper fight scene if possible – should take up approximately 2k of the estimated 4.5k words in the story.

    · Uh oh, that fight took too long and/or changed our course and/or our plans, now we have to hurry even more!

    · Arrive to find that something else has gone wrong, either the Festival being postponed or cancelled or started early or whatever else. But hey, Ramen!​
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    So, uh, I'll take another challenge. And hope to see some more posts in here - this has been a great deal of fun compared to the usual TGYH thread.

    EDIT: Thanks, Celestin. I'll see what I can make of that one.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2013
  11. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Prompt: Naruto is a respected Hokage, but his closest friends tend to walk all over him. He decides that it's time to change that.

    Length: 1000-2000 words

    It could be taken in few directions though personally I was thinking about him pranking them somehow. Maybe making them "discover" there is more to him than he ever let them know.

    But do whatever you want with it.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
  12. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I will take a challenge, but a short one (500-750).

    By the way, I was thinking about starting TGYH thread for GoT, but I'm not sure if anyone is interested in it.
  13. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    Make it, and they will come.

    Prompt: And that was when Naruto got his first handfull of titty.
  14. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008

    Naruto Uzumaki is Konoha's most surprising ninja and my godson.

    I must admit that I wasn't the best godfather in Five Nations, but I had my reasons. When I finally had a chance to meet him I did my best to teach him everything that he needed to know about the world.

    Everything but one thing that I was waiting with until he's a little older.

    Then I died.

    Afterwards my godson won the Fourth Shinobi World War and became sixth Hokage at age of sixteen.

    I could say that I did a pretty good job as his mentor if not for a one detail. It's four years later and he has yet to lose his V-card.

    Not because he wasn't interested in girls or they weren't interested him. There was this one, Hinata. Very cute and with a body other women would kill for. But she was too shy to make a move and Naruto lacked a confidence to do it himself. Which was my fault really, because three years of traveling with me created a false expectation of what he should be able to perform in the bed.

    I really failed him as a godfather.

    But there was another person down there who thought that it's time to change that.


    "Hokage-sama," said one of his assistants.


    "You have a private meeting planned."

    "I remember. Nobody is to interrupt it unless there is a war is about to start," Naruto said.

    He wasn't sure why Tsunade asked him for this unexpected meeting and in full secrecy too, but my teammate had a big surprise for him.

    When Naruto entered his office he sealed it from the outside world. From this moment everything that happened inside stayed inside.

    Which is exactly what my teammate wanted.

    Next thing Naruto noticed was Tsunade sitting one top of his desk wearing nothing.

    That wasn't exactly true. She did wear two things. Her high heels and Hokage's hat.

    I must admit that she looked sexier than ever. It probably had something to do with her having a body twenty years old younger gifted to her by Naruto and confidence and experience that only age can give you.

    This was one of the reasons why she decided to teach my godson about this stuff. Before that she simply felt too old for him, but now with her youth restored she didn't have these eservations.

    The other reason why she decided to do it was a letter I left her explaining situation. I wasn't sure if she will take it seriously and for a long time she didn't. But after few years even she did admit that Naruto's lack of confidence was getting ridiculous. It was time to change that.

    Tsunade came closer to Naruto and led him to Hokage's chair.

    He sit down in it and she bent closer.

    And that was when Naruto got his first handfull of titty.

    The rest you will be able to read in my next novel of Icha Icha series titled “Icha Icha Leadership”. Available to buy in every bookstore for spirits.
  15. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    You, sir, are an evil and despicable person to end it at such moment ;)
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    If I ever learn how to write a good smut I will make a sequel to this short. And by good I mean Big D level of good which means you shouldn't expect it to ever happen. ;)
  17. Jarsha

    Jarsha Seventh Year

    Jul 26, 2011
    My deluxe cubicle
    Since this seems to have died down, I figured I would try my hand at coming up with a mildly humorous challenge.

    To: Anyone willing to give it a shot.

    30-120 minutes.

    Naruto discovers/invents a training technique that works amazingly well with his clones, old school Olympic Wrestling. Nude, and oiled up like Schwarzeneggar in his glory days.

    Pre- or Post time skip is up to the author.

    Suggestions to author.

    During Sage training.

    Zabuza/Haku fight.

    VS- Neji of course.

    Have fun with it!
  18. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    This might not be quite what you had in mind, but I've had a focus on the other Kages not quite respecting Naruto on my own mind ever since I first tried writing this challenge response a while ago. I finally sat down and wrote this today over about an hour and a half.


    EDIT: :facepalm

    This is why I need to stop posting when I haven't slept the night before. Don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this yesterday morning.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  19. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    This thread came up on IRC tonight and I figured I'd pop in and add a few prompts, just in case someone comes in and wants to play. (Note: I am still working on the two prompts I combined into one a while back, and it's scheduled to be a full blown one-shot at some point).

    Prompt #1: "Come on Naruto, try it! A little sake never hurt anyone."

    Prompt #2: The enemy approaches swiftly, but Naruto's job isn't to fight for once. He's to guard the nobles and make sure their every need is met, and right now that includes cooking a meal that doesn't involve Ramen.

    Prompt #3: After beating Naruto in a spar three times in a row, Sasuke suggests Naruto can never challenge him. Naruto says he can, and then comes up with something clever that they're more equally matched in.

    Prompt #4: Naruto gets separated from his team on a mission to steal some important documents. They're caught and have to play it safe, leaving Naruto to sneak onto the ship and steal them alone.