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WIP Pursuing Happiness by Matdeception - M - Naruto

Discussion in 'Naruto' started by crimson sun06, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Order Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Title: Pursuing Happiness
    Author: Matdeception
    Rating: M
    Genre: Friendship/Romance
    Status: WIP
    Fandom: Naruto
    Pairings: Undetermined
    Summary: Naruto and Kyuubi make the best of eternity by pursuing the happiness of others. Benign intentions laced with challenging aspects to assure they aren't entirely bored through out the centuries.

    This one came up for discussion in one of the threads and it had a fairly positive reception.

    For some reason it wasn't put up for review.

    I thought I'll remedy that.

    Is it the most epic fic ever written?
    Probably not

    But what this fic has managed to do so far is fulfil the promise it made. I rate fics on their originality, characters and storytelling in general.
    It has a fairly unique plot, very good character interactions and brilliant storytelling. Naruto is particularly fascinating character.

    Don't be fooled by his pleasant mannerisms. He is almost sociopathic in the means by which he reaches his goals. Doesn't matter that the goals are ensuring other's happiness. Something which is evident in the first few paragraphs.
    The author does a very good job of not going too deep into fluff territory. Another strength of the story is that you really can't tell what's gonna come next despite knowing the endgame.
    It has a few weaknesses and Naruto may seem Mary-Sueish but has a very good reason to be so. A solid 4.5/5 rounded to an even 5.
  2. Cruentus

    Cruentus Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jul 25, 2006
    I like this story, I'm hoping that Matt putting it up on FF.net means he's working on it. I've been wanting to see more of how hundreds of years old Naruto will go about this iteration. Sakura's character is a breath of fresh air and I'm liking the team set up so far. Sadly there isn't quite enough to really be able to judge the fic.
  3. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    I swear I've read this story a few years ago. Might have been a similar premise, but it seems so damn familiar...

    I've always enjoyed a good Time Loop story; hell, I've even enjoyed bad ones before. There's just something about the Groundhog Day premise that clicks with me.

    This is one of the good ones so far. The characters are interesting and entertaining, especially Naruto and Sakura.

    It's too soon for me to give it a rating, but as long as it keeps up this quality I could see it at a 4/5.
  4. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Order Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    I think the word count is deceptive. For a story under 50k it really didn't beat around the bush to get to the main plot. Keep in mind it is not an adventure tale. Its main genre is friendship and I think the author has delved deep enough into it.
  5. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    This story is OLD.

    Like... fucking ANCIENT.

    We're talking 2011 old. That was the last time it was updated.
  6. Russano

    Russano Disappeared

    Aug 11, 2012
    Enjoyed this alot, I'm a sucker for both groundhog day time travel and teacher Naruto. Curious to see where it goes, most stories with this sort of premise tend to run out of steam fairly quickly.
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