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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    It's not that bad seeing as it was written 6 or 7 years ago. It pretty much kicked off Fem!Harry fics.
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Nah, the original fem!Harry was KieranHalcyon's Girl Who Lived series.
  3. Stan

    Stan Order Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    Slygodess's Butterfly Effect is...... controversial. I'm pretty sure it is the most popular of it's genre though, or at least it was the first fem!Harry story to become significantly popular.

    Never heard of this. Is it any good?
  4. theminikiller

    theminikiller Third Year

    Oct 5, 2014
    Oslo, Norway
    Isn't that the story where Harry travels to an AU world and meets his alternate which is a girl? I think he came in her fourth year. They then started dating and I think both become phoenix animagi . I also think people mistook them for James and Lily when they walked around Hogsmeade.
  5. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It's not as bad as Butterfly Effect, but that's because it's a complete canon rehash so not even worth reading. It only has three divergences:

    - Addition of a "druidism" subplot

    - Snape mentor

    - Sirius legitimised

    Plus Rose/Cedric.

    If you really want to read it, you can find it on KieranHalcyon's Yahoo Group, but I wouldn't recommend it.
  6. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    That sounds more like Silver Aegis' HP and the Girl Who Lived [c.2006], which was adopted and made better by Agnostics Puppet [c.2008].

    Butterfly Effect began in 2010, well after Amerision's Equal and Opposite [c.2006] had set the standard that subsequent femHarry stories with a Dark theme couldn't reach.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  7. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Oh God. Is that the one where she'd a nudist? Because that one was sooo much worse than Butterfly Effect. xD
  8. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I ship post-Hogwarts nudist Fem!Harry/Male!Ginny (Mary and Jimmy Parker).
  9. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Vaguely contemplating an AU where Harry wasn't the boy who lived but Neville/His Younger brother was. As Voldemort rises again, Dumbledore needing a spy in his ranks recruits Harry with the intention of finding the spy within The Order of the Phoenix.

    Kinda in the vein of The Departed I suppose, if one was to compare it to something.
  10. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
  11. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Dear god everything is taken already.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    After reading through these stories on AlternateHistory.com (ASB section, so requires registration):

    No Saga but Reality - Miranda Otto replaces Éowyn.

    Sean Bean Saves Westeros - Sean Bean replaces Ned Stark.

    The concept seems fascinating to me. The actor's mind replacing the one of the character he is portraying. Though in the case of the second story, Sean Bean appears as himself on the day Ned is executed, so there is a case of people not believing he is Ned.

    I wonder if the same could be applied to the Harry Potter universe.

    Daniel Radcliffe replacing Harry? Maybe, I'm not so sure about that.

    An adult being replaced faces the problems of all magical education being erased, therefore this would have to be done with kids.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
  13. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    I dunno - the prospect of Michael Gambon waking up to find himself as Dumbledore just prior to the first year has some legs.

    Here's your chance to prove the naysayers wrong, Mike. There is no Richard Harris to surpass here, just the greatest wizard alive at this time in the books.

    "Maggie! Thank God you're here. This has been the strangest morning, and - oh, may I say that you're looking quite a bit healthier than when last I saw you?"

    Professor McGonagall stared at him over the rim of her square eyeglasses. Eventually even he had to shy away from the gravitas she was projecting.

    After a minute's silence, the woman said, "While most days I appreciate your humour, however difficult it may be to follow at times, we do have a busy day ahead of us, Headmaster. The students will be arriving on the Express and all should be in readiness."

    "Maggie, please. I'm a fan of Method actors as much as the next sot, but now is not the--"


    "Er... Margaret? Dame Smith?"

    Her look of warning only perplexed him further. "I certainly hope you don't intend to embarrass me in front of everyone else today. I should ask that you refer to me as Professor McGonagall, as even my given name seems to have escaped your mental grasp."
  14. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Dumbledore mistakenly decides that Harry isn't a Chosen One because he didn't pick the classic holly/phoenix feather wand. Instead the wand is picked by Ron Weasley of all people.
  15. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    I would read the shit out of it.

