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Hearthstone thread.

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Oz, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    Just went 12-1 with this Arena deck. I didn't even think it was particularly good. I was pleasantly surprised though.

    [Edit: Thinking about it again, this was probably better than my previous 3 arena decks. It just didn't feel like 12-win quality. The Wailing Soul and Brawl were mostly dead cards or not very useful for instance.]

    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  2. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    That's false.


    Alleria Windrunner (Hunter):

    Hunter cards (21)

    Hunter's Mark x2
    Arcane Shot x2
    Tracking x2
    Bear Trap x1
    Freezing Trap x1
    King's Elekk x2
    Lock and Load x2
    Snipe x1
    Animal Companion x2
    Unleash the Hounds x2
    Cobra Shot x1
    Ram Wrangler x1
    Tundra Rhino x1
    Acidmaw x1

    Neutral cards (9)

    Armored Warhorse x2
    Refreshment Vendor x1
    Master Jouster x2
    The Skeleton Knight x1
    Captured Jormungar x2
    North Sea Kraken x1

    Medivh (Mage):

    Mage cards (12)

    Fallen Hero x2
    Polymorph: Boar x2
    Spellslinger x2
    Flame Lance x2
    Blizzard x1
    Coldarra Drake x2
    Rhonin x1

    Neutral cards (18)

    Lowly Squire x2
    Tournament Attendee x1
    Boneguard Lieutenant x2
    Garrison Commander x2
    Argent Horserider x1
    Dragonhawk Rider x1
    Evil Heckler x2
    Maiden of the Lake x2
    Kvaldir Raider x1
    Nexus-Champion Saraad x1
    Kodorider x1
    Frost Giant x2

    Hunter has a like...64% chance of winning joust? Remember that it's only minion mana cost that matters, not spells.
  3. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Huh, so far I've gone 2 for 2 with the hunter deck.

    Overall, I prefer inspire over jousting.

    What I'm finding interesting is that with inspire, I'm changing my play style to play fewer minions but I'm getting more out of them.

    However, once TGT allows for customizable decks, I'm sure there will be counters to this style.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  4. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Felt like it - variance is variance, of course. Alleria has one more 5+ mana minion, and a smaller pool from which to draw them. The main problem is that mage has enough early drops to dump some of them, making the joust comparatively harder if you don't draw into the King's Elekk.
  5. mangaguy

    mangaguy Fifth Year

    Jan 3, 2010
    Warrior used to be an above average arena class before GvG. Consistent access to weapons (especially incredible weapons like Win Axe and Death's Bite) was enough to carry you.

    Unfortunately, the dilution of the card pool so that you had less access to weapons, in addition to the increase in the speed of the arena so that weapon use became slightly more dangerous, relegated Warriors to the basement of arena.

    But anyways, I'm not surprised you got 12 wins with that. Having 2 Death's Bite and War Axe smooths out your games so well. You even have a bunch of above average spell options (inner rage, cleave, slam) to accentuate your weapon usage. Your minion quality is also pretty damn high.
  6. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    I don't think Warrior was ever considered a good class let alone above average in arena. Don't get me wrong you can get 12 wins with, it might even work for you in general, but on average it sucked before and it sucks even more now.
  7. Ankan

    Ankan Professor

    Feb 7, 2014
    Norrbotten, Sweden

    Cause you need weapons to make up for it.
  8. Russano

    Russano Disappeared

    Aug 11, 2012
    Warrior was especially bad in arena due to the fact that its hero power has zero board impact, plus most of its unique creatures have been fairly bad in arena.
  9. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Warrior lives and dies by the weapons it gets. Get three or four weapons with decent minions? You're probably in for a good time. War Axe, Death's Bite, and Gorehowl can give you huge tempo swings, and if you supplement that with a solid curve, they can shit all over the opponents.

    It's a good deck - though I'm not a fan of the Questing and the Wailing Soul. Knowing Arena, though, the alternatives probably were Secretkeeper, a Murloc or two, and Revenge.
  10. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    I'm not that down on Questing actually. Alternatives were Armorsmith and Crazed Alchemist.

    The alternatives to Wailing Soul were Demolisher and Grim Patron. I did not have many activators at that point. (Patron isn't that great in Arena in my opinion. Especially without Warsong Commander. You get one or two extra patrons out of it if you're lucky and then you get flamestriked.)

    The picks I thought about most in that deck, were Cruel vs Tiger, Molten vs Fel Reaver, Recomb vs. Blood Knight and Slam vs. Battle Rage.
  11. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    I just did a run with a questing. It got killed first turn every single time I played it, even through bubble. I think it won me a couple of games with people wasting removal on it.
  12. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Tricky. I think I'd've preferred the Alchemist there, but it's fairly close.
    Knowing how the deck came out, Patron is probably the better choice, but you need the activators, and you need to be able to protect the Demolisher. Definite arguments for Wailing Soul, agreed.

    The only one I might disagree with you on is Cruel/Tiger - but without knowing the amount of 1/2-drops and 5+ drops at that point, it's hard to theorise. Warrior can make use of Molten, Recomb is just a 2 mana 3/2 with potential bonus - you need those. Slam, if nothing else, can be used as removal if your initial draw is shit.
  13. mangaguy

    mangaguy Fifth Year

    Jan 3, 2010
    After Naxx, they got perhaps the best common in the game (Death's Bite). That increased the rate that they got weapons to a consistently high level, and I believe they were in the upper half of classes at that point.

    At that point, Fiery Win Axe was also more absurd than it was now, because most 3 drops still had 3 health instead of 4. It was a more potent early game tool, and you could pretty much swing fearlessly because the game was slower and there was less threat to getting rushed down.
  14. Saot

    Saot Groundskeeper

    May 9, 2011
    Yeah, it's top-tier removal bait that you play before the thing you want to keep around. How good it is depends entirely on the rest of your deck, but not on how well your deck synergizes with its ability.
  15. Mister Ferro

    Mister Ferro High Inquisitor

    Jul 2, 2008
    I will have 3,500 gold and 5,300 dust going into the Monday release of TGT.

    It isn't the 5,500 gold that I would have like to have saved up before the release, but it is enough to get me started with 20 packs and 10 Arena runs.

    I will more than likely buy $23 worth of Amazon coins; and get a bonus of 200 coins; to purchase 15 more packs plus get another bonus of 200 coins. I will then use the bonus 400 Amazon coins to buy another 2 Arena runs.
  16. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    I made some questionable crafting decisions in GvG, (I'm looking at you Troggzor and that mine legendary) so I'm going to take it a bit slow this time around. No impulse Varian crafting, or at least I hope writing this will prevent me from doing it. Otherwise I got 5k gold ready for packs and 215 dust. Then I can start saving for the next adventure.
  17. Ankan

    Ankan Professor

    Feb 7, 2014
    Norrbotten, Sweden
    So I just drafted an arena deck and even though I was unhappy with some of the choices (Having to choose wailing soul etc), I have had alot of value with turn 3 deathlord and turn 4 wailing. Il post an update when I am finished with the run.
  18. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I've done like 12 mage arena drafts now, and still haven't gotten a single flamestrike.

    How do some of these lucky fucks get 3-4 in one run? Ugh.
  19. Ankan

    Ankan Professor

    Feb 7, 2014
    Norrbotten, Sweden
    Well, Kripp got seven once.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------

    My current arena. I have had no resistance sofar, I even got the chanse to do some BM.

  20. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I was like 'holy shit that's a low curve' and then I saw the second link.