    With a mix of manipulative/good Dumbledore. He wants to save the world, the Boy-who-lived, but he believes that that The Chosen One has the right to choose to confront his destiny, so he leaves clues. The Boy-Who-Lived can pick up on them, but Dumbledore doesn't make him act on it, he just watches, as a silent guard of the destiny. After all The Chosen One is destined for great things and Dumbledore wants to make sure that he has options not just what fate set out for him.

    Then comes Ronald Weasley. His Father won the Lottery 3 years earlier and instead of a family vacation, he makes sure that the last two of his children start out Hogwarts kitted out with the best stuff, and the other three who are still students have everything they need, as a responsible adult. So Ron gets to Olivander earlier than Harry, due to the Dursleys running away and gets the wand that should have been Harrys. Of course Olivander still tells him that his wand is the brother of Voldemorts, and he expects great things from Ron, after all He-Who-Must-Be-Named did great things, terrible things, but great things. So Ron as a sixth son, wanting to get out of his talented brothers shadow, decides if he has the wand then he will make sure, he will be the hero that Magical Britain deserves.

    The only problem is that Harry Potter is really unlucky and every time Ron tries to do something heroic, either Harry tops him in heroism or steals the show. With Dumbledore deciding that obviously the immortal Phoenix knows what he is about, he concentrates on Ron, trying to give him the options that he planned for Harry. Sadly Ron, thanks to his sheltered life is rather more obvious than Harry, who at least has some street smarts. Ron is also somewhat lazy, not willing to go the extra mile if it doesn't benefit him. So he is perfectly alright to be hero and do heroic stuff, but the work that leads to those heroic situations doesn't interest him. So in an effort to out hero Harry, he tries to convince people to help him with the grunt work so he can be the Hero.

    Dunno, I would read it.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
  16. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Actually Ron is sixth son.
  17. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Sorry, fixed it.
  18. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    I've previously played around with teh idea of fusing HP with Dresden Files, basically retrofitting the core story of the HP books into the DF setting. Hogwarts and the other schools fall under the White Councils aegis, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin were students of a previous Merlin, Staffs instead of wands, some wizard are merely practitioners, etc... so the "book" would start with Harry getting picked up as a kid but then drastically shift into Dresden stuff.

    Hagrid would be a changeling, Dumbledore would be a major figure on the White Council, Death Eaters would be a major wizarding problem, etc...

    Basically fleshing out Dresden Files! Britain, under Harry Potter characters but it felt a little bit too re-writish.

    Dunno, thoughts?
  19. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    This somehow popped into my head.

    Harry, 6 years old, is coming to library, determined to learn how to read better, because books seem fun. He asks librarian for something to read, and librarian, fan of history, suggests some book about Sparta — might be real, might be fantasy. Harry reads it and starts to think he might be selected to become warrior.

    When he comes home week later, mulling it over, Vernon watches a history document about sparta, about how weak children were killed and strong trained. "Now, that is a great shame we don't do that anymore," says Vernon and looks pointedly at Harry. Harry understands. Harry is the only one in the Little Whinging chosen to be a warrior.

    Harry, looking at past hardships, realizes that everything is a test to pass — and when Dursleys say nothing, he passed. Insert smart but naive, sneaky, teeth-gritting & determined Harry.

    At 10 he realizes that Dursleys are just a dicks, and there is no secret training, but he's already learned to do things his way, so he continues.

    At 11, he comes to Hogwarts. Hagrid says it was Dumbledore's orders to go live with Dursleys. Harry understands. Dursleys were just a dicks, but it was Dumbledore's idea to train him this way, because voldemort might not be dead.

    He is destined to revenge his parents.

    Personality driven, action packed comedy, that subverts the manipulative!Dumbledore trope.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Mostly the canon Harry (everything happened, but the epilogue) lives a long, good life. Sure, as the one that vanquished the worst Dark Lord to every live (twice), he's the person everyone calls when another one appears, but other than that he enjoys his time with his family and friends. If he has any regrets, it's that his marriage with Ginny turned out to be a mistake that almost cost him his friendship with Ron and Weasleys, but on the other hand it gave him three awesome children.

    When the Ministry calls him to deal with another dark lord, Harry obligates and only distantly realizes that he's now as old as was Dumbledore when he died. What should be a standard mission quickly becomes a disaster. The dark lord was preparing a ritual to call monsters from beyond and succeed. Harry manages to save everyone from being massacred, but to close once opened Door there must be a willing sacrifice. He sends his finals messages to his loved ones and jumps into a hole between worlds.

    Though he is prepared to not survive (it is suppose to be a sacrifice), and in a way he doesn't since his body is disintegrated, his ghost ends in a different world. Before he can even reorient himself, he notices a boy who looks like himself when he was a teenager and a mystical force smashes their souls together. Their identities merge and the results aren't very fortunate for younger Harry since his soul is almost completely dominated by older Harry to the point that older Harry feels like he simply killed his younger self. This makes him feel guilty and decides that he will at least try to spare pain to these that cared about this version of him and try his best to replace him.

    He discovers that in this world his parents are alive and well. Apparently there was no Prophecy and Voldemort was defeated by Dumbledore when with a help from Snape they managed to lure the Dark Lord into a trap.

    Yet the peacefulness of this world is only an illusion. Its version of Voldemort created the Horcruxes too and it's only matter of time before he returns.

    That's not a very original setup for something I really want to read about and it's Harry and Dumbledore bromance. But because it's rather hard to make it work with young, unexperienced Harry and I decided to cheat and have him to be as old as Albus and just as experienced, putting them in equal positions in their friendship. Mostly it's about them being awesome with magic, but since it's true friendship they do open about to each other about other subjects. Like Harry's secret of being from different world and Dumbledore's relationship with Gellert.

    But with two wizards like them it would be quite boring if they didn't have a real challenge ahead of them which means this world's Voldemort needs to step up his game. For one, he's less concerned with his ego. After his defeat, he decided that since he's immortal he may just wait for Albus to get old and weak and kill him then or even let the time do it for him. One thing he's making sure of is that any possible "the next Dumbledore" has an accident or two that stops him from reaching their full potential. But, of course, this plan becomes a complete failure when out of nowhere Harry Potter, a wizard as average as possible, starts using magic that nobody witnesses before (or invent for another 30 years).

    Voldemort decides that while he can wait few decades, more than a century is a little too much and makes his move (which is exactly what Harry and Albus wanted because otherwise he could indeed keep hiding and waiting for both of them to be gone ). He decides to use his Horcruxes (all but one that he saves as a backup and one that Harry and Albus managed to find and destroy) and create copies of himself to even the score.

    To avoid few identical Voldemorts running around and have some variation to them, the process of creating the copy involves using already existing body as a vessel and there is a residue from its previous occupant. Voldemort with Bellatrix craziness could be fun.

    Because I don't want any easy solution for Harry and Albus to be present, Voldemorts, though different, consider themselves to be part of one being and are even willing to sacrifice some of them if they would be completely sure it would let them kill their two enemies. Though the Dark Lord do argue from time to time when making decisions.

    As for the rest of the world, Potters are alive and have more than one child. They're close friends with Weasleys, but Harry's best friend isn't Ron, but Neville who is a lot more confident, if still a little awkward, since his parents are well. To a great amusement of older Harry, his younger self had also a big crush on his and later his sisters' babysitter, Tonks. Even after Potter children get older, he made sure to always mention to Sirius that she can come if there was any occasion for a larger meeting (his godfather, well aware of Harry's crush, always made sure she did). Snape is a surprisingly decent human being and a good teacher, but to Harry's comfort Draco is still a git.

    Well, it got a little longer than I intended and mostly not about what's the focus. In short, it's all about two old men finally finding their bromate and everything else is just an addition to it. ;)